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Helensvale Gold Coast Queensland, Australia Bright Golden Lights
Date: December 22, 2008
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Helensvale Gold Coast Qld.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of Objects: 2
Shape of Objects: Bright Golden Lights.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: My mum, my sister and I were outside when I and my mum saw a golden light zooming across the sky from a upwards direction and it only lasted a second and went about 2 times faster then a jet. About 3 minutes later myself and my mum saw it again from the other direction like they were moving together and my sister saw it this time and she says that it started it mid air and we watched it disappear in mid air but there was no sound.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
UFO Sighting Over Croydon Surrey England UK
Date: March 2009
Time: 12.30pm
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Long like a girder or log.
Weather Conditions: A bit cloudy but fine I was
Description: Was returning home from Croydon at 12:30pm on Tues 24/3/2009 on the tram with my friend Janet when we look up at the sky and saw what looked a big log or girder floating in the sky it seem to going along quiet fast it was very high up in the sky nothing was a attached no wings no propeller then it went behind the clouds there was definitely something up there!
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Blanca, Lanzarote Canary Islands A Bright Circular Object
Date: March 17, 2009
Time: About 8:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1 bright star like.
Shape of objects: Circular.
Weather Conditions: Perfect clear dusk night.
Description: We were both walking at dusk down to the hotel village complex restaurant at just before 8pmish... when I first saw what I thought was a rescue helicopter, with search light hovering... then like a very bright it started moving slowly and hovering betwixt us and Fuerteventura.
But then the odd stuff happened... it plummeted at an amazing speed then held station... but pulled an amazing firework like vapour trail... it held this position for about a minute or so more...
Then this object whizzed off again and on stopping, same dramatic flare like effect... 2-3 mins later then it fired off once more and simply disappeared. ..
We were somewhat dumfounded and perplexed but agreed what we'd seen was strange... moments later a small light with a red light flashing... (obviously an airliner) came into sight... moving continually on a smooth and steady cruising course... and we both said... whatever we'd seen it wasn't that!!
TV/Radio: No not reported... we think the incident lasted only 3-5 mins or so.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Coniston, Lake District England UK Orange Light
Date: March 21, 2009
Time: about 6:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 5
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: It looked like a burning orange light, roundish, but I thought at first it looked a little square, but the actual light looked as if it were moving, like a flame.
Weather Conditions: Clear, no cloud cover, high visibility
Description: I was walking back to the car on Saturday which was parked in the car park near Conniston Water, Lake District. I was away with my family for the weekend. Half of them had gone back to our cottage, and 5 of us had stayed to have a pint before tea. (I was walking with my sister who is pregnant therefore not drinking at all, my dad, sister and brother in law who had a few pints but I only had one.) I was walking next to my dad and we both stopped due to the orange light in the sky. At first we thought it was a helicopter as it was very bright and low, glowing and looked like a spot light on a helicopter but unusual in colour? It moved across the sky slowly as an aircraft/helicopter would, but then it stopped and seemed to hover for a bit, a minute maybe, then it started moving up rather than across and we became more confused as to what it was due to the way it moved, horizontal, then vertical.
My pregnant sister got scared and went to the car, we continued to watch. It got dimmer when it started to go up and dimmer as it got further away and then we watched it disappear up, as if it had gone into the atmosphere. My dad thought it may be a hot air balloon but it got so very high and had no balloon attached to it?! It just looked like a slow moving ball of orange flame and we were baffled, and a bit scared. There was no sound at all and it went very high towards the end but started low. I am fascinated at what this could have been, and because 5 of us saw it and we are very logical people, 3 teachers, a children's therapist and my dad, a town planner, pretty normal people but we all felt that it was strange, I knew it wasn't just me. All of us agreed that what we saw just a few days ago was strange. Obviously no one believes us and when we got back to our rented cottage, the rest of our party thought we were mad and drunk but I only had a pint, and my sister; nothing, and the others were by no means intoxicated. We didn't get a picture which I wish we should have but we literally stopped in our tracks watching it, my heart was racing when I started to realise it wasn't an aeroplane or helicopter. We were stood watching quite amazed. Could there be a logical explanation for this such as a weather balloon? I am convinced it wasn't a hot air balloon as it was getting really dark and it went so high from being quite low when we originally saw it. I am open to logical explanations but we just can't think of one?!
UFOINFO Note: As with other similar reports I asked the witness to have a look at the UFO Balloons website to see if this is what might have been seen and received the following reply:
Hi John
Yeah I’ve looked at that website but I feel that it was too big to be one of those lamps, and it stopped in the sky for several moments before going really high, I just don’t think those lamps would be able to be seen that high up, or change direction like that?! - and it seemed too big at the beginning to be one of those lamps. I mean I really don’t know what it was but those lamps look pretty small and this thing moved like it was in control if I’m making sense, rather than something just floating on the wind? I will ask the people who I was with what they think? I suppose unfortunately I can’t say what it was either way but it really did seem like it was moving slowly, controlled.
Thanks a mil.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Gold Coast Runaway Bay Fireball Sighting
Date: March 22, 2009
Time: 1:16 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 5
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Fireball.
Weather Conditions: Misty.
Description: 5 of us were driving along the Broadwater after a party, we then all saw the orange object and stopped immediately and just lived for the moment we saw it, we didn't want the moment to end it was breath taking, seeing this has really changed my perspective on life it changes a lot to know there is more to life than what we are and who we are and that there is more out there that we don't know and that the government has been hiding from us for too long, it is time for our people to know the truth, we deserve to know we only have one life we should know everything and see everything and all be treated equal. (Note: This possible fireball/meteor report is included for reference purposes - John @ UFOINFO.)
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Hatfield, Herts United Kingdom 12 Star Like Objects
Date: March 22, 2009
Time: 21:15
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: Around 12
Shape of objects: Dots arranged in a filled triangle pattern.
Weather Conditions: Night, clear sky, few stars and planes.
Description: I was outside smoking a cigarette with two friends when I saw what I thought was a meteor. When I looked more closely it turned out it was a quite large arrangement of star-like dots in a filled triangle pattern all moving in the same direction at a pretty high speed. I pointed it out to my two friends but by the time they turned to it, it had vanished, only one of them noticed something was moving. In terms of size the whole pattern was approximately 10 times larger than a plane passing by at low altitude at the same time. It crossed the entire sky visible to me in approximately 3 seconds. The dots seemed to be moving slightly inside the pattern but I can't be totally sure about that.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Cwmbran, Monmouthshire, South Wales Two Round Orange Lights
Date: March 22, 2008
Time: Approx:11.30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Round orange.
Weather Conditions: Calm, clear.
Description: Ok, so I might be going mad, I firstly saw 2 orange lights, at first thought they were a plane and then maybe a flare. I went outside to look, they just disappeared and then a third one came. No witnesses, I called my son, but he was asleep.
TV/Radio: No reports.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Westmount Montreal, Quebec Orb
Date: March 22, 2009
Time: 12:53
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Orb.
Weather Conditions: Cloudless, sunny
Description: Three orb-like objects placed one next to each other with little space in between, were hanging up in the air, still, at about 1km altitude. 10 Minutes later, an F-18 jet circled around that area twice (Lachine-Westmount) .
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
New Malden, Surrey, England, U.K. Bright Light
Date: March 23, 2009
Time: 20.41
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Bright light.
Weather Conditions: Clear.
Description: A very bright single light travelling at speed overhead (not fast enough to be a meteorite but far faster than a plane, no noise), initial direction from west to east. Seen at same brightness and direction for 4-5 seconds then slowly fading as if gaining height while accelerating and sharply changing direction towards north.
Definitely not a plane or satellite.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Woodlake and Ivanhoe Visalia, California Objects Looked Like Moving Stars
Date: March 23, 2009
Time: 12:00 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 4
Shape of objects: It looked like a moving star.
Weather Conditions: Clear night.
Description: Last night, at around 12am at night I went out back to have a cigarette. I was facing the south sky when I a moving star caught my eye. It made no noise I thought it was a satellite because it seemed really high up and it was moving slow at first but then it sped up, fading in and out. As I watched it move across the sky heading north a red orb emitted out of it. the orb moved in an irregular pattern about four inches of the naked eye then faded. This happen three times, each time the pattern would be different. Then it got out of my sight beyond the trees. It is really dark where I'm at with no city street lights and I have always been a star gazer and this is the first time I've seen anything like it.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Brandon, Malone, New York Triangular Shaped Object
Date: March 24, 2009
Time: Approx: 8:15 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Triangle like
Weather Conditions: Crisp clear and calm and cold
Description: Was walking a back trail of my property last evening. I always look up at the stars as where I am the sky is clear and cold.
I spotted a strange light in the sky and first wrote it of as an air craft. Then I realized It had no sound and that drew my attention as did the color. It was a strange red color with an aura of glow around it. That's what caught my attention.
The shade of red seemed to shift color but still in a red hue. The aura ring diapered and two more smaller yellow lights of sort instantly became visible now giving it the shape of a triangle but a wide triangle with the yellow lights being the outermost rear points. The lights made a few very short but very fast left and right movements just before there was a strange light pale glow and it simply vanished.
Have seen some strange things in life but nothing like this before. Sorry no pics.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Godalming, Surrey, United Kingdom A Spherical Object
Date: March 25, 2009
Time: 20.25pm
Number of witnesses: One ( myself )
Number of objects: One
Shape of objects: Spherical.
Weather Conditions: Clear, 3/8 cloud-cover above 15,000ft, visibility in excess of 10 miles.
Description: Object observed travelling on a heading of 130 degrees toward Dunsfold Aerodrome whilst passing overhead Farncombe / Godalming. Extremely bright orb, about the size of the full moon, orange and yellow in colour with those colours 'alternating' slowly, like two coloured liquids mixing in a bowl.
Altitude hard to judge accurately, but in excess of 2000 ft. I thought at first that it was a GA aircraft as brief flashes of light, like navigation beacons, could be seen within the orb - my reasoning was that it was an aircraft with its landing lights on, but it all seemed too bright for that and as it wasn't heading toward me, the landing lights wouldn't have been so prominent. In addition, the orb seemed both solid and yet had a 'halo' - very difficult to describe its appearance.
Object travelled silently and arrow straight for 60 seconds before suddenly plunging downward toward the ground. I thought that the 'aircraft' may have been trying to reach Dunsfold in an emergency and had failed. However, its fall came to an abrupt halt somewhere over Hascombe. My best estimate is an altitude loss of around 1500 ft in five seconds before stopping dead in the hover ( no aircraft can achieve this maneuverability, which is the point where I became convinced this was not an aircraft ).
The object hovered for roughly 45 seconds, before drifting slowly 'right' on an approximate heading of 220 degrees. It then climbed to perhaps 1000ft before performing a series of erratic dips, climbs and accelerations far beyond the capability of any conventional aircraft, before coming to a halt at around 2000 ft and slowly fading from sight.
TV/Radio: Nothing yet, but I can't believe I'm the only witness to this sighting. It was very large, very bright and it must have cruised overhead the entire town of Farncombe, then cruised over Godalming, and would have been seen in Hascombe as well as Dunsfold very clearly.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Conway, South Carolina Red Lights
Date: March 26, 2009
Time: 9.00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Bunch of lights.
Weather Conditions: Cloudy.
Description: Sitting outside in back yard. In the distance above the lake we can see red lights going in and out. Then all of a sudden it is gone. This is like the 5th time my family and I have seen these lights. They seem to come around this area a lot. Once we saw 5 at once. My family member told me not to report it they might think we are all crazy.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Moresby, Whitehaven, Cumbria, England Two Orange Red Objects
Date: March 26, 2009
Time: 8:04pm
Number of witnesses: 1
Number 0f objects: 2
Two orange - red UFOs passed over the Irish sea and continued over my location at Moresby, Whitehaven.
The objects were extremely prominent in the sky and were following tactically following each other by design. They were heading towards the direction of the north east coast and if you drew a line via their trajectory, then they would have passed over Sunderland.
There were no ISS passes last night and the only iridium flares that were passing at over northern England were at 7.33pm and 7.39pm and they had a magnitude of (-1) and (-3).
There was a blustery wind during a clear sky on a cold night and you can definitely rule out Chinese lanterns. I have never seen two mysterious objects follow each other and they were not on the normal flight path of airliners. The two objects did not fade like satellites and maintained a magnitude of roughly (1.2) until they went out of sight.
I have informed my local paper to see if others had seen these lights and I think they will run the story.
Good luck with the research.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Bristol, Henbury England UK Six Lights In A Triangular Formation
Date: March 26, 2009
Time: 23:45
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 6
Shape of objects: 6 lights in a triangle formation moving left of my view.
Weather Conditions: Clear night, with only a few clouds.
Description: I was sitting outside in my brother back garden in Henbury, Bristol having a cigarette. I was out there for at least 45 minutes just looking up at the clear sky, as recently I've have not seen the sky to clear. before I saw the 6 lights, a flash of light like a shooting star (comet or something) past through the nights sky! this kept my eyes looking up and then after a few minutes I then saw another shooting star (comet) after seeing two comets or something, I then just gazed at the starts hoping to see another, but what I saw was from the start just looked like a arrangement of 6 stars in a triangle formation, until they started to move left all together and watch them all just move out of formation and move faster away past a small cloud, and then disappeared! what was this?!! I don't know! in between the lights I could just see the sky so naturally thought it was just the starts until they moved! I want to know if any one else saw what I saw the other night! I have never seen anything like this before.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Rutherford (By Edmonton) Alberta Two Lights In The Sky
Date: March 27, 2009
Time: Around midnight.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1-2
Shape of objects: Circular?
Weather Conditions: Clear, starry night
Description: I was getting out of my car to go take my girlfriend to her house when I saw two lights in the sky. They appeared to be about a few kilometers away. These lights were flashing different colours (mostly red and green) and they were both moving as if they were attached to a long object and that object was wobbling back and forth. After the sighting I dismissed it as my mind playing tricks on me, since I had been drinking a little earlier. Now last night I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone at night and she was looking out the window when she saw two lights. According to her these two light were flashing in green and red and were attached to an object that flew away from the ground and hovered over her house for a while then disappeared. Both sighting were made in the Rutherford village at night--time.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Torquay South Devon England UK Approximately 30 Objects
Date: March 28, 2009
Time: 8:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Torquay South Devon England.
Number of witnesses: 6
Number of Objects: 30-40
Shape of Objects: Round.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: From 8:45 to approx 9:00pm, round bright objects appeared in the clear nights sky traveling silently in the same direction form North to South some singularly and some in two's or three's. Approximately 30 in total, disappearing over the sea. The event was so unexplained that by 8.50 all our family were outside watching. Even more unexplained was what turned out to be the last one suddenly appeared to stop and then turn and continue directly eastward.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Newbliss, Co. Monaghan, Ireland Seven Star Like Objects
Date: March 28, 2009
Time: About 9 ish pm
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 7
Shape of objects: Like bright stars, with a flashing light.
Weather Conditions: Clear sky, a calm night but cold.
Description: After getting our little girl to bed, my partner and I settled down in front of the TV to watch a movie. It had not started long when the picture started to play up, it was like static all across the screen, then it would go blank with static. This would last for about 15/20 minutes at a time then the TV would return to normal. I checked the other tv but it was the same. My partner joked saying that maybe it was the aliens, we laughed n put it down to the Ariel.
I went up to check on our little girl then I looked out the window to see if it was windy to explain the bad reception on the tv, when something caught my eye.
It was like a bright star, with some kind of a flickering light on it, it was moving erratically that I could not take my eye off it n I could not believe my eye. At first I thought it was something out of control n that it might crash. I ran down stairs to my partner n told him to look out of the window. It would move up n down really fast, left n right then in a circle, it was almost dancing. All this time the tv was still playing up. We went out side for a better look and couldn't believe what we were seeing that when we looked up there were seven of them all spread equally apart, doing the same thing. We watched them for about 20 minutes before going in (to tell the truth we were in a daze wondering what was going on). We tried to watch tv for a bit but we gave up because it was still playing up. We watched the dancing stars for a bit longer then went to bed. I had the baby monitor by my bed as my daughter has her own room, which started making crackling/static noises. This would again like the tv go on for about 10/15 minutes then stop, this carried on all night through till morning. This freaked me out as it was in my baby's room so I kept checking her n looking out the window but the dancing stars were still there but raising in the sky.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Sherwood Forest Road, Chester, Nova Scotia Red Lights
Date: March 28, 2009
Time: 4.22 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Red Lights.
Weather Conditions: Clear.
Description: I was lying in bed awake, looking out at the Southern Night Sky an object went by unusually fast, it deviated in an unusual way without seeming to slow down and continued on it horizontal path. The Object was at about 10 o'clock in the sky. distance unknown.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Pocklington UK Two Bright Lights
Date: March 29, 2009
Time: 8.30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Bright point of white light with rotating diffuse diamond shaped red light as background, possibly above the object.
Weather Conditions: Clear night. Good star visibility. Temp 5C.
Description: Sitting in my garden observing the night sky, I became aware of an approaching light from the west, but with an oddly flickering red haze above it. I assumed it to be an approaching helicopter with a searchlight on and red navigation lights flashing above, and waited for the sound. As I watched I realized that the light was getting very bright indeed, that there was no sound as it came overhead, and that the red 'backlight' appeared to be getting larger. It also seemed to be going much too fast and too high to be a helicopter, although judgment of height was entirely subjective.
At this point I realized that this was something extraordinary, and called to my partner to come quickly. She did so and we watched as it passed almost directly overhead and then to the east, quickly growing dimmer before disappearing long before reaching the eastern horizon. We shrugged and I returned to my previous observing position. To my surprise, some minute or so later, an identical light appeared above the rooftops. I rushed indoors for my camera and returned in time to take one shot as it approached. The camera battery was very low, and the camera almost immediately shut itself down.
As it came overhead, I looked more closely at the odd red background light, and noticed that it was a clear diamond shape of diffuse red light that appeared to be rotating slowing clockwise in a jerky flashing motion that pulsed about 4 times a second. The second object appeared to be following a slightly different path to the first, although both appeared to be flying in a straight line. The strange red light, the complete silence, and the appearance of coming out of the sky from a great height before passing quite close overhead and then disappearing up again left me with the distinct impression that this was no ordinary aircraft sighting. My overall impression was of two unusually fast bright objects entering the higher atmosphere, passing close to the earth, and then leaving the atmosphere.
If it had not been for the red diamond shape and the repeat performance I would have explained it away as a close meteor pass. My impression was that the objects appeared to be projecting a tight red scanning laser image directly upwards to give the rotating diamond effect, an impression derived from the appearance of a flickering light above from a distance, but as a backlight when overhead.
Very odd!
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Between Waldwick And Hoboken, New Jersey Dark Grey UFO
Date: March 30, 2009
Time: Approx 10:10am - 10:20am
Number 0f witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Hi, My Name is Brian and I'm a follower of UFO sightings, I was on your site today and saw that you update daily. I spotted a UFO in New Jersey on the 30th March 09.
I was on my way home on the train from Waldwick to Hoboken. As I watch the skies any time I have the chance I was looking out the window of the train and at between 10.10 to 10.20am (not to sure of the exact time) I saw what seemed to be a UFO, it was to high in the sky to be a bird and was travelling fast. It was a kind of dark gray and looked like some white on it, I think due to reflection. I wasn't to sure what it was till I saw an airplane flying in the opposite direction, it was smaller than the plane and looked about 20 feet and it was traveling faster than the plane. I also saw a plane which looked like it had taken off in the distance as there's a lot of airports near by and that gave me a sort of ruler to see how close and high it was. I hope this can come in handy for you and maybe if someone else spotted it that you might be able to email me back to let me know.
Thanks very much for taking the time to read this.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Brisbane, Queensland Bright Object
Date: March 31, 2009
Time: 7.15 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 5
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Weather Conditions: Night Sky, clear.
Description: Standing out front of my partners parents house admiring his mothers new car in Browns Plains, we noticed an object in the sky, which seemed very bright, alot brighter than the rest of the sky, it seemed to be travelling in a straight line heading north west, as it got closer it became very bright and looked like it was on fire.. we all freaked out as we thought it was a plane, maybe a huge shooting star.. Then it looked like a couple of pieces of it broke off which were fire looking round objects and stayed still in the sky burning so bright you could not miss it. All of a sudden it started moving back in the direction it came from and we finally lost sight of it!
It was in sight for about five minutes or so, we do have a little footage of it on a mobile phone but not that great..
Did anyone else see this and what was it?
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Newark, New Jersey V Shaped Craft And Lights Zig Zagging
Date: April 16, 2009
Time: 8:45 - 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Newark NJ.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 4
Shape of Objects: Bright light.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: On Thursday 4/2009 while disposing the garbage, I thought of UFO as I walked out and when I looked up into the sky I saw a V shape object composed of many different lights in the inside of the shape moving very fast from east to west. I was so impressed of what I seen, that I was on denial for the first few seconds. Based on this, I called my neighbor that always wanted to encounter such a sighting to let him know what I saw. As I spoke to him on my phone, I looked up and spotted a single light traveling south to north at a fast rate of speed, but not like the V shape form earlier. I told him what I was seeing and told him to come outside to witness, when he spotted it, he was thrilled. After this, maybe ten minutes after he walked to my yard and we started to talk about what we saw and how I told him about a year ago that I would show him what he wanted to see.
While we spoke, we spotted another moving star again traveling from north to south, doing zig zags and stopping in mid air and continuing with it's path. He was shocked, I was happy because someone was with me to witness this. Two minutes later another moving star. We followed this star until it disappeared. While talking about chosen people, masons and all of this other hidden cultures that are on the secret list, I spotted a flash in the sky. As I looked up I spotted another very slow moving star from which the flash came from. This star flashed about five times maybe 1 flash 2 seconds later another flash, a second later another flash, five seconds later another flash, and another. What shocked me the most was that I told my neighbor to get ready for the big flash and this thing flashed down making the night become day, almost like a lightning making us feel a type of not burning heat but heat. I started to spot moving stars here in NJ since two years ago I am not sure why but every time I looked in the sky I did not see anything until recently where is almost weekly. I was born and raised in PR where I had my first encounter at age 14. Ever since then my knowledge towards them has only grown bigger and stronger from my experiences. Feel free to contact me at email address provided. Thank you.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Blair Atholl Perthshire Scotland U.K. Video Shows Object To be Diamond In Shape
Date: April 18, 2009
Time: 10:10 p.m. & 10:55 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Blair Atholl Perthshire Scotland U.K.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 3
Shape of Objects: To naked eye. Roundish video shows it to be a diamond shape.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: 10.10pm - A very bright fiery red light was seen travelling apparently slowly in a westerly direction. The light was flickering, the object was silent, there was no wind and the sky clear and starry, no moon. It's progress was steady, quickly getting fainter and smaller suggesting that it was moving at speed and climbing steeply (if it had not been climbing it would soon have been hidden by the hills) it was soon just a faint dot and gone. Total observation 2-3 minutes
10.55pm - From the same location another was seen exactly the same followed 30 seconds by another they also travelled westrly following roughly the same path as the other at 10.10pm. Their description is exactly as the first, flickering very bright fiery red and silent. Their progress was also no different, fading to nothing in a few minutes. Total observation 3-5 minutes
The direction of travel was to Kinloch Rannoch some 15 miles (as crow flies) where an earlier observation was reported 1/1/2009. My nearest obs point was approx 1 mile. Linked circumstantially but not physically observed. Was that directly over head appeared a very bright light moving NW 1-2 minutes after each of the observation times i.e.10.13pm to 10.15pm and again at 10.58pm to 11.03. This light was 4 times as bright as Venus and speed similar to a passenger airliner at cruise height, not on a normal flight path though and silent, this light continued NW faded very quickly. I could not guess at the speed of any of the objects as being dark there was nothing to gauge them by.
This in many ways is simmilar to the 1 January 2009 report on Kinloch Rannoch where 5 objects were seen, to assist in any investigation, where the observer was told of military test grounds nearby. There are no military test grounds anywhere near Kinloch Rannoch, all areas are totally unrestricted for anybody at any time excepting during the Deer Stalking when it is advised to ask estate managers to access hills etc. RAF uses all of the Scottish Highlands for low level flying this is always noisy. If I can find an email address I will send you extracted from video photos these are unfortunately black and white, but unedited.
To view pictures: http://worldufos. blogspot. com/2009/ 04/blair- atholl-perthshir e-scotland- uk.html
Thank you to the witness for the report and photos of what was observed.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Liverpool, England UK Two Orange Lights
Date: April 19, 2009
Time: 9:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Liverpool, England.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 2
Shape of Objects: Too far away to know.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Two orange lights that gave the impression of either being at very high altitude or even beyond Earth's atmosphere. They were about as far apart as 3/4 length of Orion's belt. They tracked across the sky from approx. East North East, one behind the other, never changing distance between them or changing direction. They both twinkled on and off very fast. Much faster than aircraft lights. The one at the back pulsed dim/bright about every 2 seconds. when they had got about just past halfway across the sky (took about 3 to 4 mins from when they came into view from being obscured by our house), I looked away for a moment and when I looked back the front one was not in position but was streaking away at 90 degrees from their path at an extremely fast speed towards south south east.
At first it was had a trail like a comet but not leaving a residual line like a plane would. It stayed in sight until about 30 to 35 degrees from the horizon before disappearing. I did not check back to see what the other light did afterwards. I got the impression their paths were an arc which emphasized that these objects were very high altitude.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Maple Ridge, British Columbia Large Bright Lights Lined Up In The Sky
Date: April 19 2009
Time: 12:35 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Maple Ridge, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of Objects: 3
Shape of Objects: Round.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Hi there, My husband and I were just leaving a gathering and heading to our car. In the sky were three rather large, very bright lights all lined up in a row. There were two other gentlemen in the street that we did not know who were witnessing the same things. The lights just seemed to hover there for about 3 minutes before they moved into a triangle formation. One moved off and started to fade and the other two seemed to shoot off after it. We have the formation on a camera phone. Not the best pictures but you can see what we are talking about. We have been trying to analyze what they could have been but can't come up with anything plausible. We wanted to reach out and see if anyone else has reported this or if there is a simple explanation. Let us know if you wish to chat about this. Thanks for your input.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Scottsville, Virginia A Triangular Or Cylindrical Shaped UFO
Date: April 21, 2009
Time: Approx: 9:35 to 9:50 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Scottsville, Va.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Too dark to know for sure, possibly triangular or cylindrical.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: My mom and brother had just pulled into the driveway outside my house and were hanging out in the car until about five minutes later, when they caught sight of an object with two pale yellow lights in the sky. It remained stationary for around thirty seconds after they spotted it, but then it slowly started moving southwest.
My brother ran around to the front porch, tapped on the window, and yelled for me to get my camera and come outside. Thinking it probably wasn't anything different from the red, white, and green stationary lights we'd been seeing, I took my time and showed up outside a few minutes later. It was chilly, so I stayed on the porch. He kept watching the sky and told me the object had passed over the house, but after several seconds, he called out to me, saying that it was visible from the front yard again.
So I ran from the porch and out into the yard, he pointed it out to me, I saw the pale yellow lights, and they were blinking. I kept my eye on it but told my brother it was probably nothing more than a plane. He insisted that it wasn't, and I continued watching, snapping a couple pictures and trying to tape some of it as I did so. It was a clear night, lots of stars out and things traveling across the sky that obviously were planes, and, just briefly, I was able to make out some sort of shape. It was very vague in the darkness, but it appeared to be quite large and somewhat triangular in shape. It didn't appear to be traveling at as high an altitude as the planes were but didn't make a sound, as low-flying planes are apt to do. It continued on the same path, and slowly disappeared over our neighbor's house and into the night. I can still see the possibility of it being a plane, but my mom, brother, and I have never seen a plane move the way this object moved. Even though the lights blinked in a way similar to a plane's lights, none of us have seen lights like that before either.
I've uploaded a couple of the best pictures from what I was able to capture to Photobucket and provided the links below, but be warned: even though these are the best from the set, my camera has a tendency to blur photos without a tripod to steady it, and as a result, the photos are very poor in quality and hardly worth looking at, in my opinion, but I figured I'd provide them for anyone interested. Also, there's a chance the blur could be responsible, but the object appears to be cylindrical instead of triangular in the photos. Here are the links:
http://i180. photobucket. com/albums/ x142/renaissance _savvy/Lights/ light1.jpg
http://i180. photobucket. com/albums/ x142/renaissance _savvy/Lights/ light.jpg
If anyone saw the same thing or something similar to it last night or at any other time, I'd love to know. Thanks for reading.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://hbccuforesearch.blogspot.com/ HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Our thanks go out to Brian for his hard work and continued dedication to UFOlogy, and for sharing his above report with us. Reproduced here with the permission of Brian Vike.