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Three Hills, Alberta Canada 1950's Close Encounter With A UFO And Small Alien BeingDate: 1955
Time: 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Outside,Three Hills, Alberta Canada.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: House/ship/illusion ?
Full Description of event/sighting: This is something I just came to terms with a few years ago. A strange but interesting story, realized over 50 years later and totally worth the wait. I don't know if this was a memory block put on me for 50 years ago so that it would be there when I needed it, or ? What ever it was, it was not of this world.
I have had a few other sightings over the years, on my own and with other folks, up close and personal. I must say the realization of what happened all those years ago helped me to sort it all out. Helped me to trust myself and the experiences I have had.
This instance I remember quite vividly and could never figure it out as I got the beating of my life from my mother for doing what I thought was the right thing.( I still would think it was the right thing to do)
3-Hills in mid Alberta Canada was a very small seminary school town back in the 1950's. The old 'Henry -Jay ' ( our car) up on blocks and 60 below zero temperatures more likely then not. Even some of the sidewalks had boilers under them. This wasn't a place where a small child would last very long out side.
It was very flat there, just 3 Hills in the distance, train tracts and vast ice fields lay beyond our little sheep shed style apartments that the students stayed in.
There were 3 instances where I had missing time in the two years we were there (1955-56) this was just another one of them until I saw a small black and white photo of our little apartment and the field beyond it just a few years ago. (04)
1955 - I was walking home from kindergarten, alone. There was a small field with a beaten path just in back of our apartments and this ended at the far end of the apartments. Our apartment faced backwards, away from town so as I walked home the back of our apartments were visible not the front. There were just ice fields for as far as you could see on three sides with the smaller field at the back. There was a three story older grey house out that way, a little before the field, but this was not the house I saw.
I heard crying and in the middle of the little field behind the back of our apartment and standing in the center on the path was a small child. I looked up and saw a one story house at the end of the path, so I figured that must be where he was from. I went over, took his little hand and walked him down the path to the house. I walked up the steps and rang the door bell. ( hadn't ever seen a door bell before) A tall blond man opened the door, he was dressed in loose, seeming light clothing which was strange as it was the 50's and very cold. Not anything I had seen before. He seemed very kind and I asked if the child belonged here as I had found him crying in the field. He said yes and thanked me and I turned to go home.
I had never left sight of the back window of our little apartment the whole time, but as I rounded the corner and went up to our door it was dark outside.
As I went inside my Mother starting screaming at me. I told her I found a small boy and took him home, but she would not stop. I have no clue why she had a fly swatter, but she started hitting me with it, getting my hair caught etc. Of course I was screening too as I couldn't figure out how she could be so mean to do this to me, just because I saved a baby. My Dad came out and slapped her to get her to stop and I heard noting more about it. Of course I remembered that beating the rest of my life. It never made sense to me and I of course didn't even think about it being dark when I came in the door.
That is until 2004 when I was going though some old photos. Someone had taken a picture of the train tracks cutting thought the ice fields. There was no house there. Never was, at least in the mid 1950s' And it's much more understandable, not that it didn't suck that my mother was freaked out, not because I had been a few minutes late in cold daylight, but because I had been 5 hours late and the sun was down. It was very cold.
As I said, this was one of 3, instances and of course the one I remember the most because of my parents reaction to it. I have always thought my Dad was a Star Child, he would die physically 2 years later on November 1957 of Leukemia.
By remembering the whole instance, it was like a fountain was opened up. Things I have learned in the past are coming in and finally making sense, etc. It seemed to bring together all the other happenings through-out my years. I have had a lot of information downloaded into my being throughout the years, sort of like a school for many years. Quite possibly this was my induction to that school ?
Thank you to the person for their report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Sasquatch Sighting In Fruitvale, British Columbia
Date: August 1965
Time: Daytime sighting.
Hi there, my name is (name removed). I read the Sasquatch reports and found them very interesting. I don't believe in some things I hear but, I know that the Sasquatch is real. In 1965 I was on the road Laodden Road in Fruitvale B.C., at the corner above our house. I was talking to the four friends from the (removed) family. I was about five hundred feet away from a cliff that I have climbed so many time. I saw what looked like a very big bear standing up but, it's to tall. Our friend's home was about fifty feet away, so I asked if the had binoculars. One of my friends ran and came back with a 7x35. binoculars. I watched what I first thought was bear standing up, but was totally shocked by what I saw. It was a big human like hairy man. It had to be about 9 plus tall.
I had a very good look. It stayed out in the open for about ten minutes and it walked back and forth looking over the cliff like it was trying to find a way down, then stopped and stood still. It looked our way and watched us and looked around for about 2 minutes. I made a good mental note of everything I could because I knew this is one in a lifetime chance. As it moved around I could see the face clear, very human like, but the eyebrow line was much more protruding. The face skin was darker than the human face. The mouth was wide, but it appeared that the lips were thin. As it walked, it was like a human, but the arms were a bit to long. The shoulders were round and wide and I did not see the feet.
The head was in proportion to the body as fair as I could tell, but the huge muscles from the shoulder to the head were massive. There was no neck, just a tapper from head to shoulder. The head was round above the ears and the ears did not show up to well, but I could see the shape in the hair. I watched it walk away just like a human. The body was wide and the legs were heavily muscled. I could see from the ankles up as it walked away. The cliff was about fifty feet high. As it walked away I lost view from the ankles up as the top of the cliff is flat. First back of the legs all the way up as it moved away, then the butt, back, then the shoulders neck and head and it was over. The hair was a bit shinny and was very red, about, 2" to 2" and a half long. It was a sunny day in the middle of August of 1965. A day that I think about when out hunting for moose or deer, wondering if I am in the right place at the right time again.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Adak Island Military Man With Top Secret Clearance Spots UFO
Date: 1972/73
Time: N/A
I was stationed on Adak and have a UFO story for you if interested. Let me know.
Additional Information:
Okay let me get my papers together. I kept my Navy papers and I can prove I was stationed there. I was a radioman with a top secret clearance. I was stationed at the navfac unit with ocean system technicians, it either late Fall or early Spring maybe as late as May of 73. We knew the guys that operated the large microwave dish antennas and they told us we would be able to see our astronauts going by in orbit if the sky was clear. We went out that night, spotted our astronauts in orbit. We waited for it to come around again and when it did an object, just pinpoint of light about as large as our capsule came shooting in at a high rate of speed and kind of zig zagged around the astronauts and making right angle maneuvers then shot back out and was gone. This all took about 5 seconds. My friend and I both looked at each other and said, did you see that? We both knew we could not talk about it because of our clearances. I don't remember if this was the last Apollo mission or was it one of the unmanned Skylab missions. Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Thank you to the witness for the sighting report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
New Bern, North Carolina A Very Unusual Day While On The Way to The Movies
Date: Approx: 1975-76
Time: N/A.
Location of Sighting: New Bern, NC.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of Objects: Unknown.
Shape of Objects: Unknown.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: This was an abduction, not a sighting. We never witnessed a ship/object. I was born in 1969, I was roughly 6-7yrs. old when this took place. My younger brother and father were also present. It was a weekend afternoon, father suggested a movie in town to go and see, we lived about 10 minutes outside of town at the time. We all left for theater, at approx: 1:30pm (2:00pm movie), first odd thing I recall is my brother and I both sitting in back seat of car. Normally one of us would sit in front, not this time. No one spoke a word the entire trip into town, also odd for our family. When it came time for dad to pull into theater parking lot, he instead made a left turn into a developing housing area, complete with dirt road and "Road Ends" sign. As we approached the sign stating Road Ends, my dad parked car and remained still but awake. My brother and I got out of car and walked up to the sign.
At this point I looked behind me to see if the car was still there, it was. Dad staring blankly ahead, eyes open. When I turned back around again, I saw outer space. Can only describe it as it was as if a huge knife had cut the Earth in half and when I looked straight ahead I saw nothing but dark space with stars, but behind me, everything was normal. I looked down at my feet, I saw layers of the Earths' crust going down a very long way, the next thing I remember is floating in space. Outer space. No space suit, no breathing device. I could not understand at the time why I could breathe, it confounded me. Last thing I remember was looking over right shoulder to see my brother floating with me and I go blank. He remembers more, like a light, and I do recall a bright white light that was extremely bright, but did not hurt to look at it.
After the light, I have no memory other than all of a sudden being back in car, pulling into home driveway, everyone in car exits and walks into home single file, no words spoken, mom screaming at dad because we had been gone for over 8 hours and she thought we had an accident. We all go upstairs to bed, and from that day on, if that day was mentioned to my father, he would become very agitated, angry and combative. Alot more stuff has happened over the years, but that was the first time it happened as far as I know. I wish that day had never happened, it changed me forever.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Bellevue, Washington A Round Orange Very Large UFO
Date: October 1986
Time: Approx: 6:00 p.m.
Dear Brian, My daughter and I were driving into downtown Bellevue to pick up my son from a Halloween party. We lived on Yarrow Point, Bellevue WA USA at the time, when we reached 92nd St and 40th St we saw a round very large UFO above us. It was orange very low and moving slowly, we got out of the car to see it as we could hardly believe our eyes. I had to pick up my son so we left, we arrived back at our house about a half an hour later, the ship was hovering over Kirkland. Our house overlooked Kirkland. (home address removed). Bellevue WA USA. The date was October 1986 about six PM.
I thought it would be in the newspapers the next day, but it wasn't. There was no sound coming from the craft. How is it possible no one saw that ship except my daughter and I. Can the life that visits our planet pick and choose who gets to see them? That ship was very big, it was still day light, and it was close to the ground. Were there any other sightings on that craft that your aware of. I would have reported it, but I didn't know who to talk to.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Oldland Common, Bristol, England Metal Grey Disc Shaped UFO
Date: 1995
Time: 10:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Solid disc shape grey metal.
Weather Conditions: Dry and cold.
Description: I was walking home through a lane in Oldland Common/Warmley to go to my house. The lane had fences on both sides and there were gardens of houses on the other side. As I was walking in the middle of the lane I saw this weird disc thing hovering over the fence - so close I could touch it almost. It then whizzed over my head and back to the fence it was like it was playing a game. It was about the size of a hand in a fist. I watched it for a bit thinking it was a remote control toy being operated from someone's house. However, the movement of it was so advanced I realized that it was definitely not a toy. I walked closer and the disc that was solid and made a strange sound disappeared so fast into the night sky it left me baffled and excited.
TV/Radio: I did not report it to the media although the next day they were lots of reports of strange things in the sky that day.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Marianna, Florida UFO Above Witnesses Vehicle
Date: October 31, 2006
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Unidentifiable.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: October - My boyfriend and I were driving down Hall St. just after dropping my brother off at a church not even a block away and arguing when I noticed what I believed was a full moon to my right. I then turned to look at my boyfriend (driving) and saw the moon, which was only a sliver, turned back to my right to look for the imposter moon and saw nothing. Turned back to my boyfriend and saw a glow coming from above the car, we stopped and glanced upwards (still in the car). What we saw was too close to the car to get a definite shape out of it, but it gave off a glow. Not like it itself was glowing, but like silver that was polished brightly. I could make out a few tiny lights, almost like Christmas lights blinking at different intervals and lines, carved- not as if lines made by putting things together. In the few seconds we were staring at it, it began to drift over us slowly enough for us to snap out of our amazement and follow it down another road, then losing us as it went off road over a wooded area. We pulled over and stood on the car watching it disappear. Another factor to add, there were no other people around through out the entire ordeal. I was also extremely terrified, though that could be because of the weird experience.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Westcliff On Sea, Essex Close To The Thames Estuary
Date: January 1, 2009
Time: 00.02
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 5
Shape of objects: Not quite circular seemed to be flat on one edge.
Weather Conditions: Dry with some patchy cloud.
Description: We were seeing the New Year in on our balcony, watching fireworks when a large creamy coloured light with an orangy edge about the size of a tea plate appeared above us coming from the NW. We thought it was a helicopter but quickly realised that it was making no noise and there were none of the lights that we regularly see on helicopters overhead. Nor was it an aircraft. It progressed very smoothly towards the Thames Estuary and at a certain point seemed to stop then started to shrink in size until a pin prick and disappeared. Almost immediately three more lights appeared to the SE of us over the Thames. They were identical to the first light only smaller and moving in a triangular formation as they came towards us, and when each light reached the place where the first light had disappeared it in turn shrank and disappeared.
Moments later a fifth light appeared from the same direction as the last three (from the S.E.) and glided to the same spot where the the other four lights had disappeared, then it shrank and disappeared. While this was taking place hundreds of fireworks were being set off to mark the New Year. My son had been watching the fireworks from a friend's garden in Leigh-on-Sea - slightly further inland and to the west of us. When my husband and I told him what we had seen, he said he and his friends had been watching these lights too and were wondering what they were.
UFOINFO Note: As with other similar reports I asked the witness to have a look at the UFO Balloons website to see if this is what might have been seen and received the following reply:
Hello John
I have looked at the video and doubt whether the balloons are what we saw. The lights we saw were moving too steadily. If they had been balloons they would have been moving on an air current or in the wind so would have been moving in more or less the same direction. Whereas, the first light we saw definitely came over our roof top from behind us - from the north west, while the other four lights were coming towards us from the south east. The three light that were in a triangle kept the same distance from each other until each one disappeared. Sometimes there are laser light shows from Southend over the estuary and I wondered if it might have been this ... but my son and his friend would not have been able to see the laser lights from where they were watching. I had almost forgotten about the lights until I read a report about a similar sighting this week made by a farmer in Lincolnshire. The lights he saw sounded similar.
Best wishes.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
UFO Lights Up Bedroom In Marianna, Florida
Date: January 27, 2009
Time: 3:00 a.m.
My boyfriend and I were in bed when I witnessed a light in the window. My boyfriend saw it as well and it continued to come closer/get brighter until it lit up the entire pitch black room. Then it simply disappeared. This light was just like the light described above. Another similarity is that we both heard nothing, as if everything in the house was turned off. There is no access to this window from outside, and our home is surrounded by trees. There was not a break in the light as if passing through trees, not a noise suggesting it might be a helicopter with a spot light. Nothing.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
UFO Over Sabor Springs San Diego, California - Amber Lights In A Huge Circle
Date: February 4, 2009
Time: 5:55 a.m.
Location of Sighting: San Diego, CA.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Round.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was sitting out having a smoke and my morning coffee. My place is in Sabor Springs and it was still dark when suddenly I saw a huge ball of light coming over the mountain towards where I was. So I got up and walked a few steps in the middle of my backyard to get a better view and by then it was right there to the side of me up in the sky. I saw then a big round circle of amber lights, this time close up. I could see little amber lights all in the huge circle. Not only that there was a big circle of red lights right behind it, it looked connected to the circle of amber lights. I was looking so carefully to see some kind of a body on the thing, but I could not. One more thing, it made a noise, sort of like a blimp, but it was not a blimp at 6 o'clock in the morning and I would say that these round lights were as big as at least half a football field. I am 58 years old and when this light came over the mountain, well I never in my life saw anything that big and bright before. No news of this anywhere, but this is true believe me my mother does. I ran in and woke her up after I saw it.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Chase, British Columbia Bright Bluish Ball Of Fire
Date: February 9, 2009
Time: Approx: 4:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Chase, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Round ball of fire.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: A ball of fire shot across the sky in front of my as I was walking down Shuswap Avenue in Chase, B.C. I was walking from west to east and the ball crossed my path going from south to north. It was beautiful. It was crossing through a blue break in the clouds and it was a bluish colour in the centre and very bright. It disappeared over the mountains above Star (Aylmer) Lake.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Forest Road, Hainault, Ilford UK Lights Forming A Triangular Pattern
Date: February 10, 2009
Time: Approx: 7:30 p.m.
Hello there,
I just saw this article from 2005 as I was searching the web for a possible explanation to something I saw on Tuesday evening at about half past 7:00 while driving through Hainult on my way to football and it seems I saw exactly the same thing as described in this article. (http://www.rense. com/general67/ morewit.htm )
Three constant lights forming a triangle, looked like stars but brighter and much lower/closer to the earth. Almost appeared to be slightly moving from side to side as if hovering. after not taking my eyes of them for about 10mins they one by one, just vanished into thin air. They were defiantly not aircraft. def not stars, def not satellites. It was possibility the weirdest thing I've ever seen - Did you ever find out what these where? Thanks.
P.S. I was driving down Forest Road, Hainault, Ilford, at the time of the sighting. There were 2 people in the car who both saw these lights.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Cancun Mexico UFOs Chasing One Another
Date: February 11, 2009
Time: Approx: 11:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Cancun Mexico.
Number of witnesses: Approx: 7:00 p.m.
Number of Objects: Approx: 4 - 6
Shape of Objects: Seemed round.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: It was Feb. 11th, 2009 in Cancun Mexico. My husband, myself, my brother and his wife went outside of a mall and saw approximately 4 people looking up at the night sky. We looked up and observed white round lights that looked like stars but were moving in different directions, stopping and then taking off very fast,. It seemed like they would move faster when a cloud was approaching, at one point ,one was following the other and than took off very fast after the other as if they were playing or chasing each other. Pretty amazing, I asked a woman what they were? She said she didn't know and had been observing for quite a while now. We watched for quite a while and left but they were still there.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Haiku Maui Hawaii UFO Looked Like A Cross Or Diamond In Shape
Date: February 11, 2009
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Haiku.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Like a cross or diamond.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I saw a bright light over the sky in Haiku on February 11, 2009 at about 8:00 or 9:00 o'clock. I was completely sober at the time. It hovered for about 2 hours and moved very slowly until it was below the tree-line and out of my vision. I called my friend and told him and he didn't believe me, but then he called me back and said he saw the same bright light over the west Maui's. Problem was that the light I was looking at was nowhere near the west Maui's. So I'm kind of amazed and confused.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Milton Keynes Bucks England UK A Stationary White Light
Date: February 13, 2009
Time: 18:30 to 22:30hrs
Location of Sighting: Milton Keynes Buck's England.
Number of witnesses: 5
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Narrow linear.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Stationary white light in upper atmosphere to the west of my location. Identified several flashing navigation lights from aircraft which appeared much lower than light, light appeared geo stationary. Returned home and checked my star chart, the light was in the quadrant between Aries, Hamal and Schest Square of Pegasus. I would estimate the elevation of the light above my horizon to be 16 to 20 degrees. Light remained visible for 2 to 4 hrs in same position. Lost visual sighting at stated time, no pulsing or flashing observed just constant white light, with possible diffraction appeared to have cross member.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Green UFO Chases Witnesses Down The A1M North From Hertfordshire, UK
Date: Friday 13, 2009
Time: Approx: 7:00 p.m.
My 13 year old son and his pal were chased by a green buzzing light for about 200 yards around about 7:00pm. I actually saw this light emerge from the river on New Years Day around about 6:00pm. It spun off at a great speed and turned into a brilliant amber egg shaped light. My friend arrived at my home on Friday 13th about 7:45pm and had seen the same green light all down the A1M coming north from Herts. The light shone above my home 10:25pm. I saw the very same thing on 16th Oct 1979, which concerns me that we are having a repeat visit which turned out to be a horrific night. I am anxious to know if there were any other reports on this Friday passed. Yours Sincerely.
Thank you to the witness for a very interesting sighting report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Worthing West Sussex, UK Brilliant Orange Colored Objects
Date: February 14, 2009
Time: 10:47 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Worthing West Sussex.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 3
Shape of Objects: Round.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was called outside when a family member spotted a bright orange orb quite high up moving in an arc. Then a second and third appeared. They all vanished around the same point and the third one moves up down and then up a bit then carried on the same arc as the first and second and disappeared in the same place.
It was such a brilliant flickering orange. We live under a flight path and that was not a plane or helicopter. At first we put it own to a flare but flares don't rise slowly and dance around like this did.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Kincardine, Ontario Canada UFO Moves Like A Firefly
Date: February 14, 2009
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Kincardine, Ontario.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Round.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Round (oblong) bright white light no sound and very fast. There was no smoke trail no jet sounds. It flew just under through fog among clean horizon. I couldn't see it go anywhere and lasted a slit second. I decided to report it as earlier that summer. I saw a light hover in my trees darting back and forth and thought it might be a firefly as it was small. There isn't any fireflies out this winter so I wanted to confirm I saw this light when I was out for a smoke.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
Whitby Ontario Canada A Bright Object/Light
Date: February 14, 2009
Time: 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Whitby Ontario Canada west sky.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Triangular.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I noticed a very bright star in the western sky last night around 7:00pm. The sky was clear and the object seemed to actually cast a very wide beam. After looking at the light for a while, I thought that perhaps it was a helicopter with a search light on. My daughter joined me and the light didn't move for a further 20 minutes. We then looked at it through binoculars and could both see a leading, very bright light like a huge fire or search light. The remainder of the overall triangular shape seemed to consist of either a number of smaller triangles or flame streaks of blue and orange. The object seemed to maintain position and configuration for the duration of our observations. We stopped checking around 11:00pm. We took a photo of the light at around 9:00pm, but it just looks like a bright light in a dark sky.
I was just outside tonight and noticed that this light phenomenon is no longer in the sky. Have you hear any other like reports? Was there a comet in the sky last night? Wondering what we saw.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvik e.com
St. Helens Merseyside UK A Large Orange Object/Light
Date: February 14, 2009
Time: 11:15 p.m.
Location of Sighting: St. Helens Merseyside.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Round.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was looking out of my patio window and spotted a large orange object in the sky which was moving slowly. I shouted to my husband who witnessed it. I reported it to the police as I thought it might have been a plane on fire. I have taken a picture on the mobile phone, it has turned out very well, but you can see a small light on it. The object hovered about and then decreased in size before disappearing.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike - HBCC UFO Research: http://www.brianvike.com
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://hbccuforesearch.blogspot.com/ HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Our thanks go out to Brian for his hard work and continued dedication to UFOlogy, and for sharing his above report with us. Reproduced here with the permission of Brian Vike.