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Huge UFO Hovers At 100 Feet At The South End Of Marsh Airforce Base California
Date: 1985 - Approx:
Time: Approx: 11:00 p.m.
Message: Regarding one of your sightings Murrieta, California UFO Flat/Square Or Possibly Triangular' Posted: February 9, 2008; occurred on date: February 7, 2008 Time: 2:15 a.m.
I am from Moreno Valley, CA. (15 miles from Murrieta and host to Marsh Airforce Base). I am writing because for the first time after years of casually reading about UFO's, I saw this article and besides the proximity of our cities. I also saw a similar object in 1985 approx:, I regrettably did not take note of the particulars of the incident, probably as a form of denial. This happened at night around 11pm. I have not read or heard of the description of the rectangle or pizza box shape object before this article.
I was driving a back road (Oleander Ave) that cuts right along side the south end of Marsh Airforce Base, between the 215 Freeway and Perris Blvd. I saw a huge object, hovering about 100 feet above and moving at an exceedingly slow pace. I stopped my car, step out to get a better look. It was rectangle shape (approx 20 x 50 yards) with small lights through out sporadically; along its side and bottom. It had a distinctive almost helicopter propeller blade hum, though more rhythmic and shallow. The object came to a standstill in front of where I was parked and a flood light came on and shown brightly in front of where I was parked, onto a building. After a few seconds it went off and the object proceeded directly onto March Airforce base and slowly hovered above it then turned left and went across the 215 Freeway heading west and it disappeared past some hills.
I assumed that it was some sort of military aircraft, though I have never seen anything like that before or since. The two thing I recall that were interestingly different were that I kept wanting other cars to happen by and no one drove through the road I was in during all the 5 plus minutes that this was happening. When the object banked left and over the freeway, I kept looking at the freeway for cars traveling north or south. During the whole incident no cars drove past the visible stretch of at least 1/2 mile of freeway. It was as if time had stood still. Not one car drove past on this relatively busy freeway. The other thing I found odd was thinking that this would generate some calls, or commotion that did not happen, apparently no one else saw this.
Thank you to the witness for a wonderful report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Are We Alone? - UFO Sightings Defy Explanation
By Mark Pavilons
In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. Long before humankind read the Scriptures, we glanced skyward, wondering if we were alone in the cosmos.
Unexplained sightings for literally thousands of years have culminated in a modern pastime and, for some, a lifelong search for extraterrestrials. Google “UFOs” on the Internet and you’ll find more than eight million references.
A spokesman for the Vatican said May 13 there could be life forms beyond Earth, even intelligent ones. “How can we rule out that life may have developed elsewhere?” asked The Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory. “Just as we consider earthly creatures as ‘brother’ and ‘sister,’ why should we not talk about an ‘extraterrestrial brother’?” Funes added astronomy doesn’t contradict religion and the Bible is not a book of science. He conceded the big bang theory is a “reasonable” explanation for the creation of the universe and science has vindicated astronomer Galileo. This latest revelation softens centuries of division between the church and the famed astronomer, who was deemed a heretic and forced to recant his theory that the earth revolved around the sun. Pope John Paul publicly admitted in 1992 the ruling against Galileo was a tragic error.
While science has since proven him correct, and uncovered many galactic mysteries, hard evidence of alien life and unidentified flying objects (UFOs) remains elusive. But that hasn’t curbed a belief held by millions of people around the globe – that aliens do exist and do visit earth.
This past Jan. 2, two people travelling along Highway 50 and then east on Rutherford through Vaughan saw static lights in the sky. “They did not move and made a weird shape in the sky,” according to the report posted on Canada’s largest website dedicated to UFOs – HBCC UFO Research.
Reports like this are common, according to Brian Vike, director of HBCC (Houston, British Columbia, Canada) UFO.
“I honestly wish I knew what some of the strange craft folks report were,” he said. “The majority of UFO reported sightings are explainable. A small percentage remains unknown. What these unknown craft are, this is the tough part of the UFO business.”
Vike believes we are not alone and that life exists elsewhere in the vastness of space. “Do I have actual fact that we are being visited, no,” he admits. “But I am open and listen to what folks relate to me.”
The reports continue. In fact, 2007 was a record year for sightings, Vike said.
A boomerang-shaped object was reported in Bolton July 31, 2007. While stargazing, the resident said the object was “white and grey in appearance and it had a boomerang shape to it. Almost like a banana shape … it was quite fast.”
Numerous photos were taken of a UFO Aug. 2, 2006 shortly after 9:45 p.m. The man who reported the sighting was at the Caledon Badlands near Inglewood taking photos of the moon when there was “all kinds of commotion in the trees and bushes. I got really spooked, and I don’t spook easily.” The camera kept snapping and apparently captured 15 photos of a UFO – “one just starting to break the atmosphere, two fully engulfed in the atmosphere, three cooling down; four sitting still; five leaving going back to space …”
Government secrets?
Aside from sporadic individual reports, Britain’s National Archives released 1,000 pages of formerly secret UFO documents May 14. The documents contain UFO sightings from the 1970s through 2002 and several remain unexplained. However, Britain’s defence ministry did not find any evidence of alien activity or alien spacecraft. The archives are releasing files in light of numerous freedom of information requests about government UFO reports. Defence officials noted the reports were only investigated to ensure there were no enemy aircraft over British airspace, and never attempted to solve the UFO riddle.
Vike said the official Canadian government stance is they are not hiding anything from the public and they are not investigating UFOs. However, Vike said from his sources in both the Canadian and U.S. military, “we as the general public haven’t a clue as to what is really going on at times. Yet the military is, from time to time, scrambling aircraft to intercept, or in hopes of intercepting, craft of unknown origin.”
The official roadblocks are evident. Vike said any time he goes through official channels in search of information, “it seems no one knows anything.”
The Library and Archives Canada has a collection of government records on UFOs, gathered from the Department of National Defence, Department of Transport, National Research Council and Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The documents were accumulated between 1947 and the early 1980s and consist of some 9,500 digitized documents. The National Research Council began collecting reports of UFO sightings in 1968. The NRC stopped collecting reports in 1995.
There is no department in Ottawa dedicated to investigating UFOs, according to a spokesman from Dufferin-Caledon MP David Tilson’s office. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), a Canada-U.S. partnership, tracks all aircraft, including those of unknown origin, within Canadian airspace, with a view to identifying them. All aircraft require proper clearance and identification, according to military or International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) agreements.
Federal cabinet documents from the 1960s reveal former prime minister Lester Pearson was intrigued by reports of UFOs in the night skies over southern Ontario and Great Lake states.
One of the most infamous UFO stories of the century – The Roswell Incident – involved the recovery of materials near Roswell, New Mexico, on July 7, 1947. The U.S. military maintains it was a top-secret research balloon that crashed, but there has been intense speculation and questioning ever since, giving birth the UFO phenomenon. UFO proponents believe an alien craft crashed; bodies were recovered and the military covered up the incident.
Some recognition of the UFO phenomenon came from a top-level source.
“If I become president, I'll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists. I am convinced that UFOs exist because I have seen one,” said former U.S. president Jimmy Carter.
Fast-forward to Sept. 21, 2006 when a Caledon family of five saw strange, flashing lights outside their window. “Before this light descended behind our tree line, the light changed to what looked like a flashing white strobe light. It stopped its descent and started to move very quickly horizontally right and then left about three or four times … a second red light started descending in the same path the first one took. Again the light turned white and flashing …”
One of the most well known sightings in Vaughan occurred July 13, 2005 at about 11:30 p.m. Several people reported seeing a disc-like object with an orange glow to it. The light faded in and out and other lights moved across the object. It occurred on Highway 7 above the Ikea store.
These stories, and others that come to HBCC UFO on a daily basis, fuel the fire for Vike.
He said he’s personally had three UFO sightings, mostly in 2002 outside of Vancouver, “when our area went through a major UFO flap.”
An avid UFO buff since 2000, Vike said his fascination with anything of unknown nature led him to create HBCC UFO, now a major Canadian website with a worldwide following. Vike, 57, has been a science fiction fan since childhood. He was a consultant for the American History Channel and its UFO Hunter series and he said he’s waiting to hear back from another film company interested in putting together a UFO-related program.
An object with an aura around it was seen in Caledon Sept. 11, 2004. “I looked to the west sky and there it was … it got brighter and gave off some type of aura … it was zigzagging and doing circular movements.”
What about the skeptics and naysayers?
Vike said those who are adamant that we are, in fact alone in the cosmos, are not open-minded enough to at least consider the idea of earth being visited by other life forms.
World-renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking upset the UFO community with some comments made during an April lecture at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
“We don’t appear to have been visited by aliens,” Hawking said. “Why would they only appear to cranks and weirdoes?”
In a previous lecture entitled Life in the Universe, Hawking touched on the chances that humans would encounter alien life as we explore the galaxy. While he conceded many planets could have life on them, considering many were formed billions of years before our earth, he wondered why the galaxy isn’t filled with activity.
“So why is the galaxy not crawling with self-designing mechanical or biological life forms? Why hasn't the Earth been visited, and even colonized. I discount suggestions that UFOs contain beings from outer space. I think any visits by aliens, would be much more obvious, and probably also, much more unpleasant.”
Renowned astronomer and astrophysicist Frank Drake created the Drake equation in 1961 that estimates the number of “communicating civilizations” in our Milky Way galaxy. Using his formula, current conservative estimates put that number at 1,000 (planets with intelligent life) in our galaxy alone. Astronomers estimated there are 80 to 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe. Drake was the founder of SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) and the SETI Institute, founded in 1984, has a mandate to “explore, understand and explain the origin, nature and prevalence of life in the universe.”
Down to earth, Caledon’s clay hills, which resemble a Martian landscape, seem to draw visitors of both the earthly and extraterrestrial kinds.
One person saw different objects in the sky Sept. 22, 2004 on visit to the Badlands. “The first one was in the northwest and it was very bright with almost a strobe light effect – white, green and red lights. It moved very fast up and down like the (amusement park ride) Drop Zone. Then we looked to the east and there was another one, again it moved and turned in the same way.”
Believers seen undaunted by a lack of evidence or criticism in their cosmic fascination.
“I know from my experiences they visit throughout the winter … I’ll keep watching,” said a Caledon resident who saw rapidly flashing lights in November of 2004.
“If you can get people to stay long enough to witness it once, you pretty much have a new believer,” wrote another.
Believers and non-believers alike are welcome to visit Vike’s site at: http://www.hbccufo. org or e-mail him at hbccufo@telus. net.
Bethesda, Maryland Airplane In Suspended Animation ? (UFO) ?
Date: August 5, 2006
Time: 5:50 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Bethesda Maryland USA.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Airplane in suspended animation.
Full Description of event/sighting: I have had numerous UFO sightings and I did submit one here years ago that you never published. The main reason I am taking time to report this is I just read a report on another site (UFO Casebook) similar to my experience (Airplane suspended in Air in Huntsville, TX) ) and I was so excited that I was not Crazy, that someone else had the same experience as me!
I was on my way to meet a client in an executive office park in Bethesda, Md. I exited the beltway onto Old Georgetown Rd. and turned right on Rock Spring Dr. which leads into the Office Park. It was shortly before 6 pm in August so still light out. On the left side is a High School (I'm not sure of the name - maybe Thomas Johnson H.S.?) Anyway; suspended above the school was an airplane just "hanging" in the air! As I tried to make sense of this, I drove by very slowly and studied it trying to convince myself of some rational explanation. This was not a passenger plane (like in the Texas report)
This was a smaller type plane very "Industrial" looking, like a heavy duty cargo plane. I don't recall any propellers at all. I looked around to get the reaction of other drivers but there were no other cars at all. The plane was a dark color and very "sectioned" with a bulge at the rear underneath. I continued to stare at it craning my neck to look back as I passed it and it was definitely not moving at all, just hanging motionless and silently above the school.
As I continued on the road, it goes downhill and the big office buildings eventually obscured the view. I arrived at my meeting and did say something to the client about it but he looked at me like weird so I let it drop. I left about 2 hours later going out the same road I came in and the plane was no longer there, but there was now a "light show"in the sky exactly as described in "Indiana lights dancing" (8/24/08) I won't go into it as this person describes the exact same light show. There was a low cloud cover and the lights were being cast from behind the clouds (not from the ground up) I remember wondering if the suspended airplane and the subsequent light show were connected. I did not bother telling anyone about this as it was just too weird to believe..especially the motionless airplane. I could not believe it when I read accounts of both these experiences by other people in other states.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Norton, Massachusetts Close Encounters With UFOs
Date: July 2008
Time: Dusk.
Location of Sighting: Norton,Mass. above a friend's yard.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: V shaped.
Full Description of event/sighting: Last summer I was sitting in my car at my friend's house. I was in her driveway, waiting for her to get her stuff together because we were going to leave to get iced coffee's. As we always do on our weekly Friday night hangouts. I was sitting there and she was looking down-going through her wallet or something. I happened to look forward and almost directly in front of me-maybe 35 feet above the ground, I see a small V shaped craft coming out of the trees in her yard above and alley to the side of her little two bedroom house. I couldn't even believe what I was looking at, it was so unbelievable and it made absolutely no noise whatsoever. I could see it completely. It was a July night at dusk. It looked to be roughly the size of a mid size car, small truck. It was gunmetal grey with a slight sheen to it. It had 5 lights on it altogether. Two on each wing and one at the tip. The lights didn't appear to be on. They looked like a dull, muted yellow color.
They reminded me of the canlights that I have in my kitchen. They were all the same size and shape in diameter. It ever so slowly came out of the trees hovering for a few seconds and slowly, slowly drifted off over the other houses on her street and onto another town. I would assume. Now, when this all went down, she wasn't paying attention at all. When it had passed in front of me, this is when I smacked her arm to look, because I couldn't take my eyes off what I was looking at. I just sat there in awe because it was like looking at a special effect in a sci-fi movie. So insane, I still can't wrap my brain around it. So she did see it, but it was the tail end of it. At the time I remember just staring at the sky where I had just seen it pass.
Then I realized a heard sniffling next to me. It's my friend, quietly sobbing to herself. I asked her what was wrong and she said absolutely nothing to me and I left it at that. I have no idea why. It was as if it was just too much for our brains to handle, that we behaved as if it were a dream and not real. Well, for whatever reason I started thinking about it. It was another Friday night about 6 weeks later when I got over there, we were sitting in her driveway again and I brought it up. She was clearly uncomfortable talking about it. I asked her what her problem was and she was defensive about it. I said to her that we're not going to pretend like we didn't see that and I didn't know why we hadn't talked about it before. She went on to say that she thought it had to be a military aircraft. I looked at her like she was talking ragtime (as my late Dad would have said) because I knew what I had seen.
When we actually talked about it, she was just plain scared and didn't want to think it was something other worldly because that's just too weird to be able to accept. It was really my sighting is what I eventually came up with. Because it wasn't a clear enough sighting for her to be absolutely convinced of anything, so she had convinced herself that it 'could be' of military origin. I had an ex-boyfriend that was in the military. I know where our bases are in this area. I've been to the air shows with the Stealth bombers, etc. and also my Dad worked for Delta Airlines for 36 years, so I do know a thing or two about things that fly in the sky. In my opinion, we have nothing to compare to the capabilities of this ship. It is so crazy to me when I think about it, what I saw with my own two eyes. Also, what in the world would an undercover military test be unfolding in a suburban neighborhood above a bunch of cottages around a lake? What would be the purpose to that? Why not over a huge abandoned field, or body of water? Why would they choose to test their top-secret ships above people's homes in a small little neighborhood? It just didn't make any sense. That's why I know it's a bunch of crap.
Not only that, I've seen things in the sky my whole life. I've been an avid stargazer my whole life. I've seen unidentified flying something's, tons of times in my lifetime. I'm about to turn 39 in a couple of months, so I'm not new to this planet. I've always noticed strange things in the sky, but there's been an increase in the number of weird sightings for me in the past few years for some reason. A few summers ago I watched what appeared to be a flat electric green diamond with an electric white rod running through the center of it, with electric red tips at the end of the rod. I watched it and watched it and it actually morphed into what appeared to be an electric green 3-D pyramid. It lost the other two colors and just hung there in the sky, so weird. I've believed in these things from a very young age because I remember my Dad telling me a story of when he was 13 years old, he had been camping in a wooded conservation area in his hometown with two friends. They looked up into the night sky and saw 7 bright aqua blue lights darting back and forth around each other at unnaturally high rates of speed. They were freaked out, big-time. Others reported seeing things that night too. But it was 1951 at the time, so people weren't exactly comfortable talking about those things, even less than today I'm sure. Because of that story, I always had an open mind to that sort of thing, because I know my Dad wasn't a liar. When I was 20,or so I had a friend from the same town as my Dad tell me that she had seen a craft over the same conservation area a few years before, when she had been in a car with a friend and her boyfriend.
She said it actually looked kind of cheesy like from a 50's sci-fi movie. She said it was a saucer shaped disc with two antenna's at the top. She said it hung there over the trees for an hour or so. They never discussed it, ever. A few years ago I was on my way to a couple's house that I'm friend's with that happen to live on a street that's directly attached to this conservation area also. I'm approaching their street and I notice that there are several people pulled off to the side of the road, some actually out of their cars and looking and pointing up to the sky. So I look up,and behind the clouds are bursts of color, purple, blue, yellow and pink lighting up the clouds. It was insane. I drove to their house and told them and they looked at me like I was a crazy person. I just remembered this too, this past summer I happened to notice something that looked quite strange in a field to my left as I was driving up a main road. It was a perfectly burned circle in a huge field. I thought that looked very odd.
Kept thinking about it for a few days and ended up just grabbing my camera and walking down into the field and stepping into it. I took pictures of it from every angle that I could. Nothing was growing inside of it. All the flowers and plant life were growing on the outside perimeter of it. It didn't have any fancy markings in it or anything. It was just a perfectly burnt patch of land. Now that it's winter, I've driven by it again and again, same deal, never grew in. It is still dark and dead area, and finally, my last tale which is actually quite unnerving for me just telling the story. I wasn't there for it, but the visual was creepy enough to make me feel like I had seen it for myself, here goes. My friend, the one in the driveway, she had been coming home from her friend's house at around 2:30am. It's a rural road in our hometown. There wasn't a soul on the road at the time. She said she was listening to the radio and Bob Seger's 'Night Moves' was on, when she noticed something out of the corner of her left eye and looked up. She said she saw a V shaped craft that she was trying to convince herself was a plane, but the way it was approaching was strangely disturbing in the way that it came in very, very low and silently. It was at night, so obviously not able to see the color of the craft, but she said it looked black and it had 6 lights on it, 3 on each wing.
She said that it looked like it was standing on end at first. Then slowly came to lay more flat, with the lights down. She said she stopped in the road to watch it, she was in such shock, that she just had to see what it was. She said it was as if it were observing her and making sure to show her that what she was seeing was the real deal. She said it hovered, lowered itself, turned a little, dropped again, turned a little in the opposite direction. She said it looked as if it were trying to position itself to land in-between the pine trees in this random person's side yard. She just sat there in disbelief. Then she saw car lights coming up behind her, so she took off. She said she wanted to turn around to see if it had landed, but was too freaked out by that time and flew home, ran upstairs and woke her sleeping husband up to tell him the story. He's more open to these things because his parents had woken him and his siblings up when they were small children to show them a UFO that was outside their house.
This was in the 60's. I was thrilled that she had her own sighting because it made it that much more real to her and me. I live in Massachusetts. I don't know if it's because I live in the sticks or what, but it seems like every time I hear a story from someone around here, they've seen something in the country
or a neighborhood. No huge mass sightings like you hear of on TV or UFO documentaries. Oh, just remembered one other thing, my husband's aunt's husband (hope you follow that) used to be a fireman over a decade ago now. Anyways he lived in a super rural area at the time too. He said that he was at work one night and there had been alot of static on the police/fire radio. Lots of people calling in to report weird objects flying in the sky. He said his shift ended and he stepped outside to walk to his vehicle. He looked up and he could see what appeared to be two ships.
One to his left over one town and one to his right over another town. He couldn't believe it. He said he got in his truck and started driving home. He said that something very strange happened. He said that it was as if the ship's were aware of him being aware of them. He said they started getting closer to each other and to him. He said they basically came together over his vehicle. I don't remember how close together they were or how high they were over him, but he said he was so scared that he didn't know if he was going to be able to make it into his house. He said he did run into the house and woke up his brother that he was living with at the time. He said they hovered over their place for over an hour. He is a completely credible person. I would have no reason to think that he would have made that up please. When I think about all of the true stories I have heard of, or read, seen etc. it's crazy. Clearly there are things going on behind the scenes. Don't know why in the world people aren't just talking about it. That's it. Figured I should probably write this down instead of just keeping it to myself, or sharing it with people that I know and trust not to judge me,or think I need an intervention of some kind. Thanks for letting me tell my stories.
Thank you to the witness for their reports.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Edmonton, Alberta Craft With Strobing Lights
Date: Summer of 2008 (not sure the exact date)
Time: Between 1:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m.
Something to mention, last summer I saw what I at first thought was a plane, although I honestly do not recall seeing a body. It was flying low as though on approach, it was slow, and honestly do not recall any sound, perhaps because I was just so fascinated by the strobing lights. It was early morning, between 1 am and 3 am. The odd thing about this was it had many strobing lights on it, and what appeared like a lower platform of strobing lights, as though suspended 5 to 10 feet below on some kind of metal framework. I had totally forgotten about this until just recently and was amazed when I remembered this. I was awestruck when I had seen this "thing" and do recall wondering what the heck I was looking at. Just the fact that I had totally forgotten about it kind of spooks me. I had watched it travel north until it was below the horizon, maybe 20 seconds.
Do planes have strobing lights on them? These lights were very bright, a blue/white in color, and very defined. No hallow of light emanating from them. I would also guesstimate there were around 10 lights in total. There was no consistent pattern to the strobing that I recall.
The object was at most 2 blocks over to the east of me, and perhaps 80 to 100 feet above the ground. As to size,by that I mean the expanse of the lights. At arms length it was about the size of two cassette tapes stacked one on top of the other.
Thank you very much to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Scarborough, Ontario Three Small Round Orange/Red Ball Of Light (UFO)
Date: September 2008
Time: 9:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Sky-south-easterly (Scarborough, ON Canada.)
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Small, round, orangish-reddish balls.
Full Description of event/sighting: I love to look up at the stars when possible within city limits and thought that the reddish globe I saw was Mars, until it started moving erratically, maybe some kind of spotlights. After some 15 minutes or so the pattern started to change to a more fluent and graceful type of aerial dance if you will for another 5 minutes or so. I called someone to come and watch, because this was not spot or search lights. Before they could get to me this small globe shot off in a easterly direction. I watched in awe at the speed, but as if that were not enough, it met up with two other of these same objects. They all hovered for a few seconds, did a little up and down bouncing, then some circles and suddenly shot up all at once at such an amazing speed and just disappeared just as someone came to my side to bear witness, but too late to see this mesmerizing event.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Bournville Northfield Hole Lane UK Large Orange Objects
Date: December 21, 2008
Time: Around 9:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Bournville/Northfie ld - Hole Lane.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 6
Shape of objects: Orange Circles.
Full Description of event/sighting: On 21/01/2008, I was out with my friend walking home and I was drawn to the attention of a large orange object in the sky. It made no noise whatsoever and was moving to slow to be any airline and at first I thought it was a comet or meteorite, but I realized it was moving way too slow. It was larger than any airline I'd ever seen also. I lost sight of this UFO after about 5 minutes, then I saw 3 of the exact same UFO's fly directly over my head, all exactly parallel to each other and moving at exactly the same speed. They were a simple block orange colour, with no other lights. There were then another 2 that followed about 2 minutes later. Before this sighting I did not believe in UFO's, but I am positive what I saw was a UFO and cannot be explained to be anything but that.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Princeces Park, Chatham UK Two Orange/Red Objects
Date: December 24, 2008
Time: 10.45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Princeces Park, Chatham.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: Driving down North Dane Way, to my left I saw a round orange/red object in the sky. Looked like a light/fire. Thought it was a helicopter, but it stopped and hovered above the houses. I slowed down and another one appeared. It just hung in the sky, no noise. Drove on to pick my daughter up and told her what I had seen. Thought it was reflection of street light, but hovered over houses, very low. We even drove back together to see if it was there but half an hour later it had gone.
Saw article in Medway Messenger, sounded just like what I had seen, read it out to my husband because I had described what I saw when I got home that night to him and two guests we had and they didn't believe me!
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Sandal, Wakefield UK 6 Orange Objects Making A Triangular Shape
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: 6:15 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Sandal, Wakefield.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 6
Shape of objects: Triangular.
Full Description of event/sighting: My partner and I were just having our tea on 25th, I just happened to glance outside and saw an orange triangle, a little bit bigger than largest star. I told my partner and we watched it glide across sky and fade. About a minute later another one came across the same path and faded.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Kent UK A Large Orange Object
Date: December 25, 2008
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting:
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: After Christmas dinner my partner and I went outside for a cigarette and the first thing we noticed was a rather large and round orange light in the sky, it was moving quickly from a easterly to a westerly direction with no noise (and no visible wing tip lights etc. which ruled out our idea of it being an aeroplane or a helicopter), but then appeared to slow and stop (we both looked at each other and agreed that it had stopped and was a bit odd)!
We have loads of things flying over here (passenger/commerci al planes from London), helicopters, light aircraft and sometimes military aircraft fly over here, as we're close to the river (Coastguard) , Rochester Airport (light aircraft) and Chinooks and merlins (dunno where they come from) seem to use the river as a guide, but this was nothing like we'd seen before (be interested to see if Rochester Airport noticed anything)!
Anyway, we came back in and had a laugh with the family that we'd just seen a UFO. We all looked out the window in the direction it had stopped, but nothing there.
I hadn't thought about it until my Mum phoned me up this evening and said that there was something in the local paper about someone else seeing something similar around here a few days earlier!
If anyone finds out what it was (balloon, firework, fire on board plane...or a UFO) please let me know. I'm intrigued now.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Sandal, Wakefield UK V Formation Of Deep Colored Orange Lights
Date: December 26, 2008
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Sandal, Wakefield.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: V formation of orange lights.
On 26th December 2008 at about 5:30pm, my partner was looking out of the window and she shouted me to go and look. When I looked out there were 3 deep orange triangles, forming a V-shape. It was just to the side of my flat, at about 100ft, maybe less. There was no sound whatsoever. I was a bit scared but excited. We watched it for a couple of minutes & then it seemed to change shape and the 3 triangles seemed to move up to make 1 ball and then it faded.
We ran outside, but it had gone.We shouted my brother who lives near me. He had also been watching it. He said it had moved over the flats and then gone back. He could make out an outline of a black boomerang shape. Later than night we saw another orange triangle move across, go back and fade.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Above Twydall Green, Gillingham Kent UK Round Glowing Orange Objects/Lights
Date: January 1, 2009
Time: 00.21
Location of Sighting: Above Twydall Green, Gillingham Kent.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 4
Shape of objects: Hard to tell, they looked round, orange glow.
Full Description of event/sighting: I have 2 videos taken on my mobile, if you email me I will attach them and send them back, it was New Years Eve and I was watching the fireworks. I saw the objects and at first thought they were fireworks, but they just slowly moved across the sky. Two side by side and two one above the other they move from east to west then gradually disappeared.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Chapeltown, Sheffield UK A Bright Orange/Red Ball Of Light
Date: January 1, 2009
Time: 6.45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Chapeltown, Sheffield.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Circle.
Full Description of event/sighting: My wife and I were travelling home towards Ecclesfield from Harley via Chapeltown. As we came off the hill at the bottom of Station road/White lane, I saw what looked like a bright orange/red ball of light travelling towards the M1. I pulled over to see if I could hear anything like a helicopter or aeroplane but there was no noise, my wife commented that it looked like a ball of fire and wondered if it was an aeroplane coming down but we would have expected to hear something. We continued on our journey over the roundabout at Chapeltown and under the railway bridge. By which time the object had changed direction and started travelling with us. We stopped again and my wife got out of the car to take a picture on her phone. The object then stopped, hovered then started moving erratically, at which point she got back in the car and we drove away. A little up the road we noticed another vehicle had stopped and a man was stood at the side of the road looking up where we had just seen the object. We then pulled over again but the object had disappeared. We didn't know who to report the sighting to, but have since heard reports of similar sightings in Lincolnshire, Lancashire and Renfrewshire.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Medway/Princes Park Kent UK Circular Orange Lights Moving Fast
Date: January 3, 2009
Time: 9:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Medway/Princes Park.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Circular.
Full Description of event/sighting: Me and my friend (name removed) were walking along the road when my friend looked up and said what is that? It was very bright orange in colour. It was going at a very fast pace across the sky, faster than any other aircraft possible. I was also absolutely silent and didn't make a sound like a jet or firework would make a loud noise. I did take a picture and was a good quality picture as well. If you want to see the picture or need any more details then please don't hesitate in contacting me on the number given.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Cabell Road, Parkbarn, Guildford, Surrey UK Round Orange Lights
Date: January 4, 2009
Time: 00-32
Location of Sighting: Cabell Road, Parkbarn, Guildford, Surrey.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 4
Shape of objects: Round orange orbs/lights.
Full Description of event/sighting: My little brother was walking home on n.y.e with his girlfriend and said he saw some weird orange lights in the sky (not lanterns or fireworks) They were just there, not moving or anything, then they just disappeared, gone in the blink of an eye. So me being me, I am well into the UFO/stars thing by the way and I never left home with out my camcorder. I was driving up Cabell Rd, Guildford on 04.01.09, just left my girlfriends house. I have driven up this road at night a million times, maybe even two million times as I've been with her for 9 years now and I know where all the stars are in the sky at that time of year ect. I saw these two orange lights just on the horizon. I would say, est a mile up and half a mile apart. So I hit the brakes, jumped out the car (it's 12.35am) and tried to film them. At first I didn't think I got much (only filmed for 6 seconds, then they disappeared, but looking over the film when I play it at 1 frame at a time, you can clearly see a triangle shape of 3 orange lights and one single one on it's own to the right, which almost looked like balls of fire. Strange huh.
As I said, there was 4 orange lights in total, there were only 2 visible to the human eye. I didn't see the others until I played the tape back, which made me think they were even stranger. I don't know what I saw, but I do know that I have never seen anything like these lights before, nor have I seen then again. I put my findings up on facebook and a few others claim to have seen some orange lights in the skies over Guildford too. Just thought I'd let you know my story. If I see any more, I will surely contact you again. Many thanks.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Vernon, New Jersey Large Object With Blue And Green Trails
Date: January 2-5, 2009
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Vernon, NJ USA.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round, giant feathered trail.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was snowboarding at mountain creek in Vernon, NJ last week. I believe it was January fifth, probably around a week ago and it must have been between 6-8 pm. I was with two of my friends on the chair lift when we spotted what looked like a shooting star. It was moving at the speed of a shooting star and when it first entered the atmosphere it looked just like one. Then, instead of burning out after a mere second or two, it continued at the same speed in the same direction, gaining big blue and green trails. The trails were actually very big, and very bright; nothing like we have ever seen before. After about 8 seconds hang-time, it disappeared into the opposite horizon we had spotted it from.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Morristown, New Jersey Red Triangular Lights In Formation
Date: January 5, 2009
Time: 7:15 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Morristown.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects:
Shape of objects: Triangular lights.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was traveling 295 north approx: 7:15 pm just before the radar installation outside Morristown when I seen red lights in the NNE sky in the shape of a triangle. When coming to the top of the hill I seen more lights also in formation. I could not be sure but it looked like it was moving slow. To me it looked like one large object but unfortunately the road turned and it was out of sight.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Sudbury, Middlesex UK A Stationery Round Orange Glowing Light
Date: January 6, 2009
Time: Approx: 7.25 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Sudbury, Middlesex.
Number of witnesses: 10
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was driving home in the car and saw several people, approx: 8-10 looking up into the sky and some were pointing. My husband and I looked in the direction they were looking and saw a stationery round orange glowing light in the sky. It was approx: 7.25pm. We stopped the car and just watched it in amazement for approx: 1 min and it didn't move. I opened the window and there was no noise. The other people carried on watching. We had to go home, round the corner, to meet some guests and returned with them, but unfortunately the light had gone and so had all the people.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan A Triangular Shaped UFO
Date: January 6, 2009
Time: 12:30 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Southeastern part of the sky, Saskatoon.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Triangular.
Full Description of event/sighting: I actually saw this object twice. The other night I had the munchies, so I walked the block to 7-11 for some chips. The minute I walked out the door of 7-11, something caught my eye. In the southeastern part of the sky just below and on the left side of Orion's belt I could see some lights, blue with some red intermittently blinking. I stopped and watched it for a bit, thinking it was probably an airplane and waited for it to fly out of sight. But it didn't move.
I crossed the street, continuing to watch it. I could almost make out a triangular shape, with the red blinking light running up and down one of its three sides. However, it was cold (which creates strangely-colored lights with stars), and my contacts are not up-to-date, which meant I had to sort of squint to watch.
I then figured it must have been a satellite. Although it seemed fairly close and any sort of satellite that close to Earth would have shown some movement, right? I walked into the alleyway and stopped to stare again. No movement, but it was blinking (twinkling) more rapidly. I stopped again beside the apartment across the street and stared some more. It still didn't move...which made me think it must have been a star. But what kind of star had three sides in an equilateral triangle? With different colored twinkles, one of them seemingly running on a line from one point to another? I stopped again beside my apartment building and kept staring. Someone walked by to get into the apartment and gave me the weirdest look before going in...and why not? Here was some chick standing by the door with a bag of chips in hand, staring intently into the sky with her mouth wide open. I decided to grab my camera and look at it with the zoom lens.
When I got back out there and turned my camera on, my battery died then and there. I had no more batteries. So I stood there staring a while longer before heading back inside, wondering what the hell it was.
So, that is what I saw. A UFO was my first thought, wiped out by more logical thinking that didn't add up. And whether there's a good explanation or a sci-fi explanation for it, I do not know.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Bridgend, South Wales Large Unknown Craft Moves Silently Through The Sky (UFO)
Date: January 6 or 7, 2009
Time: Evening.
I live in Bridgend, South Wales, and on either Tuesday or Wednesday of last week (6th/7th) I was out the back of my work place smoking a cigarette with a colleague and we saw a aircraft about 400/500 yards away. We often get Police helicopters and passenger planes flying over our shopping mall because we have a police headquarters and large airport nearby, but we also get Chinook helicopters flying over as well, because we are also relatively close to an RAF base. Although after checking online I've found that the nearest base that house the 'Chinook' is RAF Odiham in Hampshire. Now when one of these double bladed beasts fly over or near then you know about it, the noise is incredible and it reverberates through your body like crazy.
On first sighting of this aircraft, that was initially what I thought it was, the size and shape were roughly the same, but the noise was not because, well there was no noise. It was completely silent. The craft as I said was shaped like a 'Chinook' (our veiw of it was side on) it had three bright white lights bathing either end of it, and then it had two red lights flashing in amongst these three bright white lights and it was moving very slowly behind our local Sainsburys shop. We were very shocked to see this large craft and that it was silent, my friend said that it must be an airplane it was just way to low for an airplane, plus it was silent. I was so awestruck by what I was seeing I didn't even think about using my mobile phone to film or take a picture. Which is annoying because I am a keen follower of the UFO phenomenon, and believer of the ET presence on our planet and of the world governments hiding the truth about their knowledge of their ET presence.
To view the map of where the sighting took place: http://www.hbccufo. org/modules. php?name= News&file=article&sid=5777
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Essex, England UK Numerous Bright White Lights Making Unusual Maneuvers
Date: January 7, 2009
Time: 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Essex, England UK.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 9 - then - then - 9
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: On the night of 7th of January I was standing in my back garden just admiring what a beautiful clear night. It was when 9 white glowing objects glided over my house. I stood there in utter shock and disbelief. I ran in and told my wife after seeing this. I stood in my garden again for about half an hour later when 2 big lights caught my eye. I called to my wife again and we watched them glide over the top of our house, one flew straight whilst the other changed direction again and again almost like it was having trouble. Then they both just shot off fast then faster until we could see them no more. I know what birds look like and I know what planes look like and this was something I witnessed ten years ago with a friend. It is half past 9:00 and still in shock from what I had already seen earlier. I glanced again at the sky only to witness either the same nine, but in a different formation. I have got to be honest, I did not look anymore that night. I had seen enough to know I could not explain it. The next day the UK was hit by the UFO hitting a wind turbine. I text my story to Sky News today, I got an email from Sky News telling me my report was passed on to the appropriate authorities and they gave me a reference for future use?
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Plympton Plymouth Devon, UK A Spherical Fireball With Trail
Date: January 9, 2009
Time: 6:50 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Plympton Plymouth Devon.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Spherical with trail.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was standing outside work with colleague when I noticed something in the sky to my left. I looked instantly and it appeared to be a huge fireball with trail which was travelling towards earth, but disappeared behind a building. My colleague and I could not believe what we had seen. It was not a shooting star as it was too large and too low in the sky. We thought it could have been a meteorite, but as I said before, it was very large.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Ajax, Ontario Green And Red Colored Spheres (UFOs)
Date: January 13, 2009
Time: 6:15 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Ajax, Ontario from my front porch.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Spheres.
Full Description of event/sighting: My daughter and I walked out of our house towards the van in the driveway. We were facing east. Suddenly, my daughter froze and said 'did you see that?'. She had a look of fear and shock on her face. She looked up and saw what she thought was a satellite or maybe even the space station slowly moving across the sky. It was a greenish sphere and it was blinking. She didn't think too much because she thought it was a satellite and has seen them many times in the past. Suddenly she noticed a red sphere down and to the right of the green one just hovering in one spot in the sky. She watched it for a few seconds and then it suddenly took off at a high rate of speed and had light 'shooting' out the back of it. It shot across the sky and then vanished.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Edmonton, Alberta Silver/Blue/ White Lights
Date: January 13, 2009
Time: 5:15 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Southeast.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Cannot tell.
Full Description of event/sighting: The first UFO within 2 minutes from each other: I could not forget the first time I saw it so much so I wrote it in Vike's website (Jan 18, 2008 sighting). This sounds crazy but it is almost 1 year ago (Jan 18, 2008) that the same type of craft appeared again. While driving home, I saw very bright lights (blue, silvery white) at a far distance. Because of the distance the lights were very bright and flashing like a strobe light; it was way too bright and flashing too quickly for a plane or helicopter esp at that distance (maybe 1-2 km away). It was moving west to east then north east. It moved very, very quickly. I am not great at judging speed but for an object that far away, it moved across the sky very, very fast unlike the steady speed of a plane. If you were not paying attention, people might think it was a plane because of the similar lights but as mentioned, it was flashing too quickly and too bright for a plane. This object covered a distance est 1-2 km in about 20-35 seconds.
The second UFO (2 minutes later) When I decided to take another exit because of the slow traffic, I turned towards the west and I saw a similar object. It was flashing very quickly but only of a silvery strobe. It was not flashing in sync as the first object but 2 seconds of quick flashes then completely dark for 1 second and flashing again for another 2 seconds. It moved south west but just as quick as the first object. I could not believe what I was seeing. Two very unusual strobe lights crafts. This object when south and it was hard for me to guess the distance because of the direction and my perspective but it was very fast.
Both objects disappeared from the horizon too quickly at that distance of viewing. Ever since my first sighting in 1984 of October while on my way to Fort McMurray, AB, (and we were 4 university students as witnesses), I will never stop looking in the skies for these crafts. I wrote that experience into Vike's report log many years later. All four of us even years later would wondered what that was. I will never stop looking and hopefully in my lifetime there will be undisputable answers that we are not alone.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Downtown Toronto, Ontario Green Glowing Sphere
Date: January 13, 2009
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Downtown Toronto, Yonge & Bloor.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Sphere.
Full Description of event/sighting: I can see from the window of my apartment a bright light in the sky. It has a greenish glow and it has been in the sky moving very slowly for the last 2 hours. I can still see it and until this moment I cannot understand what it is. I saw a few airplanes and helicopters crossing the sky and this light looks brighter than any star, airplane or anything in the sky right now. I have taken photos with my phone and you can see how it has been moving for the last 2 hours.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Bradford, Yorkshire UK Looked Like A Large Fireball In The Sky
Date: January 13, 2009
Time: 5:20 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Bradford.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Ball.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was watching TV in the bedroom when I caught a glimpse, out of the corner of my eye of what appeared to be a fireball in the sky. At first I thought it was a plane on fire. So then I ran down stairs and told everyone in the house to come outside quick. Three of us saw the light in the sky over Bradford, all of us ruling out certain things the more we looked at it. The light in the sky started off way bigger than a plane would appear in the sky and for the height it was at, but eventually disappeared in front of our eyes.
Thank you to the witness for their sightng report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Kent, England United Kingdom A Unsettling Experience (UFO ?)
Date: January 14, 2009
Time: 3:15 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Edwin Road.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: My wife and I were woken at 3:15 a.m. by a loud humming in the sky accompanied. My wife said " What's that noise ?" Whatever it was, it was moving over us in an east to west direction and judging by the noise, it was low in the sky. I got up and when I looked out of the bedroom window I saw a pale orange light disappearing over the woods to the west of our house. I really thought, that, whatever it was, it was going down and would crash in the woods, but it disappeared from sight. The noise was not that of an aeroplane or helicopter and the object was not travelling that fast. My guess was that it might have been an airship, but it was certainly much lower than 1500 feet which is the height for flights over urban areas and do airships travel at night ? It was a very strange and unsettling experience.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
SE Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Triangle UFO With Lights
Date: January 9th and 16th, 2009
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: SE of Saskatoon.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Triangle with lights on the side.
Full Description of event/sighting: I did not witness this myself, but numerous people have seen this triangular object since first spotted on the 9th of January.
It was spotted again last night, the 16th of January in the same location, but quickly disappeared before any pictures were taken.
Thank you to the person for sending along the information.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
UFO Triangular In Shaped Over Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Date: January 16, 2009
Time: Approx: 7:30 p.m.
Tonight, same thing as on January 6, 2009. I was driving by McNally Robinson and saw the exact same thing in the sky, in the exact same spot (albeit, about 5 hours before the previous time). Again, my logical mind insisted it was an airplane or something, but it didn't move. Also, that whole logical idea I had in my head about the cold causing weird colored twinkles just doesn't vibe, since it's quite warm out right now and so I was able to see it much more clearly. It was definitely triangular. It seemed a bit closer than last time. The lights I thought were blue were actually white, and I could also definitely see a red light running up and down one side of it, blinking intermittently.
This time it did move, although it wasn't moving when I initially saw it. I actually parked my car in a parking lot to stop and stare for a while, then I remembered I had my camera. I reached into my purse to grab it, taking my eyes off it for a second, and by the time I turned my camera on and began zooming in, it began moving towards the north really fast. It circled behind me and I lost it. So I continued driving down the alleyway and all of a sudden it appeared in the northwest, moving quite fast towards the RCMP airplane that was also circling overhead. I tried to watch it, but had to keep my eyes on the road. When I glanced back up, it was entirely gone.
I really wish I had someone with me to witness these things, because out of everyone I try to tell, only one person doesn't think I'm crazy.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Research International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/
Our thanks go out to Brian for his hard work and continued dedication to UFOlogy, and for sharing his above report with us. Reproduced here with the permission of Brian Vike.