HBCC UFO Research Note: Please note that the newsletters will hold sighting reports from HBCC UFO Research http://www.hbccufo.org and UFOINFO http://www.ufoinfo.com/. This should make a big difference in the number of sighting reports we both can bring to you. Hope you enjoy.
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M6, North Of Lichfield Towards Manchester, England Objects Just Off The Ground
Date: September 1983
Time: Early evening (dark)
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Round
Weather Conditions: Clear sky, calm.
Description: I was driving a minibus, North to Manchester. I was entertaining myself with singing, pretending to be a DJ. I was aware of the stars. When I said out loud! Patrick Moore would have something to say about this. I was already looking at what looked like two stars in the sky straight ahead possibly a few hundred metres above the ground. and maybe a mile or less ahead. But bright enough for them to look like stars. I looked at the windscreen moving
my position to see if this was some kind of reflection. It was not this, when at very high speed they changed positions by making a half circle. So the one on the left moved over while the one on the right moved under to form in a sense a half circle.
A few second later they did the same again completing a full circle. They then slowly drifted apart. One going to the left and the other going to the right. Again I checked to see if this was some kind of light reflection. It was not. The effect on my brain was one of astonishment at the speed. From standing still to maximum acceleration in what must have been a hundredth or more of a second, the half circle being complete in what seemed the same time. I thought then as I do now that it was a demonstration for my eyes and maybe other witnesses in the vicinity.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
UFO Seen From 402 Highway Just Past Kerwood, Ontario
Date: November 18, 1998
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: 402 highway just past Kerwood, Ontario.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Disk.
Full Description of event/sighting: As a courier, I drive back and forth from Sarnia to London, Ontario. I was heading back from London to Sarnia when in my rear view mirror a glowing disk was right behind me right over the 402. Since I had an abduction in 1967 on vacation, fear gripped me as the disk banked over the car. The car soon died and I keep trying to get the car going, but nothing happened. What was weird, was no cars where around and the snow was coming down very heavy. Then there was a flash of light and I found myself slumped over the steering wheel when I came to. The disk was now gone and I felt a little sick to my stomach at the time, but I was ok. I was shocked when I returned home, I was 3 hours 12 minutes late getting home. The drive from London to Sarnia takes only 1hr 20 minutes. The time I normally get home is 8:30 pm that night, it was 11:42 when I arrived home.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Between Crossfield and Carstairs, Alberta Ball Of Light
Date: December 13, 2003
Time: 11:10 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: A ball of light.
Weather Conditions: I can't remember, but I think it was clear with a bit of clouds and snow on the ground.
Description: My sister and I were returning from a long day of shopping in Calgary and live in Carstairs. Heading northbound on Highway 2 we had just passed our usual landmarks near Crossfield to know our turn off the highway was coming up in a few kilometers(these points being a service station and truck stop on the right side and a cemetery on the left). Adjoining the cemetery is an overpass and as we were coming out from under that pass and rounding a bend in the highway the whole sky from horizon to horizon lit up like day in this great white light that lasted a second or so. We could see all around, but thought it was some freak lightening. As the night returned to normal in that second, a white ball of light (from our distance it was about the size of a volleyball) came straight down from the sky and then bounced right back up the way it had come. I thought it had hit the farmers field straight in front of us, that was how close it seemed.
Of course we also looked at each other to see if we were nuts, but we both had truly seen this phenomenal thing. It had to be the most exciting thing I have ever experienced in my life, I have to say, and I wish for more every time I'm driving at night, to this day.
TV/Radio: I had looked on the internet for sightings of this incident a few days later and had found a few. It was exciting to know we weren't the only ones who witnessed this, it still haunts me to this day (being close to the date 5 years later and current "fire in the sky" reports in the news).
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Boyd, Wisconsin A Huge Triangle UFO
Date: Fall 2004/2005
Time: Evening.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Large triangle with lights on each corner.
Weather Conditions: Clear star-filled sky.
Description: This large craft was slowly moving silently. I pulled the car over and turned it off to listen for an engine noise. There wasn't any. I could tell it was a large triangle because it blocked out the stars as it passed almost overhead. It went south slowly then suddenly up out to space. Several days later my husband saw the same strange silent triangle.
TV/Radio: Not that I know of.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Hennopspark Gauteng, South Africa Couple Watch UFO
Date: June 10, 2008
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Centurion at home.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Unsure.
Full Description of event/sighting: My wife called me outside when she spotted the UFO. It came over our home at Centurion flying from east to west, it was about airplane height (commercial) . I have never seen an airplane flying this direction as we have certain air traffic routes over our home. It had an orange flashing light as well as yellow/white ones (there seemed to be about 3 lights flashing) but the orange was especially bright, once again distracting from the airplane idea. I thought actually at first it may be a firework or fire signal, but it kept on going like an airplane. It slowly went over our home and continued above some thin cloud cover. It was visible through the cloud cover. Someways over our home it suddenly seemed to stand still for a long while, probably a minute or two. I then realized it was actually getting smaller, thus it was actually moving upwards at an incline. It then started moving round to the north all the while slowly climbing until it looked like a flashing star, after what was probably 10-15 minutes it finally disappeared from sight.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Helston Cornwall, UK Lights Appeared To Be Joined Together
Date: October 26, 2008
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Helston Looking NNW.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: -
Full Description of event/sighting: Looking NNW I could see what first appeared to be a bright star with a single light. After a while I noticed the light changing colour, this caught my attention. I took a reference from a constellation of stars, I knew it couldn't be a object on the ground or on the hillside in the distance. I then went to get my binoculars to take a closer look. Five minutes had past, I noticed the light had not moved relative to the constellation. When I looked through the binoculars I noticed there were three separate white lights joined horizontally, each light distinctive in brightness. The lights seemed to emit a brighter light from its center at irregular intervals changing colour. I observed the lights for 3-4 minutes longer before it disappeared.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Bay Estate, Dundalk, Co Louth A White Blue Light
Date: November 2, 2008
Time: 8:25 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: White blue light
Weather Conditions: Cold, night sky was clear.
Description: Walked out of the sunroom at the back of the house facing south and glanced up at the night sky because it was so clear. A bright white object (steady on, did not flicker), same size as a the north star but at low altitude (about a mile high maybe), edged in pale blue at times, was travelling at speed from left to right (east to west) in a 'perfect horizontal line'. It made no sound and I observed it move across the sky for three to four seconds before it
disappeared (or turned off its lights) just before it would have escaped from my view anyway. Definitely not a plane or helicopter, it moved far, far too quickly, but not as quick as a shooting star. My guess is it came in from the direction of the sea as seemed to be heading inland.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Hixson, Chattanooga, Tennessee Fleet Of Red Glowing Orbs
Date: November 3, 2008
Time: 1:50 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 5-6 in formation, 2 following far behind
Shape of objects: Spherical.
Weather Conditions: Clear starry sky.
Description: I was exiting the car to go inside when I saw what appeared to be a fleet-like formation of red glowing orbs equidistant apart taking up about one fourth of the sky. I watched in disbelief for about 2 minutes as they slowly hovered over head making absolutely no noise at all. They were then followed by two amber pulsing lights in the distance and had multiple streaks of light appearing to be shooting stars around them occur a few times.
TV/Radio: Not yet known, this thing was huge, there is no way I could have been the only witness.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Bartlesville, Oklahoma Oval Shaped UFOs
Date: November 4, 2008
Time: 7:56 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 15+ Approx
Shape of objects: Sort of oval from what I could see
Weather Conditions: Cool, slightly overcast, slightly cloudy
Description: I looked a distance out west and slightly south and saw what I first thought was a flock of white birds. I thought it was unusual because they were so white and I told my husband quickly, look at the birds! He was driving so needless to say, he couldn't really take his eyes off the road to try and see what I was seeing. As I watched them for only a moment, they began to disappear quickly, almost as if they were flipping over and I could no longer see them. I was thinking possibly the flock of birds had turned direction and what morning sunshine that was out was reflecting off of them and now the direction they turned, it wasn't.
We pulled right in to the workplace and was able to look toward the sky where they were and there wasn't a trace of any birds in the sky anywhere. I told my husband what I saw and he said congratulations, do you realize what you may have just seen? I just sat there with my jaw open because I don't know how it could have been anything else.
TV/Radio: I didn't hear anything reported or anyone else discuss it at work.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Two Bright Orange Objects Over Kentucky
Date: November 5, 2008
Time: Approx: 6:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number 0f objects: 2
Just wondering if anyone had reported seeing anything in Kentucky Nov. 5th 2008 app. 6:00 pm. The two objects were bright orange. At first they were close together. Next one of the orange objects descended slowly to earth, while the other stayed stationary. Four fighter jets (that looked to be coming from the Air National Guard in Louisville) showed up minutes after the lights appeared. After the one orange light descended the other light stopped glowing, but remained app. 5-8 minutes then it just disappeared. The fighter jets cruised through a couple more times then turned back toward Louisville. I have never seen anything like it before.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Ninilchik Alaska A Cylinder Shaped UFO
Date: November 5, 2008
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1-2
Shape of objects: Cylinder, Martini glass shape.
Weather Conditions: mostly clear some clouds.
Description: A friend called to ask if I could see this object and I looked without my glasses and could see flashing red and green lights at a distance. Putting my glasses on it was very clear and moved slightly both to the right and left, over the period of an hour it moved to the North several degrees and became lower on the horizon.
I called a friend with a telescope, he saw the object and had several others observe. They all said they had never seen anything like it. It was above the horizon on the West side of Cook Inlet between Redout and Illiamna Volcanoes. It is still out there an hour later...we all want to know what we are looking at.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Lewisville, Texas A Shiny Cigar Shaped UFO
Date: November 8, 2008
Time: 12:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Cigar-shaped.
Weather Conditions: Sunny high 60's.
Description: Just happened to look up in the sky watching a plane take off and noticed a shiny cigar-shaped object in the sky close to the plane. The object remained still for a few seconds then disappeared. I am very skeptical of reports of UFOs, but what I saw today was very unusual.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Aveley In Essex, UK A Glowing Object
Date: November 15, 2008
Time: Evening.
I have just been to a friends house in Aveley in Essex, UK, and she told me not to laugh at her but she thought that she had seen an UFO. Obviously we thought she was joking until she showed me the photo of it that she had taken on her mobile telephone. She witnessed this object on 15th November 2008, just 3 weeks ago. She was watching TV at home when out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of something glowing in the sky. She thought it was an aeroplane but decided to look more closely and realized that there were no flashing lights on it and that it looked like a big ball of orange flame. She said that it looked about the same height as a plane would fly. She said it was moving across the sky from east to west. She went into the garden and called her husband out to witness it. He could not explain it either. It is worth noting that Aveley is approx about ten miles from Loughton. I said I would try and find out any info for her and see if anyone else saw this thing and that's when I came across the numerous reports from Loughton.
I hope this is helpful, Yours sincerely.
Thank you to the person for relating the person's sighting.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Paisley Near Elderslie, UK Glowing Orange Lights
Date: November 15, 2008
Time: 10:20 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Paisley (near Elderslie).
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Orange glow.
Full Description of event/sighting: Whilst enjoying a cigarette outside a local pub near the Paisley Abbey, I noticed a small orange light travelling in a southern direction. In my estimation, the object was flying between 1 and 3 thousand feet and was travelling about the same speed a helicopter would. The object didn't change direction or height but travelled slowly in the same direction. At the time I thought that it must have been a helicopter but rather than typical aircraft lights it was a hazy orange glow which was strange. I almost forgot about until in amazement a second object appeared around 4 minutes later travelling at the same height and direction just as the first one disappeared into the distance. As a non believer, I must admit I found this very strange, but decided there must be some explanation. Then I read the local newspaper and noticed a similar sighting in Elderslie (around 4 miles away).
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada Light Moves Erratically
November 17, 2008
Time: 5:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round bright light.
Weather Conditions: Mostly clear, some cloud patches.
Description: My daughter called me to say she was watching a light that got brighter on and off above what looked like Mt. Baker from her patio on the 5th floor facing south east. She said the light got extremely bright and was making erratic very fast movements and then it would come to a complete stop and shoot straight up until it couldn't be seen again. As we were discussing it she said here it comes again and it looked like it was following the Fraser river on a zig zag motion and then came to another abrupt stop. From there she said it disappeared into the darkness.
Being only about three blocks from her apartment, I went outside to see if I could see anything but I'm much lower than her apartment and could see nothing. We laughed and said she should call the radio station but she was reluctant so we did nothing. Later that evening a news flash came that there was an article on tomorrows news about UFO sightings in BC and my husband and I looked at each other in disbelief. Maybe she really was seeing something. We will have to talk with her to get the exact details as I am reporting from what I remember over the phone conversation as it was happening. I will ask her to draw what she saw. So when I watched the news the next day I was disappointed to find out that I could not contact anyone regarding her sighting. She does not have television so could not watch it either.
TV/Radio: She did not report this.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Bittern Lake, Alberta, Canada A Star Like Object
Date: November 20, 2008
Time: 5:40 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Star-like
Weather Conditions: Cloudy, windy, cold
Description: I live on an acreage with no outside lighting. At approximately 5:40 pm, I was sitting on my couch watching the TV which is between two very large, floor-to-ceiling windows which overlook a densely wooded area. The woods momentarily lit up! I mean lit up! It seemed to me that the light came from the south side of the house to light the woods to the north. I picked up the phone and paced with the dogs wondering what I should do.
I decided to go outside (knees shaking) with the dogs just to see that everything was okay and set my mind at ease. After wandering west and south of the house for about 5 minutes I saw an intensely bright light to the south just above the horizon. It was large enough that I might have mistaken it for the headlight of an oncoming train if there was a track leading to my house. Of course there isn't.
The light was so bright that it was difficult to keep looking at. It reminded me of a halogen light because of its intensity and the halo of red, yellow and deep blue. That big, bright light sat there for only about a minute after I had noticed it. Then it went 'out' and left only a tiny point of light for a couple of seconds before vanishing into a light patch of 'mist' for a few more seconds, and then it was gone.
I was just looking out the windows, using my binoculars, in the direction of where I was standing outside yesterday evening. I can't imagine what that light could have been. The space weather page says it was most likely an asteroid which lit up the sky. Would it sit and glow so brightly? Cool, whatever it was.
TV/Radio: I have the news on now and they have apparently been flooded with calls about 'light' in the sky. They have no explanation yet and are leaning toward the likelihood of a meteor shower falling on the province of Alberta. Apparently there have been reports of this bright light as far north as Fort McMurray.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
West Virginia, Bright Flash
Date: November 21, 2008
Time: 3:30 - 3:45 p.m.
Hello Brian, Just a note to tell you about last week. On Friday, 11-21-08 at 3:30-3:45pm eastern. My wife and I were sitting in the living room and saw a bright flash. It was as if someone in the room took a picture with a flash, except the light came through and around the closed blinds on the south, east, and north of the room. We looked at each other and confirmed we both saw it, we heard no sounds, and I saw nothing or anyone anywhere.
Seems to coincide with some of the meteor reports you've had lately. But, being in West Virginia, we're quite a distance from those sightings.
Hope all is well, take care.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Hamilton, Ontario Bright Yellow Pulsating Rods
Date: November 20th/21, 2008
Time: 12:30 a.m. - 1:00 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 1+
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Bright yellow pulsating rods.
Weather Conditions: Clear skies.
Description: In the sky, which was very clear, above my neighborhood to the right of the horizon were two bright vertical skinny rods of light, pulsating in orange/yellow colour, parallel to each other, but not sure how far apart they were exactly. It was not an Aurora Borealis or anything like that, for example the air traffic flood lights. One of the rods, on the left, was clear throughout but the second one on the right side would appear/disappear intermittently.
I couldn't take my eyes off of them and tried to look at them as long as possible. After about 20 or so minutes, both of the rods disappeared. I then looked to the left of the horizon from my balcony and there was a strong white cluster of lights beaming in stillness through one of the small clouds and emanating what I thought were multiple white rods. I could distinguish the light from the small amount of clouds because they were brighter. I could then faintly see one brighter rod emanating from the cluster of white lights.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Victory Park, Johannesburg, Gauteng UFOs (Video Footage)
Date: November 22, 2008
Time: Approx: 10:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: Initially 7 then 2
Shape of objects: Circular.
Weather Conditions: Clear with scattered clouds.
Description: Hi There, Got home from watching the Rugby at about 9.50pm. I took my wife and 9 month old baby upstairs to put him in bed. My wife then lay on our bed as our little one didn't want to go down to sleep.
So I decided to go and fetch all our bags out of our car. We have a really awesome view from our place as it overlooks Johannesburg. As I went outside something caught my attention and I looked into the sky and there were 7 circular disc shaped objects scattered but pretty close to one another. I have never seen anything like that in my life. Their colours ranged from intense red to orange.
I quickly ran inside to call my wife to have a look as I didn't want to believe what I was seeing. When we came outside the objects had vanished but there was still one in the sky. My wife was amazed. At that point we noticed another one of these objects rising in the distance. At that point I ran inside to get my camera to take some film. I managed to get about 40 seconds of footage before they disappeared.
I am hoping that I'm not the only person to have witnessed this.
TV/Radio: I have video footage:
Additional information:
Hi John,
Please see the attachment for the clip. I'm sorry about the quality but it was 10pm in the eve and the objects were quite a distance away. There is a lot of camera shake so don't confuse that with erratic movement. You will see the two objects above each other. There were 7 of them at one stage and I called my wife to have a look and then there was only 1 left in the sky. However another one did appear and it moved to the top of the one that was left behind if that makes sense?!?!
Anyway - I have had a lot of people tell me that I'm stupid and that I'm high on drugs which I can assure you I am not. I know what I saw and unfortunately the vid doesn't do it any justice. Anyway - I did mail it to Roger Day and he said that in his opinion it could be UFOs or I think he said ETV's? He also asked me if anything funny might have happened to me that eve at home like a time lapse or weird marks on my body. I do recall switching a light on in the lounge when this was all happening and my wife said asked me if I had switched it off as it was off and I said no I didn't so not sure if this might have had anything to do with this.
Anyway, I always try and have an open mind about things and my heart and head are telling me that it wasn't anything man made or some weather phenom. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this mail and to view the clip.
To view the video footage: http://www.hbccufo. org/modules. php?name= News&file=article&sid=5479
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Surrey Delta Scott Rd. Border, British Columbia A Flying V Formation (UFO)
Date: November 23, 2008
Time: 6:10 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Surrey/Delta/ Scott Rd. Border/ southbound.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: ?
Shape of objects: flying V formation.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was heading home, cutting through the alley way at Nordel Way and Scott Rd. and was drawn to a whitish illuminated object above/at first sight it registered to me as a few Geese or ducks flying southward and then I noticed there was no movement/as far as flapping wings. I noticed no sound and a perfect formation, all these thoughts were within seconds of my first glance. I wasn't sure if it was one object slightly illuminated underneath or 3 or 4 flying in perfect formation. That's when I said "what the heck" and I moved towards Scott Rd. to get a better view and whatever it was, disappeared. I was out on the sidewalk within 3 seconds and as I looked in the direction in which it was headed, there was no sign of it. My conclusion was , if that was a flock of birds they would surely have been visible at least for another 15 to 30 seconds before fading away, but when I got this sudden feeling that was unexplainable.
I used the example of the movie Mony Python and the Holy Grail. Set in the middle ages when suddenly the police show up in their cars, totally out of whack. It was like someone or something inserted a spacecraft hologram film clip into my field of view. Even if this was a plane or even a lear jet, I still would have had ample time to see it fade away, but it glided silently across the sky and vanished. I found myself observing everything that fly's after that and still everything I see either flaps it's wings and or can be seen until out of sight. I'm hoping someone else saw this, or was there V shaped craft that could resemble fighter jets in the area that night that doesn't make a sound?
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Lincoln, Nebraska Orange/Red Glowing Orb
Date: November 26, 2008
Time: 8:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Lincoln, NE.
Number of witnesses: 6
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Orange/red glowing orb.
Full Description of event/sighting: This is my third sighting of a red light. The object was witnessed by myself and 2 other adults. The object again came from the SE moving NW. What was witnessed at first looked like a full moon behind trees, but it was a very bright reddish orange color. At this time I ran inside to get my camera and my wife stayed outside and watched. I was inside for no more than 15 seconds to get the camera. When I returned outside the object had gone from approximately 100 - 200 feet to about 500 feet and had lost it's glow, but was now a bright light about as brighter than Jupiter appears in the sky. The object then moved north and climbed to about 1000 feet. sat there for about 2 minutes then climbed until it winked out. This is the third sighting of the object. First was 8/18/08/. second was 8/29/08. and tonight 11/26/08.
The pattern I have noticed if you are to take the first two sightings they were 11 days apart. Counting on a calendar by 11's, 11/26/08 fell on an 11th day. The craft again made no noise. My son living 3 blocks away on a third floor apartment was out on his balcony and called me to tell me he was seeing the object. I didn't have my cell phone on me and he left me a voice mail saying what he was seeing. The time the message was left was 8:45pm (CST). He saw it before I did because he was higher up and didn't have an obstructed view as I did with it behind trees. He described it the same as I saw it. The were three others with him at the time and they also witnessed it.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 5 To 6 Lights Flying In Formation
Date: November 26, 2008
Time: 8:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Castlefin Rd., Bryn Mawr, PA. (Suburb of Philadelphia) .
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 5-6
Shape of objects: Grouping of 5 to 6 very bright, perfectly round white lights moving close together in some sort of formation.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was in the car with my Dad, driving back to my parents house the night before Thanksgiving when, on a residential back road about a street away from their house I couldn't help but notice a grouping of 5 to 6 extremely bright white lights that appeared to be flying very close to the ground in close formation but at times the lights would group ever closer together. The street is heavily wooded but I had no problem following the lights until they all clumped together to make one light and just disappeared. My Dad who was driving saw it without even having to stop the car.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Lincoln, Nebraska 5 Orange Red Glowing Spheres
Date: November 27, 2008
Time: 10:13 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Above our home, flying north to south.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 7
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: November 27, 2008 10:13 p.m. My husband was returning from a walk and saw 5 orange-red glowing spheres right above our home. He called me on his cell phone and I looked out our second story window and saw them. They were hovering right above our house in a loose formation. They appeared to be about 100 feet above ground but that distance fluctuated. I joined him outside to witness this event. They were completely silent and moved rather slow when they were above our home. The five spheres traveled north to south and when they were one block away they disappeared completely. It was as if they were fireballs that burned out. Right after that, 2 more appeared from the north-again right by our house. I called my neighbor to witness this. I have never been a witness to anything like this before and was relieved to find that others saw the same thing on this night in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Lake Bluff, Illinois Disc Shaped Lights
Date: November 28, 2008
Time: 6:20 - 7:15 p.m.
Location of Sighting: My 2nd floor window facing west, my backyard, my car.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Disc shaped lights, very bright and dense.
Full Description of event/sighting: This sighting began as I was looking out the window while on the phone. I noticed two lights, I got off the phone and immediately grabbed the binoculars. The lights appeared to be disc shaped, not round or star-like, but it was impossible to be sure from the distance. At times it seemed they dimmed and then got brighter. I then went outside to get a better look. The top light was dimmer than the bottom one. They were both significantly lower than any other stars in the sky. There is a lot of light pollution in the area so I could tell they were extremely bright. The lights moved so slowly that they appeared stationary. I kept an eye on them for the next half an hour and they were starting to slowly make their way west. I got in my car with a friend and we watched them on our way out to the highway. It was at this point they finally moved out of site after roughly an hour of watching them.
I would also like to mention on ufostalker.com right now, half of the 20 most recent events are sightings of the exact same thing (including my report to mufon). The ones with pictures confirm that I and my friend, saw the same thing. Something was going on last night all across the United States.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
On The 401W To Toronto, Ontario Circular Objects Form Triangle
Date: November 29, 2008
Time: 5:50 p.m. - 7:20 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Just west of Kingston driving the 401W to Toronto.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Circular objects which then formed a triangular shaped pattern.
Full Description of event/sighting: My girlfriend and I were driving along the 401 (westbound) just outside of Kingston when I spotted two "star-liked" shapes in the south western sky.
Initially I thought that these lights were planets as they were quite bright. The first light was quite bright in intensity and situated approximately 5,000 feet lower than the second light which was comparatively smaller and dimmer. There were no other flashing or blinking lights and these two objects appeared to be "hovering" in position for quite some time.
I approximated the height of these objects to be 15,000 - 20,000 feet from the ground (as I am aware that commercial airplanes fly at an altitude of 30-35,000 feet). I even witnessed an airplane flying above these two lights and you could clearly distinguish the plane from the two unknown objects. The plane was quite a bit smaller (and you could identify the tail and wing lights which were absent on the 2 unknown objects). The approximated object height obviously is inaccurate as these objects may in fact not existed within out atmosphere but could have existed outside which would create the illusion. If any physicists would like to do the calculations to determine the appropriate angle then I would suggest the image size of the larger shaped object to be approximately the circumference of a top of a thumb tack.
What was quite intriguing about these objects is that in the blink of an eye they would be located completely over top of us and then all of a sudden disappear and look as if they were from the Scarborough region to all of a sudden Niagara Falls region. Also at one point we would repeatedly see a third object which flashed and would approach in some type of communicative fashion.
Closer to Toronto, we actually saw the third object approach the two that were slightly diagonal from one another and then the three formed a triangular type of pattern. This shape then rotated a complete turn, then the third object moved away from the other two.
By the way, we happened to record the entire event with our digital camera. There is quite a bit of shakiness in the video (girlfriend' s recording technique) and the objects are difficult to see (due to the inability to zoom in closely).
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Near Oshawa, Ontario Airport Unknown Craft ?
Date: November 29, 2008
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Near Oshawa airport.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: N/A.
Full Description of event/sighting: A friend of mine called me to come check of an airplane that was coming in for a landing at a near by airport. What caught his attention was how low the plane was coming in, after the plane left our field of view we continued talking outside. After no more than a minute another light peaked over the clouds. What was strange was, the incredible rate at which the object was moving. This object appeared to be about 1-2 km away with only a white blinking light which seemed to flash briefly in 1 second intervals. It was hard to keep up with the object flashing and moving so fast. At the distance we were standing we would normally hear every plane that fly's by, this object made no sounds. Again I've never seen anything fly into the airport that fast it made it's way across the horizon in about 15 second.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Elizabeth Métis Settlement, Alberta
Date: November 30, 2008
Time: Evening.
I was in the Elizabeth Settlement, Alberta, outside of Cold Lake on the deck of the house and out of nowhere some fiery ball comes out of the sky and crashed. Then a bright light exactly like daytime! It was deadly, and after there was just sparks or something like that! Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Elton Cheshire, UK An Orange Flame Like Globe
Date: November 30, 2008
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Elton Cheshire.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Orange flame like globe.
Full Description of event/sighting: In a southerly direction, I noticed a orange light travelling across the sky, looking closer I could only describe what I thought was a plane on fire (being on the flight path for several airports) called my husband and we both stood there and watched this orange ball of flaming light travel across the sky and disappear to a point but made no noise. It did not move up or down but kept the same line across the sky. It appeared bigger than any star that was out about the size of a low flying aircraft. The sky was very clear and frosty. I could only possibly say that it looked like a meteor possibly. Can anybody confirm they saw something similar on this night?
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Star Prairie, Wisconsin Flaming Object Streaked Through The Sky
Date: December 1, 2008
Time: 11:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Star Prairie WI.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Bright streak of light.
Full Description of event/sighting: We started out looking for the moon tonight, but we saw something else instead that really blew our minds. We decided to go out of town to a deserted road to find the moon because we were having no luck with all the lights in town and the moon was supposed to be an interesting design tonight, but we couldn't even find the moon. So we were looking up at the Orion constellation, when suddenly out of no where came this flaming object streak that almost looked like a firework, but no sound, and was gone in a matter of seconds.
At first we thought it was the shuttle, but when we came home we found out that it landed earlier today. The description that I can best give of it was, it started like a red around the rim firework and white in the middle. It really lit up the sky and went from east to west. We didn't know what we were seeing until we checked up on the web and found this website and others like it. Strangely enough other people in the last month have been seeing stuff like this as well which really piqued my interest. Star Prairie, WI is right near the border of MN, just east of St. Paul. This happened around 11pm Sunday night, December 1st, 2008.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Albuquerque, New Mexico Small Triangle
Date: December 3, 2008
Time: 9:30 p.m. till 12:30 a.m. it was still there when I went to bed.
Location of Sighting: Above Albuquerque.
Number of witnesses: 9
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Small triangle.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was sleeping when my girlfriend woke me up and told me to go look at the UFO my son had found out from a phone call from a friend who had called to tell him about it. It seemed to be flying in a pattern but, was not an airplane. I am the daughter of a USAF full bird Col retired USAF pilot and I have grown up watching planes. This had no sound, one white light and could disappear when it wanted usually in the same place in it's flight pattern. It did change flight patterns a couple of times, but it also could zoom across the city in the matter of a second. No noise, I called local news stations and as far as I know they were unable to catch it on film , I also called the homeland security number (that was kind of a joke the local number was a recording the 1-800 number I did get someone and advised me to call the local police. So I did and they reported it to all authorities. I see nothing about it in the news today as of yet. When I called the police operator back I told her it seemed to be staying away from the air force base and she said "we are aware of that" and thanked me for my call so, who knows.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Thorold Toward The Welland, Ontario Star Like Objects
Date: December 5, 2008
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Pretty high in the sky, not quite over Thorold but in the distance toward the Welland area.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Round, look like stars but much brighter.
HBCC UFO Research Note: As for this sighting report HBCC UFO received, there is no email address nor a phone number in which to contact the witness. So I am not sure if sighting report is not on the up and up.
Full Description of event/sighting: This has happened several times in the past week. Looks like 2 stars but much brighter and closer to the horizon than the other stars. About 3 thumbs away arm length. One is slightly bigger than the other. They disappear one at a time, and come back, then disappear again. Sometimes they are really bright, sometimes they come back really dull, then disappear again.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Darlington, UK Fireball With Red On Top And Orange Below
Date: December 6, 2008
Time: 10:50 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Darlington.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: A ball of fire, red on top orange below, flying across the clear moonlight sky, it moved very fast without a sound, moving from west to east.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Also you can join for free the HBCC UFO Research newsletter by going to the following link and signing up: tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/hbccufo
M6, North Of Lichfield Towards Manchester, England Objects Just Off The Ground
Date: September 1983
Time: Early evening (dark)
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Round
Weather Conditions: Clear sky, calm.
Description: I was driving a minibus, North to Manchester. I was entertaining myself with singing, pretending to be a DJ. I was aware of the stars. When I said out loud! Patrick Moore would have something to say about this. I was already looking at what looked like two stars in the sky straight ahead possibly a few hundred metres above the ground. and maybe a mile or less ahead. But bright enough for them to look like stars. I looked at the windscreen moving
my position to see if this was some kind of reflection. It was not this, when at very high speed they changed positions by making a half circle. So the one on the left moved over while the one on the right moved under to form in a sense a half circle.
A few second later they did the same again completing a full circle. They then slowly drifted apart. One going to the left and the other going to the right. Again I checked to see if this was some kind of light reflection. It was not. The effect on my brain was one of astonishment at the speed. From standing still to maximum acceleration in what must have been a hundredth or more of a second, the half circle being complete in what seemed the same time. I thought then as I do now that it was a demonstration for my eyes and maybe other witnesses in the vicinity.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
UFO Seen From 402 Highway Just Past Kerwood, Ontario
Date: November 18, 1998
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: 402 highway just past Kerwood, Ontario.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Disk.
Full Description of event/sighting: As a courier, I drive back and forth from Sarnia to London, Ontario. I was heading back from London to Sarnia when in my rear view mirror a glowing disk was right behind me right over the 402. Since I had an abduction in 1967 on vacation, fear gripped me as the disk banked over the car. The car soon died and I keep trying to get the car going, but nothing happened. What was weird, was no cars where around and the snow was coming down very heavy. Then there was a flash of light and I found myself slumped over the steering wheel when I came to. The disk was now gone and I felt a little sick to my stomach at the time, but I was ok. I was shocked when I returned home, I was 3 hours 12 minutes late getting home. The drive from London to Sarnia takes only 1hr 20 minutes. The time I normally get home is 8:30 pm that night, it was 11:42 when I arrived home.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Between Crossfield and Carstairs, Alberta Ball Of Light
Date: December 13, 2003
Time: 11:10 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: A ball of light.
Weather Conditions: I can't remember, but I think it was clear with a bit of clouds and snow on the ground.
Description: My sister and I were returning from a long day of shopping in Calgary and live in Carstairs. Heading northbound on Highway 2 we had just passed our usual landmarks near Crossfield to know our turn off the highway was coming up in a few kilometers(these points being a service station and truck stop on the right side and a cemetery on the left). Adjoining the cemetery is an overpass and as we were coming out from under that pass and rounding a bend in the highway the whole sky from horizon to horizon lit up like day in this great white light that lasted a second or so. We could see all around, but thought it was some freak lightening. As the night returned to normal in that second, a white ball of light (from our distance it was about the size of a volleyball) came straight down from the sky and then bounced right back up the way it had come. I thought it had hit the farmers field straight in front of us, that was how close it seemed.
Of course we also looked at each other to see if we were nuts, but we both had truly seen this phenomenal thing. It had to be the most exciting thing I have ever experienced in my life, I have to say, and I wish for more every time I'm driving at night, to this day.
TV/Radio: I had looked on the internet for sightings of this incident a few days later and had found a few. It was exciting to know we weren't the only ones who witnessed this, it still haunts me to this day (being close to the date 5 years later and current "fire in the sky" reports in the news).
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Boyd, Wisconsin A Huge Triangle UFO
Date: Fall 2004/2005
Time: Evening.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Large triangle with lights on each corner.
Weather Conditions: Clear star-filled sky.
Description: This large craft was slowly moving silently. I pulled the car over and turned it off to listen for an engine noise. There wasn't any. I could tell it was a large triangle because it blocked out the stars as it passed almost overhead. It went south slowly then suddenly up out to space. Several days later my husband saw the same strange silent triangle.
TV/Radio: Not that I know of.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Hennopspark Gauteng, South Africa Couple Watch UFO
Date: June 10, 2008
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Centurion at home.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Unsure.
Full Description of event/sighting: My wife called me outside when she spotted the UFO. It came over our home at Centurion flying from east to west, it was about airplane height (commercial) . I have never seen an airplane flying this direction as we have certain air traffic routes over our home. It had an orange flashing light as well as yellow/white ones (there seemed to be about 3 lights flashing) but the orange was especially bright, once again distracting from the airplane idea. I thought actually at first it may be a firework or fire signal, but it kept on going like an airplane. It slowly went over our home and continued above some thin cloud cover. It was visible through the cloud cover. Someways over our home it suddenly seemed to stand still for a long while, probably a minute or two. I then realized it was actually getting smaller, thus it was actually moving upwards at an incline. It then started moving round to the north all the while slowly climbing until it looked like a flashing star, after what was probably 10-15 minutes it finally disappeared from sight.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Helston Cornwall, UK Lights Appeared To Be Joined Together
Date: October 26, 2008
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Helston Looking NNW.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: -
Full Description of event/sighting: Looking NNW I could see what first appeared to be a bright star with a single light. After a while I noticed the light changing colour, this caught my attention. I took a reference from a constellation of stars, I knew it couldn't be a object on the ground or on the hillside in the distance. I then went to get my binoculars to take a closer look. Five minutes had past, I noticed the light had not moved relative to the constellation. When I looked through the binoculars I noticed there were three separate white lights joined horizontally, each light distinctive in brightness. The lights seemed to emit a brighter light from its center at irregular intervals changing colour. I observed the lights for 3-4 minutes longer before it disappeared.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Bay Estate, Dundalk, Co Louth A White Blue Light
Date: November 2, 2008
Time: 8:25 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: White blue light
Weather Conditions: Cold, night sky was clear.
Description: Walked out of the sunroom at the back of the house facing south and glanced up at the night sky because it was so clear. A bright white object (steady on, did not flicker), same size as a the north star but at low altitude (about a mile high maybe), edged in pale blue at times, was travelling at speed from left to right (east to west) in a 'perfect horizontal line'. It made no sound and I observed it move across the sky for three to four seconds before it
disappeared (or turned off its lights) just before it would have escaped from my view anyway. Definitely not a plane or helicopter, it moved far, far too quickly, but not as quick as a shooting star. My guess is it came in from the direction of the sea as seemed to be heading inland.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Hixson, Chattanooga, Tennessee Fleet Of Red Glowing Orbs
Date: November 3, 2008
Time: 1:50 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 5-6 in formation, 2 following far behind
Shape of objects: Spherical.
Weather Conditions: Clear starry sky.
Description: I was exiting the car to go inside when I saw what appeared to be a fleet-like formation of red glowing orbs equidistant apart taking up about one fourth of the sky. I watched in disbelief for about 2 minutes as they slowly hovered over head making absolutely no noise at all. They were then followed by two amber pulsing lights in the distance and had multiple streaks of light appearing to be shooting stars around them occur a few times.
TV/Radio: Not yet known, this thing was huge, there is no way I could have been the only witness.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Bartlesville, Oklahoma Oval Shaped UFOs
Date: November 4, 2008
Time: 7:56 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 15+ Approx
Shape of objects: Sort of oval from what I could see
Weather Conditions: Cool, slightly overcast, slightly cloudy
Description: I looked a distance out west and slightly south and saw what I first thought was a flock of white birds. I thought it was unusual because they were so white and I told my husband quickly, look at the birds! He was driving so needless to say, he couldn't really take his eyes off the road to try and see what I was seeing. As I watched them for only a moment, they began to disappear quickly, almost as if they were flipping over and I could no longer see them. I was thinking possibly the flock of birds had turned direction and what morning sunshine that was out was reflecting off of them and now the direction they turned, it wasn't.
We pulled right in to the workplace and was able to look toward the sky where they were and there wasn't a trace of any birds in the sky anywhere. I told my husband what I saw and he said congratulations, do you realize what you may have just seen? I just sat there with my jaw open because I don't know how it could have been anything else.
TV/Radio: I didn't hear anything reported or anyone else discuss it at work.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Two Bright Orange Objects Over Kentucky
Date: November 5, 2008
Time: Approx: 6:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number 0f objects: 2
Just wondering if anyone had reported seeing anything in Kentucky Nov. 5th 2008 app. 6:00 pm. The two objects were bright orange. At first they were close together. Next one of the orange objects descended slowly to earth, while the other stayed stationary. Four fighter jets (that looked to be coming from the Air National Guard in Louisville) showed up minutes after the lights appeared. After the one orange light descended the other light stopped glowing, but remained app. 5-8 minutes then it just disappeared. The fighter jets cruised through a couple more times then turned back toward Louisville. I have never seen anything like it before.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Ninilchik Alaska A Cylinder Shaped UFO
Date: November 5, 2008
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1-2
Shape of objects: Cylinder, Martini glass shape.
Weather Conditions: mostly clear some clouds.
Description: A friend called to ask if I could see this object and I looked without my glasses and could see flashing red and green lights at a distance. Putting my glasses on it was very clear and moved slightly both to the right and left, over the period of an hour it moved to the North several degrees and became lower on the horizon.
I called a friend with a telescope, he saw the object and had several others observe. They all said they had never seen anything like it. It was above the horizon on the West side of Cook Inlet between Redout and Illiamna Volcanoes. It is still out there an hour later...we all want to know what we are looking at.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Lewisville, Texas A Shiny Cigar Shaped UFO
Date: November 8, 2008
Time: 12:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Cigar-shaped.
Weather Conditions: Sunny high 60's.
Description: Just happened to look up in the sky watching a plane take off and noticed a shiny cigar-shaped object in the sky close to the plane. The object remained still for a few seconds then disappeared. I am very skeptical of reports of UFOs, but what I saw today was very unusual.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Aveley In Essex, UK A Glowing Object
Date: November 15, 2008
Time: Evening.
I have just been to a friends house in Aveley in Essex, UK, and she told me not to laugh at her but she thought that she had seen an UFO. Obviously we thought she was joking until she showed me the photo of it that she had taken on her mobile telephone. She witnessed this object on 15th November 2008, just 3 weeks ago. She was watching TV at home when out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of something glowing in the sky. She thought it was an aeroplane but decided to look more closely and realized that there were no flashing lights on it and that it looked like a big ball of orange flame. She said that it looked about the same height as a plane would fly. She said it was moving across the sky from east to west. She went into the garden and called her husband out to witness it. He could not explain it either. It is worth noting that Aveley is approx about ten miles from Loughton. I said I would try and find out any info for her and see if anyone else saw this thing and that's when I came across the numerous reports from Loughton.
I hope this is helpful, Yours sincerely.
Thank you to the person for relating the person's sighting.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Paisley Near Elderslie, UK Glowing Orange Lights
Date: November 15, 2008
Time: 10:20 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Paisley (near Elderslie).
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Orange glow.
Full Description of event/sighting: Whilst enjoying a cigarette outside a local pub near the Paisley Abbey, I noticed a small orange light travelling in a southern direction. In my estimation, the object was flying between 1 and 3 thousand feet and was travelling about the same speed a helicopter would. The object didn't change direction or height but travelled slowly in the same direction. At the time I thought that it must have been a helicopter but rather than typical aircraft lights it was a hazy orange glow which was strange. I almost forgot about until in amazement a second object appeared around 4 minutes later travelling at the same height and direction just as the first one disappeared into the distance. As a non believer, I must admit I found this very strange, but decided there must be some explanation. Then I read the local newspaper and noticed a similar sighting in Elderslie (around 4 miles away).
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada Light Moves Erratically
November 17, 2008
Time: 5:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round bright light.
Weather Conditions: Mostly clear, some cloud patches.
Description: My daughter called me to say she was watching a light that got brighter on and off above what looked like Mt. Baker from her patio on the 5th floor facing south east. She said the light got extremely bright and was making erratic very fast movements and then it would come to a complete stop and shoot straight up until it couldn't be seen again. As we were discussing it she said here it comes again and it looked like it was following the Fraser river on a zig zag motion and then came to another abrupt stop. From there she said it disappeared into the darkness.
Being only about three blocks from her apartment, I went outside to see if I could see anything but I'm much lower than her apartment and could see nothing. We laughed and said she should call the radio station but she was reluctant so we did nothing. Later that evening a news flash came that there was an article on tomorrows news about UFO sightings in BC and my husband and I looked at each other in disbelief. Maybe she really was seeing something. We will have to talk with her to get the exact details as I am reporting from what I remember over the phone conversation as it was happening. I will ask her to draw what she saw. So when I watched the news the next day I was disappointed to find out that I could not contact anyone regarding her sighting. She does not have television so could not watch it either.
TV/Radio: She did not report this.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Bittern Lake, Alberta, Canada A Star Like Object
Date: November 20, 2008
Time: 5:40 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Star-like
Weather Conditions: Cloudy, windy, cold
Description: I live on an acreage with no outside lighting. At approximately 5:40 pm, I was sitting on my couch watching the TV which is between two very large, floor-to-ceiling windows which overlook a densely wooded area. The woods momentarily lit up! I mean lit up! It seemed to me that the light came from the south side of the house to light the woods to the north. I picked up the phone and paced with the dogs wondering what I should do.
I decided to go outside (knees shaking) with the dogs just to see that everything was okay and set my mind at ease. After wandering west and south of the house for about 5 minutes I saw an intensely bright light to the south just above the horizon. It was large enough that I might have mistaken it for the headlight of an oncoming train if there was a track leading to my house. Of course there isn't.
The light was so bright that it was difficult to keep looking at. It reminded me of a halogen light because of its intensity and the halo of red, yellow and deep blue. That big, bright light sat there for only about a minute after I had noticed it. Then it went 'out' and left only a tiny point of light for a couple of seconds before vanishing into a light patch of 'mist' for a few more seconds, and then it was gone.
I was just looking out the windows, using my binoculars, in the direction of where I was standing outside yesterday evening. I can't imagine what that light could have been. The space weather page says it was most likely an asteroid which lit up the sky. Would it sit and glow so brightly? Cool, whatever it was.
TV/Radio: I have the news on now and they have apparently been flooded with calls about 'light' in the sky. They have no explanation yet and are leaning toward the likelihood of a meteor shower falling on the province of Alberta. Apparently there have been reports of this bright light as far north as Fort McMurray.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
West Virginia, Bright Flash
Date: November 21, 2008
Time: 3:30 - 3:45 p.m.
Hello Brian, Just a note to tell you about last week. On Friday, 11-21-08 at 3:30-3:45pm eastern. My wife and I were sitting in the living room and saw a bright flash. It was as if someone in the room took a picture with a flash, except the light came through and around the closed blinds on the south, east, and north of the room. We looked at each other and confirmed we both saw it, we heard no sounds, and I saw nothing or anyone anywhere.
Seems to coincide with some of the meteor reports you've had lately. But, being in West Virginia, we're quite a distance from those sightings.
Hope all is well, take care.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Hamilton, Ontario Bright Yellow Pulsating Rods
Date: November 20th/21, 2008
Time: 12:30 a.m. - 1:00 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 1+
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Bright yellow pulsating rods.
Weather Conditions: Clear skies.
Description: In the sky, which was very clear, above my neighborhood to the right of the horizon were two bright vertical skinny rods of light, pulsating in orange/yellow colour, parallel to each other, but not sure how far apart they were exactly. It was not an Aurora Borealis or anything like that, for example the air traffic flood lights. One of the rods, on the left, was clear throughout but the second one on the right side would appear/disappear intermittently.
I couldn't take my eyes off of them and tried to look at them as long as possible. After about 20 or so minutes, both of the rods disappeared. I then looked to the left of the horizon from my balcony and there was a strong white cluster of lights beaming in stillness through one of the small clouds and emanating what I thought were multiple white rods. I could distinguish the light from the small amount of clouds because they were brighter. I could then faintly see one brighter rod emanating from the cluster of white lights.
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Victory Park, Johannesburg, Gauteng UFOs (Video Footage)
Date: November 22, 2008
Time: Approx: 10:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: Initially 7 then 2
Shape of objects: Circular.
Weather Conditions: Clear with scattered clouds.
Description: Hi There, Got home from watching the Rugby at about 9.50pm. I took my wife and 9 month old baby upstairs to put him in bed. My wife then lay on our bed as our little one didn't want to go down to sleep.
So I decided to go and fetch all our bags out of our car. We have a really awesome view from our place as it overlooks Johannesburg. As I went outside something caught my attention and I looked into the sky and there were 7 circular disc shaped objects scattered but pretty close to one another. I have never seen anything like that in my life. Their colours ranged from intense red to orange.
I quickly ran inside to call my wife to have a look as I didn't want to believe what I was seeing. When we came outside the objects had vanished but there was still one in the sky. My wife was amazed. At that point we noticed another one of these objects rising in the distance. At that point I ran inside to get my camera to take some film. I managed to get about 40 seconds of footage before they disappeared.
I am hoping that I'm not the only person to have witnessed this.
TV/Radio: I have video footage:
Additional information:
Hi John,
Please see the attachment for the clip. I'm sorry about the quality but it was 10pm in the eve and the objects were quite a distance away. There is a lot of camera shake so don't confuse that with erratic movement. You will see the two objects above each other. There were 7 of them at one stage and I called my wife to have a look and then there was only 1 left in the sky. However another one did appear and it moved to the top of the one that was left behind if that makes sense?!?!
Anyway - I have had a lot of people tell me that I'm stupid and that I'm high on drugs which I can assure you I am not. I know what I saw and unfortunately the vid doesn't do it any justice. Anyway - I did mail it to Roger Day and he said that in his opinion it could be UFOs or I think he said ETV's? He also asked me if anything funny might have happened to me that eve at home like a time lapse or weird marks on my body. I do recall switching a light on in the lounge when this was all happening and my wife said asked me if I had switched it off as it was off and I said no I didn't so not sure if this might have had anything to do with this.
Anyway, I always try and have an open mind about things and my heart and head are telling me that it wasn't anything man made or some weather phenom. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this mail and to view the clip.
To view the video footage: http://www.hbccufo. org/modules. php?name= News&file=article&sid=5479
UFOINFO - http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Surrey Delta Scott Rd. Border, British Columbia A Flying V Formation (UFO)
Date: November 23, 2008
Time: 6:10 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Surrey/Delta/ Scott Rd. Border/ southbound.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: ?
Shape of objects: flying V formation.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was heading home, cutting through the alley way at Nordel Way and Scott Rd. and was drawn to a whitish illuminated object above/at first sight it registered to me as a few Geese or ducks flying southward and then I noticed there was no movement/as far as flapping wings. I noticed no sound and a perfect formation, all these thoughts were within seconds of my first glance. I wasn't sure if it was one object slightly illuminated underneath or 3 or 4 flying in perfect formation. That's when I said "what the heck" and I moved towards Scott Rd. to get a better view and whatever it was, disappeared. I was out on the sidewalk within 3 seconds and as I looked in the direction in which it was headed, there was no sign of it. My conclusion was , if that was a flock of birds they would surely have been visible at least for another 15 to 30 seconds before fading away, but when I got this sudden feeling that was unexplainable.
I used the example of the movie Mony Python and the Holy Grail. Set in the middle ages when suddenly the police show up in their cars, totally out of whack. It was like someone or something inserted a spacecraft hologram film clip into my field of view. Even if this was a plane or even a lear jet, I still would have had ample time to see it fade away, but it glided silently across the sky and vanished. I found myself observing everything that fly's after that and still everything I see either flaps it's wings and or can be seen until out of sight. I'm hoping someone else saw this, or was there V shaped craft that could resemble fighter jets in the area that night that doesn't make a sound?
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Lincoln, Nebraska Orange/Red Glowing Orb
Date: November 26, 2008
Time: 8:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Lincoln, NE.
Number of witnesses: 6
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Orange/red glowing orb.
Full Description of event/sighting: This is my third sighting of a red light. The object was witnessed by myself and 2 other adults. The object again came from the SE moving NW. What was witnessed at first looked like a full moon behind trees, but it was a very bright reddish orange color. At this time I ran inside to get my camera and my wife stayed outside and watched. I was inside for no more than 15 seconds to get the camera. When I returned outside the object had gone from approximately 100 - 200 feet to about 500 feet and had lost it's glow, but was now a bright light about as brighter than Jupiter appears in the sky. The object then moved north and climbed to about 1000 feet. sat there for about 2 minutes then climbed until it winked out. This is the third sighting of the object. First was 8/18/08/. second was 8/29/08. and tonight 11/26/08.
The pattern I have noticed if you are to take the first two sightings they were 11 days apart. Counting on a calendar by 11's, 11/26/08 fell on an 11th day. The craft again made no noise. My son living 3 blocks away on a third floor apartment was out on his balcony and called me to tell me he was seeing the object. I didn't have my cell phone on me and he left me a voice mail saying what he was seeing. The time the message was left was 8:45pm (CST). He saw it before I did because he was higher up and didn't have an obstructed view as I did with it behind trees. He described it the same as I saw it. The were three others with him at the time and they also witnessed it.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 5 To 6 Lights Flying In Formation
Date: November 26, 2008
Time: 8:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Castlefin Rd., Bryn Mawr, PA. (Suburb of Philadelphia) .
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 5-6
Shape of objects: Grouping of 5 to 6 very bright, perfectly round white lights moving close together in some sort of formation.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was in the car with my Dad, driving back to my parents house the night before Thanksgiving when, on a residential back road about a street away from their house I couldn't help but notice a grouping of 5 to 6 extremely bright white lights that appeared to be flying very close to the ground in close formation but at times the lights would group ever closer together. The street is heavily wooded but I had no problem following the lights until they all clumped together to make one light and just disappeared. My Dad who was driving saw it without even having to stop the car.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Lincoln, Nebraska 5 Orange Red Glowing Spheres
Date: November 27, 2008
Time: 10:13 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Above our home, flying north to south.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 7
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: November 27, 2008 10:13 p.m. My husband was returning from a walk and saw 5 orange-red glowing spheres right above our home. He called me on his cell phone and I looked out our second story window and saw them. They were hovering right above our house in a loose formation. They appeared to be about 100 feet above ground but that distance fluctuated. I joined him outside to witness this event. They were completely silent and moved rather slow when they were above our home. The five spheres traveled north to south and when they were one block away they disappeared completely. It was as if they were fireballs that burned out. Right after that, 2 more appeared from the north-again right by our house. I called my neighbor to witness this. I have never been a witness to anything like this before and was relieved to find that others saw the same thing on this night in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Lake Bluff, Illinois Disc Shaped Lights
Date: November 28, 2008
Time: 6:20 - 7:15 p.m.
Location of Sighting: My 2nd floor window facing west, my backyard, my car.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Disc shaped lights, very bright and dense.
Full Description of event/sighting: This sighting began as I was looking out the window while on the phone. I noticed two lights, I got off the phone and immediately grabbed the binoculars. The lights appeared to be disc shaped, not round or star-like, but it was impossible to be sure from the distance. At times it seemed they dimmed and then got brighter. I then went outside to get a better look. The top light was dimmer than the bottom one. They were both significantly lower than any other stars in the sky. There is a lot of light pollution in the area so I could tell they were extremely bright. The lights moved so slowly that they appeared stationary. I kept an eye on them for the next half an hour and they were starting to slowly make their way west. I got in my car with a friend and we watched them on our way out to the highway. It was at this point they finally moved out of site after roughly an hour of watching them.
I would also like to mention on ufostalker.com right now, half of the 20 most recent events are sightings of the exact same thing (including my report to mufon). The ones with pictures confirm that I and my friend, saw the same thing. Something was going on last night all across the United States.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
On The 401W To Toronto, Ontario Circular Objects Form Triangle
Date: November 29, 2008
Time: 5:50 p.m. - 7:20 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Just west of Kingston driving the 401W to Toronto.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Circular objects which then formed a triangular shaped pattern.
Full Description of event/sighting: My girlfriend and I were driving along the 401 (westbound) just outside of Kingston when I spotted two "star-liked" shapes in the south western sky.
Initially I thought that these lights were planets as they were quite bright. The first light was quite bright in intensity and situated approximately 5,000 feet lower than the second light which was comparatively smaller and dimmer. There were no other flashing or blinking lights and these two objects appeared to be "hovering" in position for quite some time.
I approximated the height of these objects to be 15,000 - 20,000 feet from the ground (as I am aware that commercial airplanes fly at an altitude of 30-35,000 feet). I even witnessed an airplane flying above these two lights and you could clearly distinguish the plane from the two unknown objects. The plane was quite a bit smaller (and you could identify the tail and wing lights which were absent on the 2 unknown objects). The approximated object height obviously is inaccurate as these objects may in fact not existed within out atmosphere but could have existed outside which would create the illusion. If any physicists would like to do the calculations to determine the appropriate angle then I would suggest the image size of the larger shaped object to be approximately the circumference of a top of a thumb tack.
What was quite intriguing about these objects is that in the blink of an eye they would be located completely over top of us and then all of a sudden disappear and look as if they were from the Scarborough region to all of a sudden Niagara Falls region. Also at one point we would repeatedly see a third object which flashed and would approach in some type of communicative fashion.
Closer to Toronto, we actually saw the third object approach the two that were slightly diagonal from one another and then the three formed a triangular type of pattern. This shape then rotated a complete turn, then the third object moved away from the other two.
By the way, we happened to record the entire event with our digital camera. There is quite a bit of shakiness in the video (girlfriend' s recording technique) and the objects are difficult to see (due to the inability to zoom in closely).
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Near Oshawa, Ontario Airport Unknown Craft ?
Date: November 29, 2008
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Near Oshawa airport.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: N/A.
Full Description of event/sighting: A friend of mine called me to come check of an airplane that was coming in for a landing at a near by airport. What caught his attention was how low the plane was coming in, after the plane left our field of view we continued talking outside. After no more than a minute another light peaked over the clouds. What was strange was, the incredible rate at which the object was moving. This object appeared to be about 1-2 km away with only a white blinking light which seemed to flash briefly in 1 second intervals. It was hard to keep up with the object flashing and moving so fast. At the distance we were standing we would normally hear every plane that fly's by, this object made no sounds. Again I've never seen anything fly into the airport that fast it made it's way across the horizon in about 15 second.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Elizabeth Métis Settlement, Alberta
Date: November 30, 2008
Time: Evening.
I was in the Elizabeth Settlement, Alberta, outside of Cold Lake on the deck of the house and out of nowhere some fiery ball comes out of the sky and crashed. Then a bright light exactly like daytime! It was deadly, and after there was just sparks or something like that! Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Elton Cheshire, UK An Orange Flame Like Globe
Date: November 30, 2008
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Elton Cheshire.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Orange flame like globe.
Full Description of event/sighting: In a southerly direction, I noticed a orange light travelling across the sky, looking closer I could only describe what I thought was a plane on fire (being on the flight path for several airports) called my husband and we both stood there and watched this orange ball of flaming light travel across the sky and disappear to a point but made no noise. It did not move up or down but kept the same line across the sky. It appeared bigger than any star that was out about the size of a low flying aircraft. The sky was very clear and frosty. I could only possibly say that it looked like a meteor possibly. Can anybody confirm they saw something similar on this night?
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Star Prairie, Wisconsin Flaming Object Streaked Through The Sky
Date: December 1, 2008
Time: 11:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Star Prairie WI.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Bright streak of light.
Full Description of event/sighting: We started out looking for the moon tonight, but we saw something else instead that really blew our minds. We decided to go out of town to a deserted road to find the moon because we were having no luck with all the lights in town and the moon was supposed to be an interesting design tonight, but we couldn't even find the moon. So we were looking up at the Orion constellation, when suddenly out of no where came this flaming object streak that almost looked like a firework, but no sound, and was gone in a matter of seconds.
At first we thought it was the shuttle, but when we came home we found out that it landed earlier today. The description that I can best give of it was, it started like a red around the rim firework and white in the middle. It really lit up the sky and went from east to west. We didn't know what we were seeing until we checked up on the web and found this website and others like it. Strangely enough other people in the last month have been seeing stuff like this as well which really piqued my interest. Star Prairie, WI is right near the border of MN, just east of St. Paul. This happened around 11pm Sunday night, December 1st, 2008.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Albuquerque, New Mexico Small Triangle
Date: December 3, 2008
Time: 9:30 p.m. till 12:30 a.m. it was still there when I went to bed.
Location of Sighting: Above Albuquerque.
Number of witnesses: 9
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Small triangle.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was sleeping when my girlfriend woke me up and told me to go look at the UFO my son had found out from a phone call from a friend who had called to tell him about it. It seemed to be flying in a pattern but, was not an airplane. I am the daughter of a USAF full bird Col retired USAF pilot and I have grown up watching planes. This had no sound, one white light and could disappear when it wanted usually in the same place in it's flight pattern. It did change flight patterns a couple of times, but it also could zoom across the city in the matter of a second. No noise, I called local news stations and as far as I know they were unable to catch it on film , I also called the homeland security number (that was kind of a joke the local number was a recording the 1-800 number I did get someone and advised me to call the local police. So I did and they reported it to all authorities. I see nothing about it in the news today as of yet. When I called the police operator back I told her it seemed to be staying away from the air force base and she said "we are aware of that" and thanked me for my call so, who knows.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Thorold Toward The Welland, Ontario Star Like Objects
Date: December 5, 2008
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Pretty high in the sky, not quite over Thorold but in the distance toward the Welland area.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Round, look like stars but much brighter.
HBCC UFO Research Note: As for this sighting report HBCC UFO received, there is no email address nor a phone number in which to contact the witness. So I am not sure if sighting report is not on the up and up.
Full Description of event/sighting: This has happened several times in the past week. Looks like 2 stars but much brighter and closer to the horizon than the other stars. About 3 thumbs away arm length. One is slightly bigger than the other. They disappear one at a time, and come back, then disappear again. Sometimes they are really bright, sometimes they come back really dull, then disappear again.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Darlington, UK Fireball With Red On Top And Orange Below
Date: December 6, 2008
Time: 10:50 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Darlington.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: A ball of fire, red on top orange below, flying across the clear moonlight sky, it moved very fast without a sound, moving from west to east.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Our thanks go out to Brian for his hard work and continued dedication to UFOlogy, and for sharing his above report with us. Reproduced here with the permission of Brian Vike.