PSICAN - Paranormal Studies and Inquiry Canada


St Catharines UFO Report May 20th 2012 10:00pm approx.

UFO details report: On May 20th in St. Catharines, Ontario we also saw the orange light UFO's. There were four of us sitting around a campfire and we kept seeing them fly over the city, we all thought it was a plane until  we realized planes don't have orange lights. We saw about 6-7 of them that night. It was really spooky, we thought maybe satellites but they were way to close to the earth for that. Anyone else see this in Niagara?

Our thanks goes out to the witness for sharing this experience with us. If you have seen something similar at this date/time/location, can add further information to this report, or have experienced something that you believe may be a UFO please contact us at or fill out our reporting form Your privacy will be protected and confidentiality is assured.

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