PSICAN - Paranormal Studies and Inquiry Canada


White Fish Lake First Nation (near Sudbury) - January 1st 2010 Approx. 12.03am

"My name is (removed for privacy) of White fish lake first nation, Ontario Canada I would like to report this very unusual object that appeared in the North-Western skies above our small community. Just 3 minutes after midnight on New Years Eve my girlfriend had asked me to go to her at our back door and to our amazement that this bright red ball of light which was approaching us and almost heading to South-Eastern sky. As it was moving slowly across the sky it had made no distinctive sounds like a plane would nor any helicopter, and as we stood outside in wonder as it was only about a mile in the sky had slowly disappeared into the sky, when I put it on Facebook I had described it as slowly flashing and it almost looked like a star shape. A few of my cousins had also seen it also with at least 25 other people. To this day I am a firm believer because this is my 3rd encounter with the unknown and I will continue to watch the sky any time of the day with my camcorder."

Our thanks goes out to the witness for sharing this report with us. If you have seen something similar or can add to this report please contact us via Your privacy will be protected.