It was May 5 2004, early dawn, just starting break day light on a grey sky with low ceiling of 1500 - 2000 feet and visibility at about 20 25 km out to the Atlantic Ocean as seen from my home. I had just prepared for my work day, entered the kitchen for my morning coffee. As usual I looked out the east facing window to appreciate my view over Cole Harbour Nova Scotia, the salt march, the distant hills of Lawrencetown N.S and the Atlantic Ocean off rainbow haven beach.Upon looking out the window I was immediately struck by the fact that there was an orange ball of light floating in the air, below my elevation seemingly floating over the Cole Harbour Salt Marsh in Cole Harbour N.S. Having looked out that window thousands of times and NOT seeing this object I began to speculate as to what it was. I immediately considered a sea king helicopter with a huge new type of spot light as their base is approx. 5-6 km south of my location and 11-12 km from the object. However I quickly ruled out this possibility when this large orange light started to, very slowly move to the south, over the Cole Harbour salt marsh. At this point I ran out the kitchen door next to the window for a better view.It's important to point out that my home is on the top of one of Dartmouth's highest hills at an elevation of 85-90 meters as per "Google Earth". When I first spotted the object it appeared to be at an elevation of 50-60 meters and not moving.As this object moved to the south it passed behind two hills that I knew were about 5 km from my home. This plus the fact that I knew how far away many of the distant homes were helped me to estimate the size to be at least 300 feet.The orange ball continued to slowly move south covering approx 350 yards in 30 seconds. Then it slowly descended, over the Dartmouth Skeet and Gun Club to an elevation of approx. 10 meters and stayed there for close to a minute.After hovering over the gun club at an elevation of 10 meters it then slowly moved north until it was below the point where I first spotted it. Then it ascended the exact location it was when I first spotted it Hovered there for 3-4 seconds. Then, the UFO flew off in an easterly direction over the Atlantic Ocean at a rate of speed that I KNOW, CANNOT BE DUPLICATED ON THIS PLANET. I could see the UFO get smaller as it flew off and this departure lasted only 1 second or slightly more. It did not fly straight up or at a 45 degree angle. It appeared to be headed just over the horizon. It was this incredibly rapid departure that convinced me that I had just witnessed an extra terrestrial, CONTROLLED OBJECT.I am now convinced of the presence of UFO's having been witness to such an event for the first time in my 54 years. It has truly changed my life and I consider myself to be very, very fortunate to have had this experience. I only hope that I live long enough to see their technology, possibly shared with humanity to advance us, to more efficient methods of energy.
Our thanks goes out to the witness for sharing this experience with us. If you have seen something similar at this date/time/location, can add further information to this report, or have experienced something that you believe may be a UFO please contact us at or fill out our reporting form Your privacy will be protected and confidentiality is assured.