HBCC UFO Research Note: Please note that the newsletters will hold sighting reports from HBCC UFO Research http://www.hbccufo.org and UFOINFO http://www.ufoinfo.com/. This should make a big difference in the number of sighting reports we both can bring to you. Hope you enjoy.
Also you can join for free the HBCC UFO Research newsletter by going to the following link and signing up: tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/hbccufo
Newspaper article:
Niagara Residents Report UFO Sightings
http://www.niagarathisweek.com/ news/article/ 211983
Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg Free Press Carries Story On A Bright Craft ?
Date: 1966
Time: 2:00 a.m. ?
Full Description of event/sighting: I was about 8 and I remember my dad reading aloud a story in The Winnipeg Free Press about a woman awakening in the middle of the night and seeing a large bright light hovering over a house across her street in Charleswood. It was there for a while and also seen by several other neighbors. It then moved to different roof tops. Upon inspection in the morning it was found some of the houses' T.V. antennas were bent or distorted. This was around 1966. Charleswood at the time was just a tiny sub-division on the very western edge of Winnipeg. Do any of your readers remember this or have any further info.
Thank you to the person for sending along the info, and if anyone else saw this, please drop me a line with the information. Thank you.
HBCC UFO Research
Perth Amboy, New Jersey A Large Round UFO Hovering
Date: Summer 1968
Time: Approx: 9:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Weather Conditions: Clear.
Description: One summer evening while in a car at the Perth Amboy drive in, no longer there. I looked out the window and looked up to see a large round object hovering in the sky. It seemed to have lights moving completely around it. I watched for a about a minute and then suddenly it moved off so fast that it was suddenly gone. Everyone that knows me knows of this sighting. I have never forgotten it and it is why I believe in such things.
TV/Radio: Did not report.
http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Kuwait A Circular Disk Shaped UFO
Date: 1988
Time: Evening.
Number of witnesses: 5
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Disk.
Weather Conditions: Normal.
Description: My brother-in-law was talking to me about something he and his brother and 3 cousins have seen in 1988, I was shocked of what they have described to me, they did not think it was a big deal to talk about this, because people here will think they are crazy. While they were gathering in the backyard of their house they noticed a circular disk shaped object flying with a humming sound they described the sound to be like an air conditioning unit. It was flying about 100 meters directly above their house, with a diameter of 5 houses, which I found out to be 400 meters. It was flying very slowly with lights all around it. They continued watching it till it was very far to see; it did not shoot up or fly away it just kept flying at the same altitude.
El Paso, Texas 3 Metallic Spheres About The Size Of A Basketball
Date: July 29, 2005
Time: Approx: 3:00 a.m. to 3:45 a.m.
Number of witnesses: just myself
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Spheres about the size of a basketball.
Weather Conditions: Clear cloudless night, moonset had already occurred.
Description: My bedroom has a door that leads directly to the backyard. As I step-out, I am viewing the southern sky and then I turn to view the northern skies. This night all that I believed in came into question. There before me just 15 to 20 feet in distance and 16 feet in height were 3 metallic spheres in a triangular formation of 1 on top and two on the bottom. In sight for almost one minute than in flash zoomed out of view in to the western sky.
TV/Radio: I had hoped so but no other witness or reports.
Wailua Oahu, Hawaii Orb Makes Sudden Moves
Date: April 11, 2008
Time: 8:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Orb/Star.
Weather Conditions: Clear Skies.
Description: I was at a friends house outside and went behind a shed to use the bathroom and looked up and saw a star moving at a fast steady pace. It was heading south but not in a straight pattern making sudden twist and turns at an higher altitude than a plane but faster more aggressive pattern than a satellite.
Brandon, Manitoba Object Captured On Film
Date: May 22, 2008
Time: Daytime.
HBCC UFO Research Note: The object in the photo was not seen with the naked eye. But rather found later on the picture. I really don't want to except pictures of objects anymore unless the person filming the object or objects has seen the thing. It is just to hard to determine what is on the photo if the witness did not see it. But in this case, I found that the person who took this picture may have caught something of interest.
Dear Sir, The attached two pictures were shot on May 22, 2008. Same scene at River Bank Discovery, 3 minutes walk from my home in Brandon, Manitoba. The interval between the two photos is within 30 seconds. When I cleared up old pictures the day before yesterday, I found there's a significant difference between the two photos. At the first glance, I thought that small thing in the second photo is a stain on my laptop screen. But it's not.
Hopefully, these pictures are useful to you.
Additional Information:
Brian, Thanks for your quick response. Please go ahead to post it. I always believe in the existence of UFO though I also believe that there may be no single believable evidence. Just hope these pictures can be useful.
My wife challenged that might be a balloon. But I do not think a balloon would fly in the second picture that fast. Besides, I would rather believe it moved very fast and created the hazy halo around it.
Thank you to the person for sending in the pictures.
HBCC UFO Research
Crystal Beach, Ontario Light Shoots Off Quickly
Date: Mid July 2008
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Crystal beach. Mid July. My son and I. at 10:00 p.m. noticed a faint light travelling very, very high across a clear sky. When I pointed to it with a flashlight to show my son. I lost sight of it, but my son did see a light shoot off very fast.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research
UFO Close Encounter Between Burns Lake And Houston, British Columbia
HBCC UFO Research put out an interview which is an audio recording I did with an eyewitness who resides in Houston, British Columbia. Since I mentioned the sighting and had not a lot of time I put the audio portion of the sighting up on the website for folks to listen to. I finally got around to writing up the entire event that took place on August 3, 2008 between the towns of Houston and Burns Lake, British Columbia. There were two people who were involved in this frightening experience. One of the eyewitness by the name of Lawrence came to my home on August 5, 2008 asking if I was the alien fellow. Of course I had to chuckle to myself just hearing I was the alien guy.
Lawrence introduced himself to me and we sat down at the patio furniture and he told me what he and a close friend had seen.
Lawrence and his friend were a little bored so they thought for something to do they would take a drive out to Burns Lake from Houston. It was a beautiful day as they drove along highway 16. They arrived in Burns Lake just around dusk, looked at the lake and drove around. Seeing it was getting late they decided it was time to head back to Houston and they proceeded on the hour's drive back home. Everything was going fine as the two men traveled along until they got just about to a rest area at Decker Lake.
Looking down the highway and up into the sky they noticed a light which appeared to look rather odd. In the seconds as they watched, the light grew closer to them and grew in size and brightness until it was hovering just over highway 16 and in front of their vehicle. Lawrence had already slowed the vehicle down due to watching the light coming so quickly in their direction. Both men sat stunned, not to mention being frightened at what they were seeing and weren't about to make a dash in the vehicle and try to drive underneath the craft. The fellows had no idea of what may happen to them.
Lawrence pulled the vehicle over to the left/east side of the highway as the event took place right at the Decker Lake rest area. (Photo)
Both men sat staring at what they came to realize as a Unidentified Flying Object. Lawrence describes the UFO as being a cigar in shape, the craft was of a large size, approximately the size of a Greyhound Bus and had lights on it. He described the lights to be more like florescent tubing as they were long in length and ran down the side of the UFO. The colors of the lights were red, yellow and green. The men said there was not a sound from the object, no buzzing or any type of motor noise. The craft sat hovering and the lights on the craft were so bright that they lit up the highway and surrounding area.
Both fellows still sitting in the rest area, kept an eye on the craft which hovered over the highway for a short period of time. Then the UFO moved a small distance ahead/east and made a "U" turn over the highway and came back to a hovering position over the trees on the opposite side of the highway from where the men were parked. Again the objects lights lit up the trees and surrounding area and just sat there hovering just over the tree tops for a couple of minutes or so and then Lawrence said the craft just shot off at a incredible speed, like if someone shot a bullet from a gun. They were still able to keep an eye on the object as it was well lit up and as they watched, the UFO moved off into the distance up into the night sky. It then looked like a small ball of light. Although the object moved towards the west, it had to have traveled back towards the men as it was seen as a little ball and directly over top the vehicle, but at a great altitude. The fellows kept their eye on it, watching it blink the different colors that they reported seeing on the craft.
Seeing that the UFO was still high in the night sky, Lawrence thought it might be OK to continue their trek towards home. Lawrence drove out of the rest area and onto the highway. The passenger in the car was able to look up and out of the windows of the vehicle to keep an eye on the object. The fellows drove a number of miles down the highway, feeling at this point all was going to be alright and they would get home without any other incidents.
Well, it didn't take long before their worst fears were coming true. They just arrived alongside the Burns Lake airport (Photo), still driving on highway 16 when the same object came at them and once again they were forced to stop the car in the middle of the highway, not wanting to risk driving under the UFO. The craft hovered just in front of their car and around tree top level with the lights shining brightly lighting up the highway and entire area. After a short period of time, but to the men it felt like a lifetime had passed by, the UFO moved away in exactly the same fashion as it did with the first encounter. The only difference was that the craft did a U turn on the left side of the highway and sat hovering over the tree tops lighting up everything around it. The men still parked just a little off the highway observing this, wondering what was to come next. The craft shot off towards the west/Houston, B.C. and the fellows watched it move into the distance at a great altitude where it appeared to look like a small ball. As they kept an eye on the ball of light, Lawrence started driving again along the highway. They passed Rose Lake and they were still able to see the small ball in the sky. They passed Duncan Lake, Six Mile Hill, Topley and eventually over these many miles they arrived home in Houston and the ball was still visible to them.
Seeing this was such an unusual experience which freaked the guys out, they stopped at the Houston RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) detachment to make a report on what they had seen. However there was no one on duty at the time. (this is normal late in the evenings in Houston). A short while later they made a telephone call to the RCMP as the men wanted to make sure a report did get filed. (When Lawrence called the RCMP, he would have got the dispatcher who would have been located in Prince George, B.C.) The RCMP told them if anyone else saw this that they would officially file a report on the sighting. That was about the end of the story in regards to the sighting and the RCMP. Eventually after this frightening event was over and done with, and they had not received much "interest" from the RCMP the guys went their own way back to their homes.
Lawrence told me he was still able to observe the object from his home, although it was very high up and looking the same. He thought he had enough excitement for one night. He got cleaned up and went to his bedroom. He laid down on his bed and the window happened to be facing in the direction he last saw the object. Well there it was, the UFO still there. He got up from his bed, turned on the TV and every so often would glance out the window and would see the object stationary in the sky. As Lawrence told me, he was still scared after all that took place and was having a hard time settling down. Finally he managed to fall asleep.
If you haven't listened to the audio interview over this sighting that Lawrence and his friend had, you can listen into the eyewitnesses statement about what took place by following the link I have provided http://hbccufo. org/videos/ Houston_British_ Columbia. mp3
Also I should add a reporter from the Smithers Interior newspaper came down to the home and interviewed myself and Lawrence for a story for the newspaper. Although I have not seen the story come out as of yet.
HBCC UFO Research
Crystal Beach, Ontario A Bright Silver Disk Shaped UFO Hovering
Date: August 27, 2008
Time: 2:30 p.m.
Around Aug 27, 2008. Crystal Beach, Ontario. (near Fort Erie) Myself and a friend at around 2:30 pm was watching a distant plane wondering about the contrail it was leaving when I noticed a bright silver disk shape hovering near the contrail. It was really bright and it seemed to be reflected the sunlight. I was wondering if it was a plane travelling the other way when it suddenly disappeared. Two hours later a friend was looking in that direction and shouted he saw something there too that quickly disappeared.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research
Kent, Washington A Ball Of Red Light
Date: August 29, 2008
Time: 10:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Ball of red light.
Weather Conditions: Clear summer night.
Description: Me and a couple of friends were sitting outside in a park in Kent Washington. I think the park is called like "Kent Memorial Park" or something. Anyways after sitting for a while I started spacing out and looking up into the sky off in the distance while my other 2 friends were talking. Let me say that I have never really been a firm believer of aliens and UFOs but what I saw just puzzled me and its the only conclusion that I can make of what I saw with my own two eyes (sober at the time).
This red ball of light (I don't know the size but it was far off high into the sky) came into the open patch of sky I was looking at and just stood there in a dead stand still for a minute or so and then dropped down to the ground out of sight behind some trees. That is basically all that happened but at the time there wasn't even words that could describe what I was seeing. I've never heard of nor seen anything that could do that and I'm 100% sure of what I saw not
making this up. I ruled out everything from helicopter to planes to reflection of light beams. Whatever I saw is definitely not from earth and if it is the government has some explaining to do. This might not have been the most mind-blowing report but I definitely saw what I saw clearly. Even if UFOs and aliens aren't real there is some aircraft that has been top secret. I'm a 100% believer of that. No question.
TV/Radio: I saw what I saw. 100% believer whether its a government top secret craft or actual alien spacecraft.
UFO Gives A Kelowna Man The Fright Of His Life, West Of Kamloops, British Columbia
I (Brian Vike) had been wandering around the town of Houston, B.C. when I met a person who stopped me and asked if I had heard from a man who lives in Kelowna, B.C. over a UFO sighting he had. The lady ended up giving me the name and number of the guy who wanted to contact me. His name is Harry who at one time used to live in Houston, B.C. where I am, and he was eager to tell his story of what went on around the Savona, British Columbia area. He related an amazing story to me over what he experienced.
Harry had a large UFO incident which took place on August 31, 2008 at approximately 1:30 a.m. when he was on a week's holiday. The man was driving his pickup truck and pulling a trailer. All was fine on his journey as he traveled down Highway 97 heading south from Lac La Hache. He came to a main junction at Cache Creek where the highway can take you to Vancouver, B.C. following highway 97 south, or you can head east on the Trans-Canada Highway 1. The shortest route for him was the highway 1 which headed towards Kamloops, B.C. and other communities along the way.
I should point out that this entire region of British Columbia is a hot, dry area. The climate around Savona is a semi-arid steppe climate due to its rainshadow location. While situated in a semi-arid valley, Savona has winters that are generally mild and very short with an occasional cold snap where temperatures can drop to around -30 °C (-22 °F) when arctic air floods over the Rocky Mountains into the interior.
Harry reached Savona, still heading east and on the left/north side of the highway there is a fairly large company with all different types of used mining equipment scattered throughout their property. Just down the road a way, he came to a little store off to the side of the highway. All of a sudden to his right/south and coming from over top of the mountain was a very bright light. At first he thought maybe it might be people driving a 4x4 vehicle, but he quickly thought about it and he knew at that point there were no dirt roads on the side of the mountain. The light was still moving about and coming directly at him. (keep in mind this mountain wasn't all that high in altitude)
As the light drew closer to him he was able to see clearly that this wasn't just one light, but three. Two lights positioned at the top and a single light at the bottom. Basically the lights took on the shape of a triangle. Eventually the three lights swooped down towards him and crossed over top the Trans-Canada Highway 1 and Harry's truck, placing the object on the north side of the highway and flying at tree top level. The craft made a turn and was now heading in the same direction as Harry was traveling, which would be east towards Kamloops, B.C. Harry tried to keep an eye on the object but at the same time watching where he was driving. The craft seemed to be pacing the truck then rose up slightly and then again swooped downward and Harry finally lost sight of it. He said it surprised him that the object vanished as he was sure it would appear again. Harry tried to rationalize what he had seen. Maybe an aircraft with pontoons landing on the lake, etc. But nothing seemed to click into place for him because it was a very unusual sight.
Excitement over with, Harry continued driving. He went up a steep part of a hill which had a few sharp curves, he gets to the top and starts his descent down the hill and ahead of him on the highway, coming in his direction are the same lights he just finished observing minutes ago. He thought to himself, this has to be a truck or some type of vehicle and they should meet up very quickly. To his surprise the lights vanished once again. There was no turn off that he was aware of, so as he sat in his vehicle he wondered what the heck was going on.
Not too far down the highway he spots what appears to be blue and white flashing lights and he thought that maybe there was a police road block or an accident. He slows the truck down preparing to come to a stop if need be, but what he thought was an emergency vehicle on the road wasn't the case. About 500 to 600 feet off to the left hand side of the highway was a strobing light. Harry said the flashing was intense, approximately every half second there was another flash. It was so fast and so very bright. Also it was stationary just off of the ground.
All of a sudden the object jumped (as Harry put it), in other words, from a stationary position it appeared to rise up and drop down again. If you can, picture children playing leap frog is the best term that I can think of to use to illustrate the UFOs movements. He said the object went from a stop, then made about a 20 foot jump into the air in a split second, it jumped again and this time it made an estimated jump of approximately 50 to 60 feet and then it kept jumping at greater distances. He figured the UFO was now moving around 500 feet at a time. The object made numerous jumps and Harry wasn't sure if he was able to hear any sound or not. He thought the UFO gave off a swooshing sound, but again he couldn't be completely sure of this. This thing traveled along at an incredible speed. It made a final jump which had it heading straight towards Harry's truck. Pretty much freaking out at this point, Harry said the UFO, with one of the last jumps, landed maybe 100 feet behind the trailer he was pulling. This would have had the UFO hitting the asphalt/road behind him. After this he wasn't able to see the UFO anymore. He said he hit the gas pedal and was out of there. He told me that he had no plans of stopping to check this out and wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. That was it for his night's scary encounter with an Unidentified Flying Object.
HBCC UFO Research
Crawley, West Sussex, England A Saucer Shaped UFO 18 Feet Off The Ground
Date: September 3, 2008
Time: 11:40 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Saucer shape.
Weather Conditions: Part cloudy, slight breeze (was windy earlier on).
Description: Very bright flashing light, intermittent approximately 30 second delay. Looked out of bedroom window for closer inspection and could not see the object, however I saw a dark black shadow against tall pine trees in the neighbors garden. It was a definite saucer shape and approximately 15-18 feet above the ground. There are not curtains in the main expanse of my window.
I tried to ignore it (probably more from fright). I lay back down in my bed, getting into a straight comfortable lie on my back position and went immediately into a deep sleep. I had the most weird vivid dream, that I was examined and felt physical pain, although I was reassured and asked to stay calm. Still trying to work out other details in my head. Can someone contact me to discuss other details?
M5 Motorway Between Junctions 24 And 25, England Triangular Shaped
Date: September 12, 2008
Time: 7:57 p.m.
UFOINFO Note: Junction 24 is near Bridgwater, Junction 25 is near Taunton.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Overall comet shaped.
Weather Conditions: Mostly clear sky.
Description: My partner was driving us Southbound on the M5 between junctions 24 and 25, the sky above us was clear and at around 7.57pm when we suddenly noticed an object moving from the left to the right of our vision in the sky ahead of us.
The object was moving very, very fast and completely disappeared into thin air in under two seconds of us sighting it. It was green at the front (my partner believes it was triangular shaped at the front) and seemed to have a green lit tail. The twilight sky made the green light look very clear. It was moving in a slightly downwards direction while moving across to the right of our vision.
It seemed much lower than any aircraft would fly and startled us by the speed it moved.
Both of us had the same reaction; we'd never seen anything like it or anything move that fast in flight before.
Kilbride, Newfoundland A Round Reddish Yellow Or Amber Light
Date: September 13, 2008
Time: 10:04 - 10:08 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round, reddish-yellow, or amber light.
Weather Conditions: Clear, light wind, cool. All stars and the moon in perfect visibility.
Description: Couple pulls into their driveway and notices light, boyfriend, who is a pilot, observes that it is not a plane, or plane light as it does not have navigation light on, and is flying in an un-airplane like matter.
The couple then called out the boyfriends parents to observe the light, the light which had moved approximately one kilometer moving southeast. The light then stopped moving and hovered for about a minute before fading south.
The entire sighting lasted about 4 minutes from the time the couple noticed it, to it moving quickly away to the south.
Bendigo, Victoria, Australia Red Light Shoots Through The Sky
Date: September 14, 2008
Time: Approx: 7:26 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Circle.
Weather Conditions: Clear, fresh and breezy.
Description: We were driving back from home to university, when we saw 1 red and 1 white light in the sky. When my friend looked closer and he identified the white light as a plane because of the flashing lights on the wings, but it wasn't the white light that concerned us. I stopped the car to take a closer look at this red light. It didn't seem far away from us, less than a km away, if that.
Everything was quiet and this light was just moving smoothly along the tree-line making no noise at all. Then suddenly it just vanished, no more red light, we waited for about 15 seconds looking everywhere for it and then a red streak (like a shooting star) followed by a small white flash shot through the sky. My friend and I both knew this wasn't just a shooting star or a satellite for that matter.
Puerto Penasco A Large Oval Of Light
Date: September 15, 2008
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: Numerous flashes of lights.
Shape of objects: Large ovals of light.
Weather Conditions: mostly clear skies, but the lights seemed to originate in a few clouds in the distance over the sea of Cortez.
Description: My friend and I were camping out on the roof of a remote cabin on the Sea of Cortez near Puerto Penasco. It was around 10:00 at night but it was fairly light out due to the full moon. As we looked out to sea, we could see clouds in the distance. I saw a large flash of light that appeared to take place in the clouds. It was as quick as lightning, which made me think that's what it might be. But it differed from lightning in many ways. First of all, the light
changed colors. Sometimes it was purple, red, or orange-ish yellow.
Also, it wasn't just a circle or blob of light. It was oval-like, flat on the bottom and curved on the top, like a rainbow with it's hollow middle filled in.
I saw at least ten flashes before falling asleep. They occurred every minute or so, but sometimes in extremely quick succession. Even when I woke up in the middle of the night, they were still going on. Also, they changed position. It couldn't have been one object producing the light, unless that object was traveling extremely fast because the light would appear to show up once and then 30 seconds later it would appear again very far from the first spot. The object(s) causing the light were not traveling in a straight line, it(they) seemed to be circling randomly, moving toward and away from us at the same time.
Possible objects?
1. lightning
2. my friend suggesting cloud seeding (but I'm not sure why they would do that)
3. military testing
4. weather testing
5. ????
It would be awesome to discover what created these lights as I'm extremely curious about it.
TV/Radio: Sighting: beach near Puerto Penasco Date and time: September 15, 2008, night Object: huge, bright reddish lights, flashing as quick as lightning.
Salem, Oregon UFO Moves Off Quickly
Date: September 14, 2008
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Like an upside down hand fan.
Weather Conditions: Clear, light clouds.
Description: Laying in my bed playing with my kitten. My room is on the second story of my house, the window facing north. I looked out my window and noticed a bright yellow/orange/ reddish light. It was moving like nothing I've seen. I got up to look closer and in my stomach I knew it wasn't normal. There was a shadow underneath the light, like an upside down hand fan. The light was at the tip. It moved very steadily in a dipping C movement, lingered for about 3 seconds, then flew quickly outward north.
Whitchurch, Bristol, England A Silver Colored Orb
Date: September 19, 2008
Time: 5:20 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round, Orb like.
Weather Conditions: Fine, no clouds, slight breeze.
Description: Happened to notice the object whilst out in our garden. It was in a easterly direction. I observed it through binoculars and it looked like a silver orb. It was reflecting the sunlight. It was quite high in the sky ( A plane did pass underneath it). Another witness suggested that it was a balloon, but would it stay stationary for so long? It was difficult to keep sight of it as it was so high. After about 15 minutes I could no longer see it as it seemed to be getting farther away. There was no sound and no visible con trail. Just interested to see if anyone else saw it in the area.
TV/Radio: No I have not reported it.
Abington, Massachusetts A Brilliant Glowing White Object
Date: September 19, 2008
Time: Early evening.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Weather Conditions: Clear skies, moon not yet rising.
Description: Object coming from the SW and appeared to be an airplane, but there was also an airplane coming from the same direction moving much faster than the other object. Unknown object was a round bright yellow/white. When it was nearer to me, it appeared as a brilliant glowing white light with slivers of bluish rays emanating and pulsating, this vantage point stayed for maybe a minute.
As it moved away it went to a yellow then orange round object going up and up quickly at a faster speed, kind of stalling in between and then disappeared.
Oshawa, Ontario Two UFOs - One Stops And Darts Off
Date: September 20, 2008
Time: 8:45 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Round.
Weather Conditions: Very clear night.
Description: I live in Oshawa and on weekends we take our grandson who has recently started to enjoy the star gazing. This evening we were watching for satellites going across the sky, when suddenly he pointed out these 2 "satellites" moving together. My husband and I watched with him as these two white objects travelled side by side for a long distance and then the one on the left stopped and made a dart toward the eastern direction and the other one stopped and then restarted going to the south. Within about 10 seconds the southern one was no where to be seen again as it flashed and was gone. The one headed for the east was still moving and then went in behind a cloud we assume. We talked watched for quite awhile and seen nothing else.
A38, Ripley, Derbyshire, England Ten Balls Of Light
Date: September 20, 2008
Time: 2:00 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 10
Shape of objects: Round.
Weather Conditions: Fine, clear with scattered cloud, lots of moon light.
Description: As I got onto the A38 I saw over to my right several balls of light in the sky, their arrangement and speed did not seem normal so I stopped the car on the hard shoulder of the a38 to get a better look. I think there were 10 of them in all heading north, they moved very slowly and glowed with a white light that sometimes changed to orange, the light was continuous and not flashing. Some seemed to be moving faster than others, there was no noise from them and they did not appear to be very high in the sky or distant but I know this can be hard to judge. If you can imagine the way in which powered hang gliders move in the sky you would get an idea of their motion, some seemed to drift sideward whilst others hardly seemed to move at all, there was no pattern or organization and all seemed to be roughly on the same heading. I cannot think what they were, maybe small balloons containing lights that some prankster released?
Guildford, Surrey, England 13 Round Bright Orange Objects
Date: September 20, 2008
Time: 8:20 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 13
Shape of objects: Round, Bright orange.
Weather Conditions: Clear Sky.
Description: Whilst walking in Normandy near Guildford, My lady friend and myself noticed what we first thought were fireworks in the sky. These Orange lights were well spaced and in a very rough shaky line. They continued slowly across our line of site from east to west until we could no longer see them.
We are both so positive about our sightings that we had to list them somewhere.
TV/Radio: Not reported on radio.
Hamilton County, Chattanooga, Tennessee A Large Circular UFO
Date: September 20th 2008
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 5-6
Shape of objects: Circular.
Weather Conditions: Partly cloudy, sun was setting.
Description: I and a friend noticed a large circular object passing from north to south in front of the sun. This object was extremely high in the sky. As we watched this happening, it suddenly stopped. It stayed in this exact location for about 20 minutes. There were several smaller circular objects passing by the larger. They would move from north to south as well and seemed to be in formation. What shocked me was when I actually saw one of these smaller objects drop out of the larger at a high rate of speed and curve downward out of sight. Soon after the large object moved back in the direction from which it came, stopping and slowly fading out of sight beneath the clouds. We live near the Chattanooga Lovell field airport, but this was no plane, helicopter or weather balloon. I'm not sure if I would ever like to see what I saw that day again but I will now keep my eyes to the sky.
TV/Radio: No reports that I know of.
Over Penrith Cumbria, UK Burning Stars
Date: September 22, 2008
Time: Evening.
Message: Re: September 22nd sighting over Penrith Cumbria. My wife and I were returning home on the same night from an evening meal. We seen something strange in the sky shooting from west to east, we live near the coast. It seemed to be flying in from over the solway heading inland. The item we saw resembles the description from the Penrith article, burning stars coming from the back and quite low in the sky.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research
Redcar, Cleveland, England A White Football Shaped UFO
Date: September 22, 2008
Time: 0500
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Football shaped.
Weather Conditions: Clear.
Description: It was 5:00am and my son went downstairs to let our dog out as it was crying and howling, but could not get him to go outside. He tried to coax him outside, but the dog refused and kept running away. My son turned back to the door and a white football shaped ball came from around the corner and moved past him approx 2 and a half feet from the ground and approx 10 feet from him. It had no beam and was glowing bright but not so bright that you were unable to look at it. He screamed, slammed the door and ran upstairs and was unable to speak for some time.
Greenwich, Sydney, New South Wales Three Unknown Objects
Date: September 22, 2008
Time: 05:10
Location: Greenwich Sydney. Sighting was over North Sydney horizon heading west over North Shore area.
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: 2 bright dots and 1 smaller bright dot.
Weather Conditions: Clear skies.
Description: I was sitting on the balcony eating breakfast before work and these 3 objects appeared. The first 2 were approx 200 yards or so apart, 1 following the other, extremely bright green so bright they offered no shape, just a dot. Approx 800 yards behind, a third dot appeared, not as bright and white but still only a dot. All 3 objects were travelling at the same speed, very fast, I imagine the speed of a fighter jet but there was absolutely no sound. I followed
them along the horizon heading east to west until the 3 shapes climbed 45 degrees or so from horizontal and at that point I lost sight of them.
I'm not a supporter or believer in UFO's and have no desire to make an issue out of this. But I know what I saw and thought it should go on record. I have tried to justify it against anything we know of on earth that can move at that speed, with no sound and instantly change direction of travel but at least I am not aware of anything out there that can do this. I'm reporting it now because I wanted to see if anyone else was going to post a sighting before me.
TV/Radio: Checked ABC news at 19:00 last night and nothing was mentioned. Also cannot find any reference to it on the internet.
Kendal, Cumbria UK Witnesses Describe A Cylinder Shaped Object With Tail
Date: September 22, 2008
Time: 9:50 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Above Hallgarth Estate.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Circle with tail like a comet but much brighter.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was sitting watching TV when I saw a light through the patio door which caught my attention. It lit up the back garden and it's reflection shined on the houses opposite me and lit up the trampoline in the back garden. I glimpsed left and up and caught an extremely bright cylinder shaped object with a tail like a comet following it. It was only about 200 metres above the houses and it was travelling faster than anything I have ever seen before and was accelerating, but it was so quick and for such a mili second, that by the time I stood up and ran outside hoping to catch the back of it flying off, it was gone and the sky was completely silent.
It was so quick and silent that I thought it was my imagination. If not for my step-son coming in about 10 seconds later as he was outside while the UFO passed and described the exact same event that I had just seen. He said that he watched it for about ten seconds and it was skipping across the sky line, quite slowly and even had time to get out his mobile phone to film it, but when he pointed his camera at it, the UFO shoots off and he ducked down behind the houses out of view. For him this is what brought it into my viewing. It was a completely clear night last night without a cloud in sight and every star in the sky was visible, therefore it could not have been anything else. My son, before coming in even called on of his friends and said I have just seen a shooting star right above the houses?
Thank you to the witness for the report.
HBCC UFO Research
DeWinton, Alberta A Huge Bright Light
Date: September 23, 2008
Time: 9:20 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Weather Conditions: Clear.
Description: Dark night clear. A large bright light making no noise moved 75% across the sky going East then turning South East in approximately 10 seconds. It was accelerating and then decelerating in its movement. 2 seconds before it disappeared it turned red then blue then disappeared. There was a commercial aircraft possibly initiating left base heading east then turning north for YYC that should have seen it as it was right in front of the aircraft. It was
not a satellite. I have not seen anything like this before.
Edmonton, Alberta A Triangle With Three Amber Lights
Date: October 3, 2008
Time: Approx: 11:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Edmonton.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Triangle with three amber lights.
Full Description of event/sighting: At about 11:00pm that evening I was with two others that saw the strange craft as it started for the upper atmosphere. It looked like a triangular or super sized delta wing with three lights of a amber color which we could clearly see. It was a massive size, then like something out of Star Trek, it seem to speed up and then just disappeared in to the darkness of space in the northeastern sky.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research
Ottawa, Ontario Fireball Sighting (Map)
Date: October 5, 2008
Time: 8:37 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Laurier St.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Fireball.
HBCC UFO Research Note: The witness used a map to illustrate the trajectory of the Fireball. Also if anyone else has witnessed this would you please contact me through the website: http://www.hbccufo. org or you can write to me directly hbccufo@telus. net with the details over what you witnessed.
Thank you, Brian.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was walking eastbound over the Laurier bridge looking up at the National Defence Headquarters when I noticed a large white silent fireball flying ENE and breaking through the clouds. This lasted approximately two seconds. A map of the trajectory is located at http://addj. ca/trajectory. jpg . Also noticed a burning smell a minute or two after I saw the display.
Also the map is at the end of this report where is reads "media".
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research
Bradford, West Yorkshire Triangular Pattern Of Lights
Date: October 5, 2008
Time: 8:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Bradford, West Yorkshire.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Triangle.
Full Description of event/sighting: Three of us saw an object with maybe 15 small whitish lights, in two V patterns one behind the other move across the sky. It move at about the speed of a low flying plane, but with no noise what so ever.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research
UFOs Over Bendigo, Victoria, Australia
Date: October 7, 2008
Time: 10.15 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Over Goldensquare/ Kangaroo flat in Bendigo.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Both round lights.
Full Description of event/sighting: Last night around 10.15pm I was leaving my friends house in the car when for what reason I don't know I looked up at the sky and I saw two very bright lights flying low across the sky above my head and slightly to the left. I watched them go behind some trees ahead of me and followed in my car so I could get a better look. As I got to the other side of the trees, the lights were much further away and I only saw them again for a second or two when they just disappeared. There was no noise, it was completely silent. I did not have the radio on and my window was down.
When I think about the way in which they moved, it did not seem natural, like an aeroplane. I felt totally calm and didn't freak out at all. After they disappeared I stopped my car and got out to see if I could see where they went and there was nothing. It was a clear night here in Bendigo, Victoria, Australia. I text my friend who's house I just left and told them what I saw. Then continued on my way home. I wonder if anyone else saw them, surely someone must have.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research
Exeter Township, Reading, Pennsylvania A Copper Colored Object Hovering
Date: October 7, 2008
Time: 6:15 - 6:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Exeter Township.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Rounded triangle, possible cigar shape.
HBCC UFO Research Note: When reading the report below and if you might have seen the object would you please contact me, Brian at hbccufo@telus. net Thank you.
Full Description of event/sighting: I had left a department store and looked up above the store at the very beautiful sunset. In the distance is a highway and a set of trees. My jaw dropped as I saw a copper colored object hovering ever so slowly. Was it a balloon? No. A blimp. Too flat. A jet plane or helicopter could never hover that slow. It had a protrusion under the front, triangular yet rounded fuselage. It had zero means of propulsion showing, no intakes, propellers or anything. There it was, hovering and then it moved ever so slowly. Directed intelligently. Down abit, then up a bit heading east. A women got into a mini van and I said to her, as I stood next to my car. Do you see what I do? She said yes, with a shocked expression. She watched for a while then seemingly disturbed drove away. I watched the object go behind trees, then out it dipped abit, always slow. Then went behind a dense part of the trees. It was a UFO, in the classical sense, quite, triangular and hovering. A deep copper color, but it could of been silver reflecting the golden sunset. I have heard zero news about this amazing sight. It does somewhat parallel the above recent Maryland sighting in shape of the object and time. Sunset. I can see it still and carry the picture of it's slow, deliberate hanging course in my mind the rest of my life. P.S. A small private plane flew over it at about 1000 feet up and to the objects southwest, going east.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
HBCC UFO Research
Hoorn, Holland Ten Witnesses Watch 20 Bright Objects
Date: October 9, 2008
Time: 19:30 to longer then 22:30.
Location of Sighting: Hoorn, Holland
Number of witnesses: 10
Number of objects: 20
Shape of objects: Very bright lights and flickering too.
Full Description of event/sighting: It was 19:30. I was going back to home. Then, I saw in the sky flickering lights, "teleporting" , like they doing a race. And then following another one. It disappeared from nowhere! This was very creepy, I saw going to my room and looking outside. Outside I saw so many lights everywhere! They disappeared, and appeared from nowhere! I have taken pictures with the camera, but these objects were really small. I couldn't make any photo/video and they didn't make any sound.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research - http://www.hbccufo. org
Mississauga, Ontario Bright Light Above
Date: October 10, 2008
Time: Approx: 8:30 p.m.
On October 10, 2008 in Mississauga, Ontario I was in a Mall parking lot and looked up. I noticed how the stars were out and looked at their positions. When I looked up a minute later (I was waiting for someone) there was another bright star out above that wasn't there before. Then I noticed it was slowly moving. I was just wondering if it could be a plane as it was extremely high when it suddenly glowed red and faded away. I don't think there were any clouds to fade behind and I didn't notice any flashing lights to indicate it was a plane. It was just a very bright light. Take care.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research
Mississauga, Ontario White Bulging UFO
Date: October 11, 2008
Time: 10:50 a.m.
Location of Sighting: At home-Mississauga, Ontario.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round, rather bulging in the center.
Full Description of event/sighting: Object was white. Was not an airplane, as there were many airplanes in the area with contrails. It was bulging in the center. It completely disappeared into thin air. It was very visible in the daytime, was very high in the sky. Object was headed north.
Thank you very much to the witness for the report.
HBCC UFO Research
UFO A Oddly Shaped Craft Over Miami, Florida
Date: October 11, 2008
Time: Approx: 11:45 p.m.
Hello Brian. I was searching through the internet for a possible explanation for what I just witnessed about 20 minutes ago tonight and came across your article with your email. First off my name is (name removed) and I live in Miami, FL. I am currently a student pilot training at Tamiami Airport with Miami Dade College. I thought that perhaps you would like to know about what I just witnessed.
Well I was driving home from a friends house. My home is located behind the airport where I train. So I was headed home with a clear view of the airfield along side the long road. I was wondering if there were any small aircrafts coming in to land around that time which was approximately 11:45pm. So I looked up in the sky while driving to see if I could spot any airplanes or any landing lights and as I did so, I happened to see what looked like the silhouette of an aircraft in the sky. I followed it for a moment and noticed that it was oddly shaped and that it had no lights on. I was telling myself how dangerous that was and that there was no way possible that the pilot operating that aircraft would turn his lights off, much less flying over the airfield.
I kept watching and noticed that this oddly shaped craft was actually camouflaging itself with the night sky, as if it were in some stealth mode. All I could make out were the edges and how it was shaped in some what of an odd round figure. It was traveling quite fast and as a student pilot, I know for a fact that half the aircraft I see go in and out of that small airport can't possibility travel as fast as this was. It just seemed to glide right over the back end of the runway right across my windshield. I kept my eye on it until it passed the support beam on my car to where I needed to look out the side window. Well there were water droplets on the side window.
So I decided to quickly roll it down so I could have a better look and as I did and looked for it, it just seemed to have disappeared! Completely. I was taken aback by this and some what shocked trying to figure out what I had just seen and I examined my windshield further to see if there were any possible smudges or water droplets that could of deceived my vision. My windshield was spotless and with the minor smudges I examined. I tried to recreate and see if it looked the same to my eye by viewing it toward the sky and nothing seemed to resemble what I saw. I am some what of a skeptic with the whole UFO thing and I've seen and heard many reports on TV shows and articles. But never in my life would I have thought that I would see what I just saw. Oh and as for the weather.
The sky was very clear with a few clouds dotted around the area. None of which resembled the craft I witnessed cross the airport. As a student pilot, I can identify what is and isn't an aircraft and I assure you that what I saw was very real. I tried to see if any one around me saw the same but no one seemed to of paid any attention. I wanted to contact the airports Air Traffic Tower and see if they had picked anything up in their radar, but the tower closes at 9 at this airport. So I don't really know what to do or say other than tell you what I saw. Perhaps you can give me an explanation as to what I could of been seeing. I thought at first that it could of been a bird or a bat. But that was quickly dismissed as I kept my eye on it. Hope to hear from you soon. I apologize for my horrible spelling by the way. It's just I am in a hurry to get some things done and needed to type this up real quick and explain to you. Please do contact me soon. Thank you for your time.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research
Cartmel Cumbria UK 10 To 16 Objects
Date: October 11, 2008
Time: Approx: 10:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Cartmel Cumbria.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 10 - 16
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was driving into Cartmel Cumbria UK at approx 22:30 when I saw about 12 circular objects flying below a low cloud base in formation. My wife was with me. We stopped the car to observe. The objects maintained their formation and continued in an easterly direction. They seemed to go up through the cloud until the orangish light was obscured by the cloud. Shortly after 4 more similar objects followed in formation - silently. Another car stopped to observe but I didn't speak to the other driver.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research
Kangaroo Ground Victoria, Australia Oval Shaped Green Streaking Object
Date: October 12, 2008
Time: 5.25 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Kangaroo Ground, VIC
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Oval with comet tail.
Full Description of event/sighting: We were returning home from a cancelled early morning balloon flight in the Yarra Valley. The sighting took place as we progressed towards Eltham on the road passing through Kangaroo Ground.
Conditions were perfectly clear skies (although windy), in a rural 80 km/h area, with no street lighting. My wife and I were driving within the speed limit and were both suddenly aware of a beautiful oval shaped, transparent green streak of light that was travelling at high speed in a diagonal trajectory towards the fields next to our car (on the driver side).
The shape was briefly identified (about 10-20 seconds) as an oval of about 3 feet (1 metre) in length, coated in a soft green shroud of swirling gases and light, with a long thin tracer tail of vapour (similar to a comet). It was hard to see if the object was a rock/meteorite, foreign craft or a piece of \'space rubbish\' burning up as it headed to earth. The object was barely metres from our vehicle (a black family sedan car). There were no vehicle in my rear view mirror or in front of us at the time of the sighting.
There was no opportunity to pursue the object as no safe area to stop and change our course/observe the event further. We did not witness any further lights or see/hear any explosion on impact etc.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
HBCC UFO Research