PSICAN - Paranormal Studies and Inquiry Canada

British Columbia

Powell River, BC August 19th 2014 9:30pm Water UFO

(please see photo below)

UFO details report: Powell River, British Columbia, Canada. Last night, (August 19th, 2014) my two friends and I were sitting on the beach cliffs watching the sky. Suddenly at the next bay over, which was Myrtle Rocks, a strange ball of light rose very slow from the water near Texada. It hovered for about 15 minutes and then turned to a different direction and then turned towards us in a jolt sort of move. As it came closer we noticed how it had a spinning motion and how different colours, red blue and green, would fade in and out as it span. We weren't sure what it was but we were all scared so we panicked and ran towards the beach exit. Soon we realized we weren't going to make the exit in time before it flew above us, so one of my friends and I ran into a nearby forested yard as one friend stayed behind. She recalls it flying over her quick and low, large with an unnatural glow to it. After it passed we met up and made it back to the road, almost home, still running. The friend who stayed behind did it again, just as we turned into my driveway. She said "I don't know why I stopped, I felt like I had to," then seeing the ship return to nearly chop trees as it turned over a clearing and again out of sight. When she returned she was unsure, but we are sure now. We saw a UFO. Can you recall what we saw?

Our thanks goes out to the witness for sharing this experience with us. If you have seen something similar at this date/time/location, can add further information to this report, or have experienced something that you believe may be a UFO please contact us at or fill out our reporting form Your privacy will be protected and confidentiality is assured.

Powell River UFO Report


The witness writes: Here in Powell River, British Columbia, we also got a picture of what the strange and glowing ball of light looked like from our point of view. It stayed in this spot for 15 minutes so I decided to take a photo