PSICAN - Paranormal Studies and Inquiry Canada

British Columbia

Vancouver's Hycroft mansion is one of the city's most stately homes, and is also reported to be one of the most haunted houses. The 20,000 square foot Shaughnessy home was used as a veteran's hospital from 1943-1960, but is now owned by the University Women's club.

There are reportedly seven ghosts in the 30-room home, including an older man in a First World War officer's uniform. The ghost is believed to be Alexander McRae, a prominent politician and war hero who built the home in 1909. His wife Blanche is also known to cause some disturbances.

Since the University Women's club bought the property in 1962, the home is often used as a film set.



Supernatural B.C. attracts visitors from beyond


Have you experienced something that you think might be paranormal at Hycroft Mansion or elsewhere in Vancouver? Can you add any further information to this report? If so please do contact us at Your privacy will be protected, and confidentiality is assured.