PSICAN - Paranormal Studies and Inquiry Canada

British Columbia

The Old Spaghetti Factory in Gastown is reportedly haunted by a male ghost that is dressed in old fashioned looking clothing. The male apparition is most often seen sitting in the trolley car located in the dining room, but has also been seen/felt in other areas of the restaurant including the bathroom.

Long time employees have heard their names being called by a disembodied voice, objects appear, and disappear, and  on occasion the cutlery is disturbed.

A picture of what is believed to be the ghost on the steps of the trolley car hangs in the restaurant. The spirit is thought to be connected to the car, possibly a former conductor.

Have you experienced something that you think might be paranormal at The Old Spaghetti Factory or elsewhere in Gastown? Can you add any further information to this report? If so please do contact us at Your privacy will be protected, and confidentiality is assured.