Article Index
On August 15, 2007, an article titled “Is there a Kamaniskeg Loch Ness” by Kate Weldon, Staff Reporter was published in the Barry’s Bay This Week newspaper.
The image was taken by the Fleming family who were vacationing at the Chippawa Cottage Resort on Kamaniskeg Lake and have for the past 27 years. During a canoe trip on the lake the Fleming’s were snapping pictures of the scenery. Sometime later, when they were reviewing the picture they zoomed in on the picture and noticed that there was a rock or a bump and what appeared to be a ripple or a splash in the water surrounding the foreign object. The Fleming’s indicated in the news article that “Those of us who have been coming to Chippawa know there is no rock sticking out like that just of the right side of the beach!” (See original images #1 and 2)
The article and images were provided by Martha Perkins, the Editor for the Barry’s Bay and Haliburton newspapers. I had the image enhanced by professional photographer, Matt Butler of Xtrme Imaging in Barrie, ON, Canada. Mr Butler wrote the following to me.
“ That's quite the photo!
At first glance, I must admit it appears to be a large rock in the distance, but if there's no rock in that location, than I can't imagine a rock being there (and a rock that size certainly wouldn't be something that could surface and stay there on its own).
The lighter shading to the bottom left of the object appears to be waves, and when I believed them to be such I thought the object looked similar to a whales tail slipping beneath the surface of the water.
After cropping closer to the object , lightening up the photo as best I could and pulling out the detail that is there, I came up with the image I've attached: (See image # 3)

And now I'm left questioning whether the light section to the bottom left of the object is in fact waves or a part of the object.
If you refer to 2 different black and white versions of the image below, the shape changes slightly again: (See images # 4 and 5)