Release Date: June 14, 2009
HBCC UFO Research Note:
I have had a wonderful time since mid 2000 meeting, talking on the telephone and writing to the thousands of eyewitnesses who were kind enough to share their experiences with me. Along this journey, I have made long lasting friends, not only with the witnesses, but so many in the media who were kind enough to have me on their radio programs and the countless newspapers who lent a hand in getting the stories out in hopes of finding more folks to a incident, or who directed their readers to my site.
I am leaving the UFO field for good, it is time for me to get back to all the things I enjoyed before getting involved with UFOs. The funny thing is I have spent so much time on this unusual topic I forgot I had another life. All I did was to place every waking hour into the UFO topic. So, time for family and many of the things I once did. Plus a big thing is to look after my health.
I have already set all of my "Report A UFO" links to Mr. John Hayes who operates a great UFO resource. John will be receiving all of the sighting reports that would have come into HBCC UFO Research. You can find UFOINFO at: http://www.ufoinfo. com/
Thank you to everyone for your reports and kindness and also my deepest thanks to the folks who helped in supporting HBCC UFO Research.
Take good care, Brian Vike - Director of HBCC UFO Research.
Brian Vike will be sorely missed by all those who know him, and appreciate the tremendous amount of dedication, and work that he has brought over the years to Canadian UFOlogy. Take care Brian, and thank you so much for all of your hard work we wish you the very best in all of your future endeavours.