
White Mud Falls May 17th 2014 10:40pm approx.

UFO details report: May 17, 2014 Approximately 10:40 pm White mud Falls Manitoba Witnesses: my wife, my brother, his wife and my brothers daughter.Weather conditions: cloudy While standing outside my camper trailer with my family we noticed a bright coloured ball coming from the eastern horizon, its colour was a bright orange and was like the shape of a ball. This was not really surprising then it disappeared in the western sky. The bright ball travelled across the sky over our heads and this took about three minutes to go across the sky. It no sooner disappeared then another bright orange ball appeared from the same direction and travelled the same path as the previous one. This ball also disappeared in the west. This process repeated another three times with the exact same path in flight. In total we saw five of these bright orange balls travel across the sky.There was no sound and no tail on the objects. Even with the cloudy conditions these objects could be seen quite clearly. So we believe that they were travelling below the clouds. Total time 15-18 minutes.   

Our thanks goes out to the witness for sharing this experience with us. If you have seen something similar at this date/time/location, can add further information to this report, or have experienced something that you believe may be a UFO please contact us at or fill out our reporting form Your privacy will be protected and confidentiality is assured.