
We received the following beautiful account that illustrates that our love really does go on after death particularly when that love is between human and dog.

On April 22nd, 1999 I lost my best friend. Rosie was an eleven year old Chesapeake Bay Retriever that had been struggling with health from three months of age.

Throughout our eleven years together, Rosie proved time and again to understand every aspect of our family routine. She allowed by children, when they were too young to know better, to crawl all over her, stick their little fingers in her mouth, steal her food and she was always so wise and gentle with them. As my children grew, Rosie had memorized their school bus schedule and was the look-out at the door long before I was. When items were lost, Rosie could find them. When hearts were broken, Rosie could mend them.

In her tenth year, digestive problems overtook Rosie and her health became difficult to manage. The details are not pleasant, but it will suffice to say that one night, at one o'clock in the morning, Rosie came to me as I slept. She placed her cold nose on mine just long enough to wake me up. When I sat up and saw my dear friend, I realized that she had been overcome with bloat. It was not the first time, but something in her eyes and her distressing breathing told me it might be the last. I took Rosie into my sleeping children's rooms. Gently I awaken them and said "Give Rosie a hug, she needs to go to the emergency with me right away".

Innocently, each of my children gave Rosie a hug and kiss and then tumbled back into bed and their sleepy bliss.

I rushed Rosie to the emergency veterinary clinic. This time, they could not decompress her. Her heart was failing. I had to make 'that choice'. It was inevitable. I could not let my friend suffer any longer. Her tail was wagging as we put her down.

I sobbed there with her on the floor for hours. She was my friend.

At three a.m. I drove home in a state that peaked with emotion. The sky was ethereal. I was connected to the next world because of Rosie. As I pulled into my driveway, my eyes focused on the neighbours house. The woman that lived their had been struggling with breast cancer for ten years. There was an absolute truth that came to me in words at that moment in the middle of the night. "Maria is leaving today". I heard these words, not in my head but in my heart.  As I stood there in the silent night, I looked up to heaven and I simply nodded.

The next morning I heard that Maria had died shortly after I had pulled into my driveway. I knew that Rosie had told me so.

Months passed. I was awakened by my jack russell terrier who had to relieve herself in the middle of the night. I staggered to the back porch. It was foggy and 1 a.m.

As my jack russell ran down into the yard and out of sight, a dark chocolate coated dog emerged from the fog and silently moved towards me across the back deck. Her head was down, her demeanour timid, but it was my Rosie.

My breath caught in my throat. My eyes opened up and released months of sorrow. I gently bent over and reached out a hand. She came towards me. I cupped my hands around her ears and rubbed them as I had a thousand times before. She loved it.

My husband came sleepily into the kitchen and asked what I was doing. I whispered"  Its Rosie. Can you see her? Please don't scare her away". He nodded that he could see her and stood silently while she and I connected. When she felt that she had communicated what she had come to, she quietly backed into the foggy yard and was gone.

I awakened with tears streaming down my face. I asked a friend of mine who is a psychic what she thought. She told me that Rosie was one of my guardian angels. I believe her. I believe that Rosie is in a wonderful place now and I believe that she wanted me to know that.

When it is my time to pass, I am sure that Rosie will be waiting for me on the other side.

Our thanks go out to the witness for sharing these experiences with us, and our readers. We appreciate it, and hopefully this will bring some comfort to others who may be experiencing something similar or are facing the loss of a beloved furry friend in the knowledge that they are not alone.  If you have experienced something you think may be paranormal in Ontario or elsewhere in Canada please contact us at admin@psican.org Your privacy will be protected, and confidentiality is assured.