
Kingston is a historic city, being our countries first capital, and the main defense point in the 1800's. Pretty much everyone in Kingston has a ghost story to tell, or says their house is haunted. Not surprising, considering the majority of the buildings there date to the 19th century.

There's so many, actually, that there's even a guided ghost tour. I can't remember all of the stories I've heard, and I'm not going to tell the ones I don't have confirmation of. But here's the one I do..

I am well acquainted with someone who works at city hall. His office is located on the lower floor, near the technical department.

Now, the technical storage department is located directly beside the old jail room. In this room, the cells still stand with their original caged doors, walls and floorboards, but are used for storage. The reports are from people who, usually while working late, hear noises from the area of the cells.

Chains, crying, and footsteps have all been reported. I have also received confirmation from a few other municipal workers about this.

I'm inviting people from Kingston to share their stories also, as I know there are plenty of them. I lived in the city for a number of years, and return yearly, and would love to hear what you have to say.

Our thanks to our reader for submitting the above information. 

If you wish to send in your Kingston story so I can send it off to our reporter and possibly use it here on the site, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will pass along or post the information.