We received the following report in 2011, but the events described occurred between 2004-2005:
I've noticed that there are no reports on the website of hauntings at Waterfront SkyTrain Station in Vancouver and found that strange. All of these incidents happened between summer 2004-2005, and I have since moved out of the city. I have been in the stairwell three times at night and heard phantom footsteps running past, mens older style flat-soled shoes heading down the stairs, running, almost frantic sounding as I've been on my way up the stairs. No presence, cold draft or anything else that I noticed, just the sound of the shoes.The first time, it passed me about two feet away, but it didn't occur to me until after I was in the lobby that there was no physical source for the sound. The second incident, I noticed it right away and turned to watch, only hearing the shoes, no one there.The third time, I was with a friend who heard it too.
I've been periodically attempting searches for reports on this location but can't find anything new. I have found an online article that reports activity in the building itself, including the phantom footsteps, but nothing specific about the stairwell. The last paragraph also mentions a rail worker who died in 1928 while doing repairs; may be the source? Anyone in Vancouver ever experience anything strange at this location?
Our thanks goes out to the witness for sharing these experiences with us. If you have experienced something similar at this location or can add further information to this report, or have experienced something that you believe may be a ghost or haunting in Canada please contact us at admin@psican.org or fill out our ghosts and hauntings reporting form. Your privacy will be protected and confidentiality is assured.